Tuesday, July 5, 2022


 Greetings WIN METHOD baseball fans and those of you trying to save America from being destroyed by the people presently running/ruining America right now.  Eight months is a long time between blog posts, but once this season got rolling, I didn't want to upset the applecart.  

The 2022 season, what can I say?  So far so good.  This team seems to be on a mission and their goal is the World Series.   The mid-point of the season seemed to be a good time to chime in.  Having a thirteen-game lead on your closest competitor is a pretty good place to be in.  

The YANKEE minor league teams have a great amount of up-and-coming talent developing through the system and should make for a consistent playoff team for many years to come.  The loser fans who are not happy with making the playoffs consistently have issues to deal with in their thought process.  Since the onset of the WIN METHOD, the YANKEES have been the winningest team in all of baseball and have never had a losing season.  Unfortunately, no team can win the big prize all the time, and no team can even play for the big prize all the time, however, no team comes close to playing for and winning the World Series more than the YANKEES.  

Here is a bit of information all WIN METHOD YANKEE fans should love hearing, here it is, Aaron Judge will finish his career in a New York YANKEE uniform.

Now, as the YANKEES continue through this season, it appears apparent to most YANKEE fans, the YANKEES need to do some tinkering with player personnel to upgrade the team in certain positions.  Let me tell you, YANKEE management is well aware of these concerns and are addressing them.  I cannot divulge who, how, where, when, and what will be done, because it is an ongoing process with many variables that must be considered and accounted for.  Please remember fans, the YANKEES management makes the final decisions after hearing all input from many sources.  Then after all is concluded, it always comes down to the performance of the players on the field when it matters and counts most.  No individual stat of any player is more important than the team winning.  Wins and winning are in the final analysis the determining factor in the best players and teams are every season.

The YANKEES have been playing .700 baseball so far this season and that is outstanding.  Just playing .600 baseball for the rest of the season will carry them to the playoffs.  

WIN METHOD fans, you all know when this blog started, how it has grown, and number of views that it has received over the past fourteen years.  It is the number one YANKEE baseball blog, forum, site, message board in the world.  WIN METHOD fans, you did that.  Many of you have come from other sites that have either failed or folded, are struggling with minimal views, or are still in operation, but are of poor quality where posters are not really allowed to speak freely.  You WIN METHOD fans have this blog on track to reach one billion four hundred million views this year.  THANK YOU ALL, THE GREATEST AND MOST INTELLIGENT BASEBALL FANS ON EARTH.


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will-i-am said...

Final. Yankees lose 4-2. Boone played this as an exhibition game as it meant absolutely nothing. Several days off, find out who is healthy, decide on the roster, and host the playoffs. Lets go Yankees.

NJYANKEE said...

OK, here's the info.

Toronto hosts Seattle in one wildcard set. Cleveland host Tampa Bay in the other wildcard set.

Houston hosts the Toronto/Seattle winner. The YANKEES host the Cleveland/Tampa Bay winner.

Deb F said...

We play whoever wins, we do our best, produce when it matters most, and if we do, we win and move on to the next round.


Yankees have been given a total and complete off day tomorrow on their own recognizance. No one allowed into ballpark. Back to normal Friday. Who will be on roster will be the major decision. As fans none of us know what each players physical condition is nor their recovery prognosis. Whoever makes the roster, no matter who they are, needs to contribute when it matters the most. If they do the Yankees will likely win and move on up the ladder.

So, to all the stat frauds out there who know nothing, shut your mouths.

Veerayut Maneechote said...

My two cents. Biden, his administration, democrats, liberals, progressives and their sympathizers and supporters are destroying the United States of America. Anyone who can't see this or refuses to believe this is deaf, dumb, and blind.

JDM2101 said...

BLM is a tool of the liberal democrat party. It was created to spread lies about police, hate of the police, and to intimidate voters.

BLM really stands for Black Life Murderers. This criminal organization has caused the death of thousands more blacks in urban America since 2014 by forcing police to back off. It was all based on a lie that blacks are shot more often. However, blacks are 13% of the US population, commit 50% of US murders, 45% of violent crime but represent only 30% of deaths by police. Violent crime drives violent encounters with police.

Grosner said...

If you total up all the members of US congress + the house/senate/governors members of all US states there are many more republicans in control today than there were in 2010 (54% of all offices are held by R vs 43% in 2010). That's right--this country is run by majority R.

If you don't like the direction this country is headed than lets make a change and vote REPUBLICANS OUT of every elected office in this country!

MAGA2022 said...

Grosner, your numbers are cherry picked and meaningless.


108th (2003–2005) Republicans Republicans Republican (G.W. Bush) Unified
109th (2005–2007) Republicans Republicans Republican (G.W. Bush) Unified
110th (2007–2009) Democrats Democrats13 Republican (G.W. Bush) Divided
111th (2009–2011) Democrats Democrats Democrat (Obama) Unified
112th (2011–2013) Republicans Democrats Democrat (Obama) Divided
113th (2013–2015) Republicans Democrats Democrat (Obama) Divided
114th (2015–2017) Republicans Republicans Democrat (Obama) Divided
115th (2017–2019) Republicans Republicans Republican (Trump) Unified
116th (2019–2021) Democrats Republicans Republican (Trump) Divided
117th (2022- now) Democrats Democrats Democrat (Biden) Unified
Either party has control and is responsible only when the party has total control = Unified

When under Bush the Republicans had total control, somewhat due to 911. The country did well.

When under Obama the Democrats had total control. That is when America started to fall, due to Obama fostering hate and violence. Obama rhetoric started tearing the country apart.

When under Trump America began to flourish despite everything the democrats and fake media did to try to stop him. Made up stories, fake allegations built on corruption and lies. Trump was the peoples President and Trump did what he said he would do. Trump Made America Great Again.

When under Biden America is being destroyed at an alarming rate. There is nothing, not one thing that can be said good about the people in charge of America now. Biden, following in the footsteps of Obama is being destroyed again, and at an alarming rate.

Facts kill and hopefully the facts will mean a red wave in the November 2022 elections.


Woody/Atlanta said...

MAGA2022, Hear hear. Vote Conservative Republican.

Eddie OConnor said...

The Yankee roster for the ALDS will rely on information we as fans know little to nothing about. I can almost guarantee Cabrera will be on the roster. Just so much value.

Don't worry about me, I always vote republican. I can see and hear and most important think,

muchomachoman said...

