It is that time again WIN METHOD fans. The 2019 baseball season has concluded. The best teams and the best players made it to the playoffs and after advancing through the playoffs by winning each series and eliminating each team they played, the Washington Nationals won the World Series and are the best baseball team and the best baseball players in the world. Congratulations to the Nationals for all you have accomplished. There is only one way for a team and for players to become the best of the best, and that is with wins and winning. No individual stat matters. Only wins and winning make you the best. Sorry stat frauds, when you learn this you will learn real baseball.
Yes, the 2019 season is over. The YANKEES did their best and it was not good enough as they lost to the Houston Astros in the American League Championship Series. However, it looked like the YANKEES took enough out of the Astros that it may have cost them winning the World Series. The YANKEES will need some work to do this winter to find and to put together the last few pieces they need to become the best of the best. Considering the massive amounts of crippling injuries our YANKEE team had to endure over the season, making the playoffs was a fine achievement in itself. But that was the past. Now we look to the future.
There are likely as many opinions as there are YANKEE fans on what the team needs to do over the winter to '"win it all" in 2020. There is the free agent route with several pieces available, there are our own pieces available who if healthy for an entire season will help, and then there are own in house pieces available that are blooming and growing in the minors. Several of which may contribute greatly in 2020. There are also trade possibilities that may become on option.
YANKEE management will be busy this winter. How much money to spend on talent. Is the money spent worth the investment? Paying players very high salaries for multiple years is seldom a remedy, and in fact has hurt teams who have gone that route more than it has helped them, The trade route is a possibility, but it takes two parties to make a deal that each party feels is good for their team. Then there is the bloom and grow route. Spring training will provide some answers, but the hot stove will be only ashes before spring training provides some answers. We will just have to see what happens and how things shake out this winter and spring. Each decision made by management determines how and what the next decision may be. Throwing money at big contracts is up to management. You WIN METHOD fans know my opinion on big long term contracts, 'just say no'. We said no to Harper and Machado last year and it paid dividends over the season as the YANKEES made the playoffs even with all the injuries. Harper and Machado each cost their team a lot of dollars and neither team made the playoffs and are saddled with many years of an overpaid single piece of talent.
Lets all have a fun hot stove season, keep offering your opinions, thoughts, and ideas, and be happy you are not the one making the decisions. Remember fans, the YANKEE management team has more knowledge and information than you (we) do. There must be financial limits and that is one thing everyone should remember. So, here we go, let's turn on the stove and see what we can cook up. LETS GO YANKEES.
«Oldest ‹Older 1201 – 1400 of 1666 Newer› Newest»To show how bad, corrupt, and ignorant the democrat party, the left wing, the liberals, progressives, socialists and whatever names they go by, plus the people who support them..... have nominated a documented plagiarizer, documented vice president of the US who quid pro quod the Ukraine government, an accused sexual harasser with video proof, a political stooge, demented old man to be their selectee to run for president of the United States. What a disgrace.
Dean Muskowski, If I am not mistaken Joe Biden meets all those qualifications.
All 400 Waffle House restaurants in the state of Georgia are reopening. Slowyly but surely we move forward.
I am tired of eating at home.
Anthony Naro, get sub sandwich from one of the chains and have picnic in a park. It would be a change of pace.
Whether or not Tyler and Carl come back to defend their poorly thought out posts, they did make fools of themselves. Exactly like the fake news media.
Lot's to respond to here:
Your entire post is about the US Media and Trump. That's my point, it's an entirely egocentric approach. How do you reconcile the fact that almost every country in the World has shut down, completely independent of Donald Trump and the US media. Do you see what I'm saying?
You wrote "I never said nor alluded to anything you posted." However, the post before you wrote "Tyler, Oh my, you have got to be kidding.". What did that mean? Isn't that clearly saying something about something I posted?
Tommy Lee
I'm not sure how I made a fool out of myself. As I watched neighbors of mine die, and my country shut down in order to protect them, it wasn't because of the media, or President Trump's advisors. My point, is that this is bigger than the media, bigger than President Trump, bigger than just the US. I stand by that, strongly. If you disagree, fine, but it's certainly not a foolish opinion.
It is quite late here and I am quite busy with work so apologies for delay responses.
Tyler, I posted my opinion that I did not think you understood what sid greenberg,nyc post was about.
Sid had to post a 6 paragraph post with a ton of additional information to explain himself fully, I don’t think Tyler’s confusion or stance is unreasonable as you made it out to be.
Tyler, You made a fool out of yourself by not being able to understand a post you commented on. Likely everyone else on this blog who read it understood it. I know that not everyone is at the same level of comprehension so I will let it go at that. You asked for further elaboration and you got it.
MLB is going to have to spit out a plan to play baseball this season soon. There has to be some sort of a renewed spring training before games can be played for real.