American and National League Division Series Dates

All play on October 11.
AL teams have an off day on the 12th.
October 12 only NL teams play.
October 13 only AL teams play while NL teams have off day/travel day.
October 14 only NL teams play. Travel day for AL.
October 15 all play if necessary (NL team may have swept).
October 16 all play if necessary.
October 17 only AL plays if necessary.

Mark Wagoner said...

America need's a November project! You must vote against every single Democrat on your election ballot.

Grosner said...

No, Mark, you meant to say FOR every democrat. We have elected a ton more R's in state governments the last 10 years, and look what it got us. A country being destroyed (or at least a perception of one being destroyed thanks to FoxNews indoctrination).

Midterm elections are historically very difficult for incumbent parties. Thankfully the Dems have the support of imbecile Donald J Trump to help put forth disasterous candites like Hershel Walker and Dr Oz. We owe Trump! We can pay him back by taking a few years off his 20 year jail sentence.

Go Yankees!

Lou Lis said...

Grosner, if you are representative of the democrat voter, no wonder the country is going to hell.

Everyone, you decide, vote republican and try to save our country, or vote democrat and help destroy it.

Yankeeforever said...

Common sense fans, common sense. Everyone, think back to when Trump was President, how he and his family were persecuted, lied about, the investigation, more lies, made you allegations, made up stories. Yet through it all Trump did what he said he wanted to do, he made America great again. What was inflation 1-2%. What were you paying for gasoline and fuel to heat your homes when he made America energy independent. The only crime under his watch were the democrat bought and paid for criminals, antifa and BLM. Burning, looting, killing, destroying. Trump offered the national guard to every city being destroyed. Not one of the scum democrat mayors or governors accepted the offer. They let the mobs burn, loot, kill, and destroy. Now we have the real criminal in charge Joe Biden and his criminal family dealing with corrupt dictators and getting rick making deals with them and at the same time destroying America and hurting you, the people, some of you who may have voted the for the, #%&#*(%@)&%$#^!@#, you know what I mean. The Biden family, the entire family of filth. The media says nothing and allows the corruption, but never stopped going after Trump, to the extent of out and out lying and making up stories. The joe-bama/commie administration tells us inflation is 8.3%. Another lie, inflation is over 20%. You all know it, just go back and look at what your expenses were in 2019 and compare them to what your expenses are now. All your expenses, not just what the corrupt government tells you they count. Look at the non-stop crime across America. Innocent American's like you and me being killed every day. Beaten, every day, robbed every day. Criminal walking over our boarder invited by Biden, who doesn't even know where the border is. We pay the bills and we are being lied to. What are you paying for gasoline, and wait to you see what your fuel bills will be this winter for your homes. The end is near and we will face the final curtain unless we crush every democrat liberal politician and vote every one of them out of every office. COMMON SENSE. Go back and check for yourselves, do not believe the democrat liberal liars, the left wing news media who are paid to lie, even the FBI, DOJ, and IRS are the problem. Corrupt to the core. Good night people. Use your COMMON SENSE, see for yourselves, life under Trump or life under Biden. Decide with your vote. COMMON SENSE.

Grosner said...

3.5% unemployment a 50 year low!, record number of Americans employed, Micron investing 50 BILLION and creating 50,000 high paying jobs thanks to Biden, Russia falling apart thanks to Biden's steadfast support and ally building, crime DOWN in 2022, bold action on marijuana incarceration supported by 70% of Americans, and on and on....


Diane Stahl said...

Yankeeforever, let me expound and be concise on your points.

Gas and fuel prices...Under Trump republicans America energy independent, very low gas and fuel prices for every American family and minimal inflation. Under Biden democrats America no longer energy independent, sky high gas and fuel prices for every American family and sky high double digit inflation.

America under TRUMP republicans๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ˜Š. America under Biden democrats ๐Ÿ˜ž๐Ÿ‘Ž๐Ÿ‘Ž๐Ÿ‘Ž๐Ÿ˜ž.

Cory said...

US Labor Force Participation Rate

Date Value
September 30, 2022 62.30%
August 31, 2022 62.40%
July 31, 2022 62.10%
June 30, 2022 62.20%
May 31, 2022 62.30%
April 30, 2022 62.20%
March 31, 2022 62.40%
February 28, 2022 62.30%
January 31, 2022 62.20%
December 31, 2021 61.90%
November 30, 2021 61.90%
October 31, 2021 61.70%
September 30, 2021 61.70%
August 31, 2021 61.70%
July 31, 2021 61.70%
June 30, 2021 61.60%
May 31, 2021 61.60%
April 30, 2021 61.70%
March 31, 2021 61.50%
February 28, 2021 61.50%
January 31, 2021 61.40%
December 31, 2020 61.50%
November 30, 2020 61.50%
October 31, 2020 61.60%
September 30, 2020 61.40%
August 31, 2020 61.70%
July 31, 2020 61.50%
June 30, 2020 61.40%
May 31, 2020 60.80%
April 30, 2020 60.20%
--------Onset of Covid----
March 31, 2020 62.70%
February 29, 2020 63.40%
January 31, 2020 63.40%
December 31, 2019 63.30%
November 30, 2019 63.20%
October 31, 2019 63.20%
September 30, 2019 63.10%
August 31, 2019 63.20%
July 31, 2019 63.10%
June 30, 2019 62.90%
May 31, 2019 62.90%
April 30, 2019 62.90%
March 31, 2019 63.10%
February 28, 2019 63.10%
January 31, 2019 63.10%
December 31, 2018 63.00%
November 30, 2018 62.90%
October 31, 2018 62.90%
September 30, 2018 62.80%
August 31, 2018 62.70%

Fact....Each year the US population increases and more people join the workforce.
Fact....Unemployment rate is a made up number as determined by corrupt federal agencies.
Fact....Labor participation rate is factual determined on amount of people in the workforce
compared to how many are actually working. That is the labor participation rate.

From where we start August 31, 2018 the Labor Participation Rate has been largest than in anytime in history including the corrupt Biden administration and their made up unemployment percent which is fake and manipulated by only using certain conditions that are handpicked by corrupt bought and paid for stooges.

MAGA2022 said...

Just a question and I do not need any responses, I know what they overwhelmingly would be.

How are your investments going? Up or down?

Are you finding it easier or harder paying for your housing, gas, fuel, groceries, and all around living expenses?

Only one way to correct these issues. Vote Trump Conservative Republicans or Conservative Republicans in all elections across America.