With a shortened season the players could be hitting "mid season form" around the playoff time possibly making for one heck of memorable season.
Guys, with a shorter season there is far less room for error. Each game becomes for important with a less amount of games played. It could be a lot of fun for fans even if you can only watch on TV.
Barb, to each their own, difference in opinion, etc.
HerecomestheJudge, Nothing wrong with watching baseball on TV. Millions upon millions do every season. Far more than the amount of people actually going to game. But it is great to go to a game when you want to.
Tommy Lee,
I see some one making a fool of themself, but it isn’t Tyler...
Sizipiwe, unless you are using different names, a very poor first post. But that is neither here nor there, we encourage anyone to post their views, thoughts, and opinions. So post away.
WIN METHOD --- World's number one and best Yankee baseball blog, site, or forum.
Paxton should just about be ready to go full bore after his back surgery. Just what we need to start the season.
I wonder if the delay in coming up with a plan to start the baseball season stems from the players union. Delays usually occur when as to many cooks spoil the broth.
The news I have is that James Paxton will be completely ready to pitch in the starting rotation at the start of this season.
WIN METHOD, fantastic.
More and more business openings. Let's go America. Let's go Yankees.
The people need to go back to work. Many are getting more fed dollars for doing nothing than what they were getting paid when they were employed. Many won't even try to go back to work.
An interesting fact. The city of Bristol is situated on the border of two states Tennessee and Virginia with the state line running down the middle of the city. The Tennessee side is slowly opening and has sane logical suggestions from their governor on the opening of the Tennessee side of the city and the rest of the state. The Virginia side remains locked down by their states ignorant governor with draconian orders of closure until some time in June. Fortunately for the people of on the Virginia side, there is nothing to stop them from going to the Tennessee side and enjoying the freedoms they deserve. The Tennessee will flourish while the Virginia side flounders.
Just for those interested the Tennessee governor in a Republican and the Virginia governor is a Democrat.
I have been around for a long time and have lived in NYC all my life, done a lot, seen a lot, and am well off. This is for you younger people out there, it is my opinion based on 'street smarts' wisdom learned over decades, successful businesses, and common sense....
The Democrats are destroyers and are looking to destroy America. In the words of Obama, we will fundamentally change America. Translation - destroy American freedoms and peoples rights.
The Republicans are builders, leaders, wish people to live the lives they want, help people have jobs, keep all their rights as founded and prescribed by them in the Constitution on the USA and Declaration of Independence. Peoples freedom to choose who they do business with, what doctors they want to go to, where they live, to protect themselves, have families if they wish, and not be told they have to live certain ways as ordained by corrupt politicians. In the words of Trump, we will Make America Great Again. Translation - live free or die.
sid greenberg,nyc, Thanks, great life, great advice.
sid greemberg,nyc, one thing you nailed for sure. You described New York City.
As a fellow NYC entrepreneur I must put in my two cents that things are rarely, if ever, as black as white as what you just made it out to be.
Fauci is very down on pro sports being played this year. He is very much the kind of guy who you don't want on your team. Very negative, always looking at the worst, a naysayer. As an expert in his profession that may be all and good, but I doubt it. His first words on the coronavirus were echos of the modelers 2 1/2 million people dying in the US. Then he dropped the death total as every remodel was lowered. All he did was parrot computer modeling, not one original thought came from his mouth. I my world he is a loser and that is all that counts.
My words for Dr. Fauci. LET'S PLAY BASEBALL
After a major selloff and drop in the stock market in March because of the Chinese coronavirus disease they spread thru the world, the stock market with one day left in April is on the verge of having its best month since 1974. America and americans, we can make America Great Again. Let's open up the country and get back to work.
Peter, there is much gray area in many things. I personally never came across a gray area in my dealings, I either did the deal or I didn't, very black and white. On the other hand, there can be much gray area on how businesses are run, the law, the background of people, etc.
Talking about Dr. Fauci. I hate people like him. Has very much say, big decisions are made based on his input, but he never is held responsible for the outcome of the decisions. His 'golden parachute' out is I only gave my expertise opinion, I don't make the decision. What a crock of cranberries.
Reports say there may be a very promising drug for the Chinese coronavirus that the Chinese spread all over he world.
Dale Hoffman, hope so.
Other news, It has come out that a cabal of America hating official at the FBI framed, railroaded, and sent American war hero General Flynn to the poor house on false charges. General Flynn's life and family were destroyed by this group of scum at the FBI at the behest of Hillary Clinton, James Clapper, John Brennan and none other than Barack Hussein Obama. General Flynn was a casualty among others as this cabal tried to subvert the American government, political system, and President of the United States Donald Trump.
I will say it even if it ruffles the feathers of the most useless among us. Those involved who coerced and destroyed Gen. Michael Flynn and tried to take down the President on the US, everyone of them should be executed.
Fauci may have massive knowledge of his field of expertise but as a human being he is a flunky.
Cooperstown HOF induction ceremonies for this year have been canceled. Jeter has to wait to 2021 to be inducted. Jeter the greatest position player in MLB over the past several decades.
Billy Tedder and Stache Colinski, if most of the media wasn't just the publicity arm of the democrats and far left progressives and went after the truth as the media used to do, all those treasonous traitors would be executed for what they have done and are doing. But they go after a businessman who decided to run for President of the US and clean out the crooks. What a display of character and gumption from Trump.
Baseball is likely the easiest major sport to start up and have the greatest degree of safety from the virus.
For Jeter it is wait till next year. For us fans the best is worth waiting for.
Come on Manfred, let's play some baseball. Wake up!
Zack Norris, he has to come up with a plan and dates soon or else cancel the season.
Gary Shrieber, if Manfred cancels the season he would be a fool. No, a bigger fool than he already is.
Is it true that Bryce Harper and Manny Machado applied for unemployment insurance declaring hardship with no baseball being played??
May 1st today. Baseball by June 1st. It can happen, it should happen, it only won't happen if the people who can make it happen are cowards.
There is absolutely no reason baseball shouldn't be played this season. There are businesses opening all over the country. Baseball can be played in sun drenched open air stadiums. Also baseball has very minimal player contact unlike football, basketball, hockey, and soccer.
New York school children liberal indoctrination put on hold as Gov. Cuomo shuts down schools for the rest of this academic year. A plus for the kid.
My first post here. I have read this blog from the beginning, every WIN METHOD blog entry and many of the posts in each blog entry by countless posters. The WIN METHOD is an amazing read.
I was particularly enthralled with the August 6, 2016 blog post. The post in my opinion was spectacular, so I read it again. No wonder the WIN METHOD has become the number one Yankee talk site. Everyone should go back and read that particular post again.
Well, here I am, and I hope to become as good a poster and contributor as so many as you.
The great Republican senate majority leader Mitch McConnell has been talking with MLB Rob Manfred about opening the baseball season around July. Opening day of July 4th was mentioned.
As the late Mel Allen would say "how about that". What a brilliant idea. And as Trump reopens the country to make America great again, again, he could throw out the first ball.
Welcome FloridaYankee. What a gracious post. I will be looking forward to hearing more from you.
FloridaYankee, hello. I did go back to read the 2016 post and you are right, it was a great one. An awful lot of information, especially on the WIN METHOD itself and its workings. You can to the best place for smart Yankee fans. Great when there is actual baseball. Covid/politics takes the stage now with no baseball.
sid greenberg,nyc, July could still mean half a season + playoffs in October.
bigbadwolf - Jimmy Thames, thanks for the welcome guys.
sid greenberg,nyc, I hope it works out. Half a pie is better than none.
Onward and upward. Yes we can.
Here it is May and Democrat politicians across America are preventing people from going to work, living life, and enjoying their freedom. They are a disgrace.
Nathan Riley, your Machado/Harper post was hilarious. Two losers with multi-million dollar contracts applying for unemployment. Sounds like them.
If there is no baseball season this year Manfred should lose his job.
Barb, I see your governor and mayor are using NYC subways as sleeping cars for the indigent.
That must be fun. No wonder NYC is the cesspool of Covid-19.
Things are so bad NBC is running a fake Kentucky Derby today. All the past triple crown winners are running a fake computer generated fake race.
Cory, LOL, you used fake three times. Three fakes and you're out.
Bring back baseball.
What’s really sad is that while people are dying most people on here seem more concerned as to when baseball is coming back.
As someone who has lost family to this disease, frankly, it’s pathetic.
Ivan Noriokos, Didn't Barb say the doctors, nurses and medical personnel were riding the subways to get to work. Likely they were wearing only masks while on the subways and no other protective gear. Also likely they caught virus while on subways and not when totally protected with gowns, shoe coverings, gloves, face protectors while working.
Dean, what's most sad is your pathetic comment and negativity. Thousands more people die everyday for other reasons than the coronavirus. Anyone losing families or friends for any cause is what is sad, not just any one cause. People are dying everyday from the flu, cancer, auto accidents, diabetes, and countless other causes. We grieve and we move on, we go out to eat, to a movie, to a sporting event, a trip to the beach or the mountains. Heck we couldn't even get a haircut or see our grandkids. Wake up and smell the roses. Open up the country and let's play baseball, sell tickets and let the fans in. I will be there and sit right next to other fans.
You think the Doctors are more likely to have to caught Covid from the subway than with dealing directly with patients in the hospital system?
That’s the most flawed logic with a ridiculous assumption that you have no basis for.
Big time yankee,
If you can’t see how this situation is completely different and unique from the others you mentioned, then you’re beyond help.