Come on aboard democrats and independents. You can see and feel what is happening to our country under this corrupt foul treasonous administration. You can help save America. Vote Republican.

Pepe Gonzales said...

American wage earners feeling the inflation pinch. Worst in 25 years.

More Workers Find Their Wages Falling Even Further Behind Inflation
Robert Rich, Joseph Tracy and Mason Krohn

October 04, 2022
A rising real wage allows workers to improve their standard of living. However, the Wall Street Journal recently reported that “… vast numbers of Americans find their cost of living is rising faster than the income they’re bringing home.”

How prevalent is this situation and how much is the shortfall? We find that a majority of employed workers’ real (inflation-adjusted) wages have failed to keep up with inflation in the past year. For these workers, the median decline in real wages is a little more than 8.5 percent. Taken together, these outcomes appear to be the most severe faced by employed workers over the past 25 years.

All this occurred on Biden's first day in office when he shut down American gas and oil independence. This made for a cataclysmic effect for the American people.

Biden in words. Corrupt, fool, cheat, traitor, liar, demented, brandon, treasonous, coward, hater, and evil.

Doug Parker said...

I'm pretty sure Joe Biden is very proud of his son Hunter, a chip off the old block.

AAA said...

Doug Parker, two peas in a pod. Rotten peas.

Warren Hammond said...

Cory, your facts overwhelm the fake stats. We use the phrase 'common sense' here a lot when we compare the WIN METHOD and wins to the stat frauds who use manipulated formula stats.

The phrase 'common sense' can easily be used to compare republican Trumps presidency to democrat Bidens criminal administration.

Under Trump, America and the American people flourished, and America was feared. Under Biden, American and the American people are floundering, and America is the laughingstock of the world.

Billy Tedder said...

We have the capacity to produce our own oil and gas in this country, but this climate change lie takes priority one in the joe-bama administration, so they will do business with the killers instead of the drillers. joe-bama would rather hurt America and we the people than do what is right and good for America and we the people.

Linda Rice said...

First game of wildcard playoffs today. Indians nip Rays 2-1 in pitcher duel. Phillies surprise Cardinals with 6 ninth inning runs to win 6-3. Mariners take down the Blue Jays 4-0. Padres rout Mets 7-1 pounding Sherzer for four home runs.

Sorry to interrupt the politics with baseball news. ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜

TuGabHi said...

The Biden Admin does not care about the American people. Permanent Washington loots us to serve the interests of the arms-manufacturing global oligarchy while we struggle to pay for gas/food/rent and our soldiers go on food stamps.

Yanks23245 said...

Linda Rice, no problem, gets us back on track, funny nonetheless. Second games of the wild card series today and a must win for all of yesterday's losers.

Waynedull said...

I'm sorry, but a game devoid of offense is dull, dull, dull.

Wilsonsway said...

Waynedull, no question you are sorry, you are also an idiot. Every game is different is so many ways. That is part of the greatness of the the world's greatest game. I'm watching a game right now Rays/Indians, 0-0 after nine innings. One mistake could win of lose the game for either team.

Hoyle said...

MLB commissioner Rob Manfraud and his ignorant ghost runner in extra innings rule. It is interesting that MLB does not allow the automatic runner on 2nd base in extra innings in post-season games. If it's too stupid a rule for the post-season, then it should be too stupid for the regular season too.

Alex Antonius said...

Basically, when you see a very low scoring game, you are seeing great pitching and great defense from both teams.

Norm Jackson said...

Indians walk off homer in 15th wins game 1-0 and wins series. Rays go home.

In the two game series Indian pitchers gave up 1 run, a solo homer, over 24 innings. WOW!

The Yankees will host the Indians in game one of their best of five series Tuesday October 11th.

Yanks23245 said...

Trailing 8-1 after five innings the Mariners came from behind in the last four innings scoring nine times defeating the Blue Jays 10-9. The Blue Jays have lost their wildcard game series and now head home for the winter. The Mariners will now play the Houston Astro's next round of the playoffs, the ALDS which is a best 3 of 5 series.

YankeeBob said...

Waynedull, A 1-0, 15 inning walk off win. What a great game to watch, more so if you were a fan of either team. You might rethink what you know about baseball if you want to be a knowledgeable fan.

RLA said...

Mets defeat Padres 7-3. Series even and series deciding game tomorrow. Winner tomorrow moves on to the NLDS and will play the Dodgers starting in Los Angeles. Loser's season is over.

RLA said...

Phillies just finished off Cardinals 2-0 to sweep series. The Cardinals go home and the Phillies go to the NLDS to play Atlanta starting in Atlanta.

sid greenberg,nyc said...

One wild card round baseball game left. Padres and Mets one last game for one of them. Around 7 or 7:30 tomorrow night in NY on ESPN. Will NY have two teams in the next round?

Ted Lilly said...

Padres/Met game 7pm tonight.

NJYANKEE said...

Just announced by the Yankees...

Gerrit Cole will start Game 1 of the American League Division Series for the Yankees on Tuesday vs. the Guardians at Yankee Stadium, manager Aaron Boone announced Sunday. Nestor Cortes will start Game 2, with Luis Severino going in Game 3.

Boone also said reliever Aroldis Chapman will not be on the postseason roster. He missed a workout and had “not an acceptable excuse.”

Eddie OConnor said...

Rotation as could be expected. Something is not right with Chapman...I believe mentally.

Larry Kennedy said...

No Chapman means a lesser chance of having your heart in your mouth, as was always with his relief appearances.

Pierre Jadot said...

Democrat Rep. Schiff and DCCC chairman Maloney, among others fundraise on swanky Paris balcony a month out from midterm elections, as half of American families are unable to make ends meet.
DCCC says Paris event aimed to 'help stop MAGA Republicans.' But by no means help the American people.

Vince/Brooklyn said...

Padres defeat Mets 6-0 and move on to the NLDS against the Dodgers starting in LA. Mets go home and wait until next year.

Owenstheone said...

The Mets were never in the game tonight. Got one hit and one walk. Tough way to end a 101 win season.

bigbadwolf said...

It looks like Carpenter will be on playoff roster.

Xavier Young said...

Carpenter and Stanton both can't be designated hitters in the same game and neither is a defensive asset.

Lon Klick said...

We will get final rosters some time tomorrow morning.

YankeeMike said...

Indians at Yankees game one tonight at Yankee Stadium in the Bronx, New York. Cole will start for the Yankees. Who will make the roster and what will the lineup look like. Stay tuned for the best of the best MLB playoffs.

johnny said...

Lets go Yankees.

will-i-am said...






Carla Sherwin said...


I can no longer remain in today’s Democratic Party that is now under the complete control of an elitist cabal of warmongers driven by cowardly wokeness, who divide us by racializing every issue and stoke anti-white racism, actively work to undermine our God-given freedoms enshrined in our Constitution, are hostile to people of faith and spirituality, demonize the police and protect criminals at the expense of law-abiding Americans, believe in open borders, weaponize the national security state to go after political opponents, and above all, are dragging us ever closer to nuclear war.

I’m calling on my fellow common sense independent minded Democrats to join me in leaving the Democratic Party. If you can no longer stomach the direction that so-called woke Democratic Party ideologues are taking our country, I invite you to join me.

Victor Grandozi said...

I always thought Tulsi Gabbard used common sense and was rational. I was surprised she was a democrat. I guess the present democrats have jumped off the cliff and hopefully many other democrats will see the light like Ms. Gabbard did and vote for republican candidates and help save America.

Teena/ex-Bronx said...

Here is a great story. Think about it when you vote. Republicans = American greatness. Democrats = American despair and treason.

CASEY DeSANTIS: “If you want to know who Ron DeSantis really is, when I was diagnosed with cancer, and I was facing the battle for my life, he was the dad who took care of my children when I couldn’t. He was there to pick me off of the ground when I literally could not stand. He was there to fight for me when I didn’t have the strength to fight for myself.”


will-i-am said...

Todays Yankee Lineup

Gerrit Cole (R) P

1. Aaron Judge (R) RF
2. Anthony Rizzo (L) 1B
3. Gleyber Torres (R) 2B
4. Giancarlo Stanton (R) DH
5. Oswaldo Cabrera (S) LFlds
6. Josh Donaldson (R) 3B
7. Isiah Kiner-Falefa (R) SS
8. Jose Trevino (R) C
9. Harrison Bader (R) CF

ABC. A- your starter leaves the game ahead. B- your bullpen holds the leave and or allows no runs. C- your offense scores runs. All eyes on Cole tonight.

Yankeefan2 said...

Lineup pretty much standard with what we have to play with. Cole's time to shine and win game one without drama.

Harry Stavris said...

Score first, score second, Cole pitches a gem, score again and take game one. No problem.

YankeeMike said...

Stanton will do well.

White Knight said...

Cole gives up HR to leadoff hitter in 3rd. Down 1-0.

Yanks23245 said...

Bader ties game at 1 with HR in third.

Deb F said...

Trevino when it matters most RBI sac fly puts Yanks up 2-1 after five.

Saul Irving said...

Rizzo two run home run. 4-1 Yankees and still batting in sixth.

NJYANKEE said...

Harry Stavris. Good call. Didn't score first, but did second, third, and fourth. Cole with as close to a gem as possible, only gives up one run and leaves with the lead. Ballpen gives up nothing.

will-i-am said...

Final. Yankees win 4-1. Bader solo HR. Trevino RBI sacrifice fly. Rizzo two run HR. Cole goes 6 1/3 giving up one run for the win. Loaisiga, Peralta, and Holmes go 2 2/3 shutout innings.
Game one in the the win column.

okiened said...

Just what we needed, a good start in the playoffs. Off day tomorrow because MLB hierarchy are screwups led by their leader Manfraud.

Tony Manchu said...

Classic WIN METHOD uncomplicated win. Good solid old time baseball. Good pitching, right amount of hitting equals a win.

Sean Smith said...

Cleveland held the Rays to one run in 24 innings. The Yankees scored four in 8 innings.

Tom Kelly said...

You think baseball is screwing up the game, wait to next year, and the pitch clock, batters staying in the batters box, etc.

Wallyworld said...

Cortes on Thursday. Let's do it again. Judge, Torres, and Stanton time to lead the offense.

Zack Norris said...

How about Donaldson on the basepaths tonight. I stick with what I believe, you don't run, you don't play. That goes for everyone.

Ralph--Yuma said...

In the other division series games, the Phillies beat the Braves 7-6 as Braves three run rally in the ninth inning falls short. The Astro's defeat the Mariners 8-7 with a three run rally walk off win in the ninth. Padres and Dodgers in progress.

Lou Lis said...

Nice to see Bader pop a home run. Started the Yankee scoring when down 1-0. Great attitude and hustle.

Victor Bruno said...

This is so stupid having an off day today. You go into a city to play a team a series of any length and you NEVER play a game followed by a scheduled off day. Another MLB boondoggle of unbounded ignorance. Then again, look who is running the show.

Jack Gordon said...

Last night's late game final. Dodgers knock off Padres 5-3.

Sharon/NC said...

The midterm elections are getting closer. Some states already are voting, and more will be starting voting soon.

I have to support MAGA2022's plea's for everyone to vote. In my opinion there is only one way to vote. And that is against anyone who is not a conservative or republican. How much more of this democrat crusade to destroy America can people take. Inflation sky high. Millions of people having trouble paying for food, fuel, and medical care. The worse is the democrats deny what is happening to us and try to tell us it is not happening and whatever we think is happening is not their fault. This has to stop, by hook or by crook.

First choice for now is voting. Everyone one of us who is wise enough to see what a mess the democrats are making, smart enough to know this mess has to stop, will have the common sense to vote the democrats out of every office that exists.

Everyone, I beg you, to vote for CONSERVATIVES AND CONSERVATIVE REPUBLICANS for every office, everywhere in America.

Rajiv Maragh said...

Sharon/NC, hear hear. Vote people, vote. Bury the foul corrupt liars running America into the ground. Bury the democrats and all who go by any other name who support them.

John Hartnett said...

Tomorrow night's game, according to weather prognostications has a good chance of being rained out. If so, game will be played on Friday. That would mean the possibility of four games in four days if the series goes five games.

George W said...

Braves down Phillies 3-0 and even series at one game apiece.

George W said...

Padres knock off Dodgers 5-3 in LA. Series also even at one game apiece.

YankeeMike said...

Today's Yankee game has been canceled because of rain and has been rescheduled for tomorrow afternoon at 1PM.

Cal Fuerst said...

Astro beat Mariners 4-2. Take 2-0 lead in 3 of 5 game series.

Sammybigdog said...

Wonder if Carpenter will DH in game 2 over Stanton.

Raul Vasquez said...

Is there a way both Stanton and Carpenter could be in the lineup in the same game? One would then have to be in the field and I think that could hurt defensively.

Guy Padikian said...

Todays Yankee Lineup

Nestor Cortes (L)

1. Aaron Judge (R) RF
2. Anthony Rizzo (L) 1B
3. Gleyber Torres (R) 2B
4. Giancarlo Stanton (R) DH
5. Josh Donaldson (R) 3B
6. Oswaldo Cabrera (S) LF
7. Isiah Kiner-Falefa (R) SS
8. Jose Trevino (R) C
9. Harrison Bader (R) CF

Same as usual. Cortes keeps us in game. Lineup produces when it matters most. Bullpen does its job. Judge and Stanton come alive.

Yankeefan2 said...

Stanton 2 run opposite field home run. Yanks lead 2-0 after first inning.

candycane said...

Yanks up 2-1 after 4.

Steve(winstheonlystat) said...

It isn't over but the Yankees after Stanton's first inning home run, had several chances to produce when it mattered most and not once did so. The Indians had several chances to close the Yankee lead, did so, and then produced when it mattered most several times to take a 4-2 lead in the tenth inning. Produce when it matters most you usually win, don't produce when it matters most you usually lose.

will-i-am said...

Final. Yankees lose 4-2. Stanton two run HR in first inning was all the Yankee scoring. Yankees had their opportunities and failed every time. The Indians produced when it mattered and they won. Simple as that. Plus the Indians winning runs in the tenth were just very good luck for them. Series tied at one. On to Cleveland for the next two games.

Lori Kelly said...

What a tough way to lose. Two bloop hits. You can't even blame Tallion, both hits could have easily just have been popup outs. Baseball can be exhilarating and at the same time be heartbreaking.

Yankeeforever said...

Tough loss, so now it's a best 2 of 3 series. On the positive side we have Louie Louie tomorrow and Cole on Sunday.

Phil Jenkins said...

Judge was no help, four strikeouts and a weak ground out doesn't help. Then not getting a hit when we had the chances lost the game. Not producing when it counts and or when it counts determines who wins and who loses.

Carl Hooks said...

No reason why we can't go to Cleveland and win both games. Just have to do it on the field.

Hector Lopez said...

When the Yankees didn't score when they had the chances I could see the writing on the wall.

Vince/Brooklyn said...

Hey fans, the loss today just makes everything more tantalizing. If the Yanks won today, most every Yankee fan would be thinking, we are up 2 games to 0 and only need one win in Cleveland with Louie Louie and Cole if needed to take the series. Probably thinking it was a sure thing. Only difference now is we need to win both games in Cleveland to win series, one win means a fifth game rubber game back home on Monday. Not only yes we can, but yes we will.

VincentVanGoYankees said...

Every team has games/days like this. Just bounce back and win the next game. The difference between the regular season and the playoffs is you have many more chances to bounce back in the regular season.

Cory said...

You have eight teams still alive in the playoffs right now. These teams are the best in the baseball world. They are all quality teams, but one team will lose every playoff round played. The teams that win each round will be the teams that produced when it mattered most in that round and deserved to win. The best team will always win each round. Don't ever let any stat fraud tell you otherwise. That stat frauds are the dumbest baseball fans, but they are entitled to have and express their opinions. Laugh at the fools and walk away knowing the best team wins, be it for a game or a series.

Hobbs said...

Phillies trounce Braves 9-1 and take a 2 games to 1 series lead.

Hope that is what the Yankees do tomorrow in Cleveland.

Mickey Littlebear said...

Just about the right time for back to back wins.

AAA said...

Padres defeat Dodgers 2-1. Lead series 2-1.

AAA said...

Padres defeat Dodgers 2-1. Lead series 2-1.

HerecomestheJudge said...

This is scary.
Aaron Judge in his postseason career against Cleveland (9 games with 37 at bats)
2017: 1-20, 2 RBI, 16 Ks
2020: 1-9, 1HR, 2 RBI, 4 Ks
2022: 0-8, 7 Ks
Total: 2-37, 1 HR, 4 RBI, 27 Ks

All I can ask is, Why?

Guy Padikian said...

Todays Yankee Lineup

Luis Severino (R) P

1. Gleyber Torres (R) 2B
2. Aaron Judge (R) RF
3. Anthony Rizzo (L) 1B
4. Giancarlo Stanton (R) DH
5. Josh Donaldson (R) 3B
6. Isiah Kiner-Falefa (R) SS
7. Harrison Bader (R) CF
8. Kyle Higashioka (R) C
9. Oswaldo Cabrera (S) LF

Changes today. Torres leadoff, Judge two hole, Rizzo three spot, Cabrera nine hole. Higashioka catching. Big game.

jimbo said...

Phillies beat Braves. First team to advance to the final four and the NLCS round of the playoffs. Phillies are one of the four best teams in MLB for the 2022 season.

Yanks 23245 said...

Louie Louie has nothing tonite and Yankees lucky they are only down 2-0 after two innings.

candycane said...

Yanks down 2-0 after 2.

Mario/Staten Island said...

Judge 2 run homer ties it at 2 in 3rd.

Hobbs said...

Cabrera 2 run HR in fifth puts Yankees in front 4-2.

Yankeeforever said...

Louie Louie guts out 5 2/3 innings, which was amazing after his first two innings, and leaves with a 4-3 lead.

KevMac said...

Bader solo home run in seventh gets Yankees their lead back 5-3.

Ray Foster said...

Astros defeat Mariners 1-0 in 18 innings. Second team to make the championship series round and also one of the four best teams in MLB this season.

Deb F said...

Boone, Peralta, and Schmidt blow game in ninth inning giving up 3 runs to lose 6-5. Nooooooo!

YankeeMike said...

A brutal loss. Peralta and Schmidt give up 3 runs in 9th and Yankees lose 6-5. Must win tomorrow or season is over.

Cal Fuerst said...

Another miserable loss. I don't care what anyone thinks, but Boone's use of the bullpen, in my opinion, was pathetic tonight. Really pathetic. And I know Boone doesn't throw the pitches and if the Yankees won, no one would say a word. But they didn't win.

will-i-am said...

Final. Yankees lose 6-5. Peralta and Schmidt give up 3 ninth inning runs for the loss. Both Peralta and Schmidt were very unlucky giving up several garbage base hits, but that is baseball. Schmidt takes the loss. The Yankee scored their five runs on two run home runs from Judge and Cabrera and a solo home run by Bader. Louie Louie went 5 2/3 innings giving up 3 runs and the bullpen went 3 innings giving up 3 runs. The Yankees are now in a must win situation in the next two games. One loss and the Yankee season is over.

Carlos Pepe said...

Say it isn't so. Another night where it won't be easy to fall asleep.

sid greenberg,nyc said...

Looks like the Yankees have one foot in the grave. It ain't over until it's over, that is what Yogi Berra said.

Benny Pake said...

Cal Fuerst. I thought Boone made a mess of the game with his decisions. And I thought so at the time he made the decisions. 1.The biggest blunder was taking Loaisiga out in the 7th inning after he got first two outs and then gave up a hit. I thought he should have been left in and then also pitch the 8th inning. But you can't prove one way or the other something that did not happen. 2.Why Peralta pitching in the 9th inning. Whatever, a stinking loss.

Nick Polito said...

Houston gets 18 innings of scoreless pitching from their pitchers today, while their offense couldn't score a run for 17 innings. Baseball is one heck of a game.

Phil Jenkins said...

The Yankees can only move on to the ALCS by winning the next two games. One loss and they are finished for the season. Step one tonight with Cole starting a must win game.

NJYANKEE said...

Padres knock off Dodgers 5-3 and are the third team of four to reach MLB league championship round. One series yet to be decided, Indians/Yankees. Will find out tonight or tomorrow.

Augie Defonce said...

Holmes said he was ready to pitch the ninth. Why wasn't he used by Boone?

Tommy Lee said...

I usually lean to blaming the players over the manager, but wow that was the worst managed playoff game I've ever seen.

Frank Sergi said...

I have been saying for years, analytics is becoming a mental illness. They will insist all those years they were winning championships with the great Rivera closing out big games that the Yankees actually didn’t use Rivera properly, he should have been used to get big outs in the 6th and 7th inning. What their spreadsheets don’t capture is the pressure of standing on the mound in the ninth inning with everything on the line, the weight of the world on your shoulders with 45,000 people screaming. The notion that anyone can get those 3 outs is laughable. Currently Loaisiga is the best reliever on the staff in terms of stuff and pitching under pressure, he should of been used to get the last 3-5 outs of these games. Massive fail.

sid greenberg,nyc said...

There was a great old time manager who really knew baseball, and he once said, and I quote,
"You don’t save a pitcher for tomorrow. Tomorrow it may rain". That was Leo Durocher. Those were the days before this sick joke of being "woke".


If the Yankees win todays game it should be very interesting how they piece together tomorrows. First off, I would start it with Taillon. If he is on the Yankees can win. None of that matters without a win today.

Linda Pardo said...

Is it possible the way the Yankees lost yesterday lights a fire under the team and they go on an explosive crazy winning run.

Geronimo Wyatt said...

This was an opinion piece written by General Michael Flynn

The revelations of FBI malfeasance, egregious conduct and flagrant lies revealed over the last few days during the Durham trial expose the agency’s willingness to interfere and impede the will of the American people and the administration of the 45th president of the United States, Donald J. Trump.

The FBI is not alone in this coup perpetrated against our nation.

For years, Americans were force-fed lie after lie by the propaganda press doing the dirty work of the Obama-Biden gang and their half-wit minions at the Department of Justice, FBI and others that caused havoc across our country and sought to destroy lives and families. Mine included.

I will not stand still for this, and neither will the hard-working citizens of this nation.

My family and I are owed an apology and we, the American people, are due accountability for the assault on our Constitution they swore to uphold, yet deserted.

What is left is a divided nation at grave risk of being lost to socialism and turned into a dictatorship by an anti-America cabal of elitists who have wrecked the rule of law and have been caught attempting to steal the future of our children and grandchildren.

It matters less to me if these thugs spend the rest of their lives in jail, for this is the most consequential time in our nation’s history, and if we don’t correct the path this country is headed down, we may be seeing the last vestiges of the America our Founders envisioned — a free nation of self-governed citizens emboldened with their God-given rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

Thank God the truth has broken through since the Durham trial began. Truth has no fear and will always surface to the top. And there are no more disguises of righteousness for those who seek to dismantle the American way of life. No hiding places, no rocks to climb under — America is informed.

The relentless and brutal attacks on me and my love for God and country will continue, but these are whistles in the wind. They will not deter me from honoring my oath and duty to protect this country from harm or my love for my family — my children and grandchildren — for whom I will give my last breath so that they will live free.

Guy Padikian said...

Todays Yankee Lineup

Gerrit Cole (R) P

1. Gleyber Torres (R) 2B
2. Aaron Judge (R) RF
3. Anthony Rizzo (L) 1B
4. Giancarlo Stanton (R) DH
5. Josh Donaldson (R) 3B
6. Oswaldo Cabrera (S) SS
7. Harrison Bader (R) CF
8. Jose Trevino (R) C
9. Aaron Hicks (S) LF

Hicks in LF, Cabrera at SS.

Wilsonsway said...

I wonder how the players feel when playing in a game if they lose their season is over?

will-i-am said...

Wilsonsway, I guess they get use to it. Baseball is their profession/job. Even in little league and every league upward everyone gets eliminated at some point in each season every year you play. When you reach MLB you are really really good. When you are in MLB playoffs you are among the best in the world.

Quigley said...

Silence is golden, off to a good start.

Gus Papa said...

Ever since Jeter retired, and I see shortstops playing nowadays, I remember the brilliance of Jeter's defense. No one was better defensively on popups anywhere, coming in on slowly hit balls, turning double plays, so few errors, fantastic range in all directions, and overwhelming reliability. Jeter was an elite defender and one of the best all-time.

candycane said...

Yanks up 3-2 after 4.

Yankeeforever said...

Cole goes seven and leaves with 4-2 lead. Holmes in for eighth

Yankeeforever said...

Holmes shutout 8th. Yanks up 4-2 in 9th. Peralta in for save try. Ground out. Ground out. Strike out. Three outs on seven pitches. Rubber game of series in Yankee Stadium tomorrow.

will-i-am said...

Final. Yankees win 4-2. Rizzo rbi single in first inning. Bader 2 run home run in second inning. Stanton sac fly in sixth for Yankee runs. Cole goes seven and allows 2 runs for the win. Holmes scoreless eighth for the hold. Peralta scoreless ninth for the save. Back to the Bronx.

Jill Byrnes said...

Big win in must win game. Tomorrow must win game for both teams. Winner goes to ALCS, loser goes home. Lets go Yankees.

muchomachoman said...

Who pitches for Yankees and when for tomorrows game. Not available, Louie Louie and Cole. Everyone else should be able to pitch to some degree at any point. Holmes and Peralta even pitching tonight should both be available. Loaisiga possibly for two innings. Cortes also for two innings maybe three. Taillon, Luetge, Castro. Taillon could be the key. If he is sharp three to five innings is feasible.

Lou Lis said...

Good effort from Cole. Lineup scored just enough. Bullpen did what they needed to do. That is what a 4-2 do or die win is about.

Tony Manchu said...

The Stadium will be shaking tomorrow. Give the fans a win. Yes you can. Oh yes you can.

Randy Holt said...

Taillon has been named starter for tomorrow. Would think with a very short leash.

Warren Hammond said...

IF ONLY we won last night. BUT that would mean tonight's game would have been played with different priorities for each team and may have different results. You never know, no one will ever know. Ifs ands and buts only take you down a rabbit hole. Plus the only thing that matters and what becomes history is what really happens.

Mike Smith said...

muchomachoman, you forgot German, possible inning or two from him. There has been a lot of good baseball so far throughout the playoffs by every team.

Stan the Man said...

This will rile the stat frauds for sure, but that is why they are called stat frauds. The best team always wins. Games are won in an infinite number of ways. There are countless little things that happen in every game that help determine who wins. But every game, the best team wins, and sometimes you can see who was the goat for the losing team and who was the hero for the winning team. In reality no one wins or loses on their own.

The BEST PLAYERS AND THE BEST TEAM WIN EVERY GAME. Like it or not stat frauds, that is the way it is, has been, and always will be.

okiened said...

No matter what, considering the injuries, it has been a great season. Get a win tomorrow and we have another series to play. If we lose, think of the season and all the succusses to be able to get this far. Twenty-four teams did not get to where the Yankees have gotten.

Manny Carbrera said...

Today's the day, win or go home. Eleven hours to game time.

HerecomestheJudge said...

Our pitchers need to let it all go, every pitch needs to be each's pitchers best. Bear down and throw shutout innings by everyone who gets in the game. Same goes for the offense, score runs, and the more the better. This is it, win or the season is over. Let's go Yankees.

Jimmy Thames said...

I just despise when I see any player not run hard or go all out on every play. But the managers and teams who let it happen are the bigger problem. It comes from the top and works its way down.

Grosner said...

WINMETHOD performance from Cole. Delivering when it counts. Should be a great game 5: the Yankees have players who have delivered in the playoffs which helps while Cleveland is too young to understand the pressure which also helps.

Zhedo Kopeky said...

When you look at all the injuries this season, and the players who were out and are out, it is amazing the Yankees have reached the position they have attained this season. A testament to the entire Yankee organization. They patch in players time and again and have still won enough to be where they are.

Guy Padikian said...

Todays Yankee Lineup

Jameson Taillon (R) P

1. Gleyber Torres (R) 2B
2. Aaron Judge (R) RF
3. Anthony Rizzo (L) 1B
4. Giancarlo Stanton (R) DH
5. Josh Donaldson (R) 3B
6. Oswaldo Cabrera (S) SS
7. Harrison Bader (R) CF
8. Jose Trevino (R) C
9. Aaron Hicks (S) LF

Same as last night, same results makes for a win. Do it guys, everyone contributes.

johnny said...

Lets go Yankees.

NJYANKEE said...

Rain delay. expect an extended delay. Going to be a long night into day unless they call it and play tomorrow.

Carlos Pepe said...

An hour and a half and still waiting.

Ned Green said...

Game canceled. Four o'clock tomorrow.

Yanks23245 said...

Game called rescheduled for 4PM tomorrow.

Walt Belamy said...

Probable pitcher change(s) tomorrow.

Hoyle said...

Another day washed away.

Sean Smith said...

I guess we try one more time today. Lets go Yankees.

MAGA2022 said...

MAGA2022 said...Polls are already open in several states and more will open soon in other states. It is time to vote. Vote whenever you can and vote to SAVE AMERICA.



I am asking every democrat voter to vote Republican. Do you think things are good for America and the American people. White house lies, inflation, crime, home fuel prices, food prices, investments crashing, illegal immigrants running amok, gas prices? You are intelligent people, you have to see what is happening, you can help save our country from democrat liberal scum politicians, all of them. VOTE FOR TRUMP CONSERVATIVE REPUBLICANS OR CONSERVATIVE REPUBLICANS.

Guy Padikian said...

Todays Yankee Lineup

Nestor Cortes (L) P

1. Gleyber Torres (R) 2B
2. Aaron Judge (R) RF
3. Anthony Rizzo (L) 1B
4. Giancarlo Stanton (R) DH
5. Josh Donaldson (R) 3B
6. Oswaldo Cabrera (S) SS
7. Harrison Bader (R) CF
8. Jose Trevino (R) C
9. Aaron Hicks (S) LF

Yankees did switch to Cortes. I wonder Taillon is thinking? Lets go Yankees.

Jeff Miller said...

As we all wait for this do or die game to start, to break the tension and angst, here is a true story about going to a Yankee game I experienced....

⬇️ ⬇️ ⬇️ ⬇️ ⬇️ ⬇️ ⬇️ ⬇️ ⬇️ ⬇️ ⬇️ ⬇️ ⬇️ ⬇️ ⬇️ ⬇️ ⬇️ ⬇️ ⬇️ ⬇️ ⬇️

Years ago, met someone through a mutual friend. I had an extra ticket to a Yanks game and offered to take her after a night of flirting at a party.

It was a hot, hot day in July and I went to pick her up and to my surprise, when she opened the door, she had on a very formal, black outfit. Extremely overdressed for a Yanks game, but whatever, she's a big girl capable of informed clothing choices. I did casually remind her of how hot it was, especially in the sun, but nothing clicked with her. So off we went to the subway.

Now, at this point in my life, the Yankees were a main priority. I went to tons of games (lived in the city at the time) and stayed from inning 1 to 9 no matter the score. From the minute we arrived, the complaining started. It wasn't just a couple of times. It was incessant. Not a minute would go by without a "this sucks" or "I hate this". I tried everything. Look for shade to hang in, cold drinks, ice cream. She just wasn't going to be happy, and she was going to let me know at every turn, and in an unnecessarily nasty tone. I tried, honestly I did, but the lack of politeness wore thin quickly. To me, it was a dumb choice on her part, and I didn't see even an iota of effort to just grin and bear it at any point. I got increasingly grumpy too, until around the 4th inning when it was obvious I would have to exit a game early for the first time ever. This was sacrilege to me. I was not pleased.

I offered to leave and go somewhere else. She was in, so she mentioned about going back into her neighborhood. I told her that was a good idea. I realized on the train platform, as I looked again at her clothes mulling her negative attitude, then my shorts and Yanks tee, my only course of action. The train doors opened, she walked on, I stayed put. Doors closed, she turned around with a shocked look and I just waved goodbye as the train pulled away.

Anyway, Yankees went on to win the World Series that year. I hear she's still single.

Laura Koehler said...

Jeff, that is so funny. Now to take a deep breath and maybe a prayer or two. I am sure some Indian fans are saying a prayer also. As we all know and God also know, the teams will decide the game on the field and we all will watch.

Wilsonsway said...


Yanks23245 said...

Yanks get 3 run first inning lead on Stanton HR.

Wilsonsway said...


candycane said...

Yanks up 4-0 after 2.

Teena/ex-Bronx said...

I do not like Costas announcing these games. Talks to much and says little. Annoying.

Yankeefan2 said...

Rizzo when it matters most rbi single in fifth gives Yankees 5-1 lead after five.

FloridaYankee said...

Cortes goes five innings and leaves with a 5-1 lead. Loaisiga in for sixth.

candycane said...

Yanks up 5-1 after 5.

YankeeMike said...

Theeeeeeeeeeee Yankeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees Winnnnnnnnnnnn!

Steve(winstheonlystat) said...

Yankees do it. Win the ALDS with fortitude and character, producing when it matters most, Pitching, starter, bullpen, and offense for the 5-1.

will-i-am said...

Final. Yankees win 5-1. Cortes goes five innings allowing one run. Loaisiga two innings no runs. Holmes one inning no runs. Peralta one inning no runs. Stanton 3 run HR in first inning set the tone. Judge solo HR and Rizzo RBI single add-on runs seal the deal. WIN METHOD, RULES BASEBALL.

Deb F said...

What a great win, loved the first inning. Pitching was fantastic. Cortes is amazing, an old time pitcher who knows how to pitch.

yankeeclipper said...

Yanks did it. One of the four best teams in baseball. Playing the whole season, around, over, under, and thru every obstacle thrown at them. ON TO HOUSTON.

Eddie OConnor said...

All that pig did the last two innings was talk how great Cleveland was, how much they overcame, and then even in the ninth inning when the Indians put two men on and him saying the Indians are still in this, one more man gets on and the tying run comes to base and on and on. Nothing about what the Yankees did all season and what they accomplished. What a jerk.

Raul Vasquez said...

It looks like Taillon will start tomorrow in Houston.

Lori Kelly said...

A wonderful game, enjoyed from start to finish. Lets go Yankees.

Walt Belamy said...

Not to be negative, but Hicks I would think will be off the ALCS roster and someone like LeMahieu is he is able or Peraza will be. Now to take one game at a time in the ALCS. It isn't easy when the best of the best play the best of the best. Someone has to lose, but the losers will still be better than every other team in baseball who is at home watching.

Tony Gigante said...

Hicks is no loss, if anything the team improves with him gone. Peralta would be fine with me. DJ has missed to much time and if he has a flat tire, it won't help the team.

Vince/Brooklyn said...

Baseball has more great games in October, and better games, edge of your seat, nail biting games than the NFL has in a season. And October baseball it is every day.

Victor Grandozi said...

Houston will be lying in wait for us. Get ready for a another battle.

Jimmy Thames said...

Love what Cortes gave us today, and what Loaisiga, Holmes, and Peralta gave us. A lot of zeroes on the scoreboard.

Lou Lis said...



sid greenberg,nyc said...

Cortes, what more can you ask of this guy? Old school, three day rest, ah the good old days.

Ziggy Mann said...

For the ALCS, we have no medical information and no insight, but there is also Benintendi, Montas, Marinaccio to consider. I would think Chapman is persona non grata.

Carl Hooks said...

Time for retribution, time to take down the Astros.

Hobbs said...

Come on now, we don't even get a day off. The Yankees and us fans.

johnny said...

Lets go Yankees.

Mike Smith said...

Hobbs, what do you expect from MLB with Manfred in charge!

YankeeBob said...

Hick had cat scan, out six weeks, no other details. For team it is addition by subtraction.

Phil Jenkins said...

I think the Yankees and Astros have until sometime tomorrow morning to hand in their rosters.

I only caught parts of todays game, previous commitment. At least it turned out well. Go Yankees.

YankeeMike said...

I can't see how Benintendi can possibly be in shape and even remotely be able to compete with the bat against the Astros...I have little doubt he will make the roster.

Randy Holt said...

After having time reflecting on the game today, even though each at bat is critical, more so as the game gets into the last 2 or 3 innings, there was no could lose the game tension today.

bigbadwolf said...

Doesn't look as if Benintendi will be on ALCS roster. Not ready yet.


Taillon will be the key today. If he goes five or six innings and he pitches what is referred to as a quality start he will give the team a chance. But if he does that and the Yankees do not score it may make no difference in the outcome. If he pitches a 'gem' no runs or one anything can happen. Also if the Yankees score four or more runs we have a chance. It is the same basics of baseball. Play as a team and one hand washes the other. Lets go Yankees.

Grosner said...

Rested Houston is running out their ace who had maybe the best season of his HOF career. Yankees using 4th starter and team on no rest. Play loose, steal some runs, and maybe steal a game. Have German ready if Tallion show any signs of weakness.

YankeeMike said...

Just reported. Yankees have added Peraza, Montas, and Weissert to roster for ALCS. Left off are Hicks, Gonzalez, and Luetge. When this is looked at in its totality, this is a major upgrade to the roster.

In my opinion, Peraza may start at SS, Cabrera stays in LF, and Montas may be a big arm for an inning or two out of the bullpen.

Benny Pake said...

Peraza, Weissert and Montas on roster for Houston series.

Hicks, Luetge, and Gonzalez off roster.

Tom Wilson said...

Seven game series for this playoff round. Four good games that is all we need and we are surely capable of having.

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