We need to open this country back up, but we need to do so intelligently. If we do what many here seem to suggest, it will completely undo the last two months and we’ll be back to square one. Is that what you’re hoping for?
Large public events are going to transmit this disease like wildfire and kill many. Think about that, people will die and it would have been avoidable.
BIGTIMEYANKEE, Great response. Protesters all over America in states where their governor is keeping their state in lockdown are marching and loudly protesting the illegal closings. Let's go America, open again and bloom and grow.
Dean, you have your opinion and many many others agree with you. I have my opinion and most sane people in the country agree with me.
In my opinion the negativity and gloom by a very few posters (thank God) on this forum is a downer.
Dean, you sound like the fake news. Many assumptions leading to disaster. Why don't you tell the Swedish people how stupid they were for not following social distancing, wearing masks, and not closing their businesses. Good for them, bad for us.
Don't pay attention to naysayers. They just drag you down. Stay positive and upbeat. We will overcome until Mother Nature says I've had it with you people, wipes us out, and starts all over again.
Olga Kobel, that is the nail in the climate changers coffin. One of many since they started their garbage many decades ago. Not one of their world death claims has ever come true. So they just move their claims down the road. Until, as you said, mother natures wipes us all out.
Dean, you have no idea what you are talking about. You must be getting your information from the WHO.
So you are suggesting we don’t open up intelligently and just do it in one flash?
Or are you suggesting COVID-19 wouldn’t transmit more easily in large public gatherings?
Wondering what exactly you’re not agreeing with. Please refute directly with facts.
Dean, The country is opening slowly in certain areas and a little faster in some other areas. I see no reason why a sport like baseball when it is ready to open in maybe June or July cannot open with people in the stands. There could be restrictions like 10% or more capacity to start. It is not my decision. I see no reason for everything not running full throttle by fall.
Sweden never closed anything and they are very happy about it.
I'm not agreeing with your rash assumptions. The modelers were wrong when they announced 2 1/2 million deaths and then wrong the next several times they lowered their fake models. Eventually they will hit the nail of the head, be right and claim how great they are. People are revolting about their freedoms are being taken from them. They are right! People will do what is needed to keep themselves and their families well, they see what is going on in the country and are upset. I agree with them, not you.
I look at the horse racing industry. Some tracks are closed and not racing. Many others are open and racing albeit with no fans in attendance. However if anyone knows horse racing. There are many hundreds of horses stabled at each track. Taking care of those horses are grooms, trainers, track maintenance personnel of all kinds. The grooms are quartered and live on the track grounds. The jockeys who ride are all in the jockeys room changing silks for each horse and race they ride in. The track personnel at the starting gate are within feet of each other and the jockeys. They have no issues. I personally have had no friends, family, co-workers and neighbors who have sustained any coronavirus symptoms or have been hospitalized. Everyone has a story, some are bad, no question about that. However most are good and positive and the majority wins. That is why people across the nation are rebelling at politicians who are keeping their states closed.
I think limited restriction is a great idea. That’s not what was suggested by big time Yankee (sitting RIGHT next to the other fans).
My rash assumptions? I have no idea what you’re referring to, please specify.
If you go back you’ll see all along my point is that there needs to be a well thought out plan to opening everything. That’s priority one. Jabbering about wanting baseball back, that’s very minor in the grand scheme of things. It will open up when MLB has developed a plan and is ready to do so.
Also, while you’re correct Sweden hasn’t closed down, there are restrictions and protocols in place, which is what I’m suggesting. They also never were in as bad of a situation as the US, which allowed them to take such approach. It’s a flawed argument I see made by many here.
Dean, this is what you posted this morning.
""""Large public events are going to transmit this disease like wildfire and kill many. Think about that, people will die and it would have been avoidable.
May 3, 2020 at 9:10 AM""""
Here is a Sweden article which makes your claim wrong.
The typical fake news retort from the Times. Sweden was an outlier. No, they did made a great decision and did well as a country. Now they flourish while most of the rest of the world has to crawl out of a hole.
Hey everyone, Trump will be on Fox News at 7 PM doing a live town hall from the Lincoln MemoriaL.
Let the sun shine in. I love TrumP.
Trump does answer questions.
Did you even read the article? From it:
“Gatherings of more than 50 people are banned. Museums have closed and sporting events have been canceled. At the end of March, the authorities banned visits to nursing homes.”
So uh, no, I’m not wrong at all...
In addition to being wrong on the article, you also seem to be ignoring my questions on what my rash assumptions are. You’ve done nothing to prove your points to this point, in fact.
Dean, you have documented yourself as a fraud. Nice cherry picking. Did you see the photos of countless people gathered together?
Here is a quote you missed on purpose. """"While other countries were slamming on the brakes, Sweden kept its borders open, allowed restaurants and bars to keep serving, left preschools and grade schools in session and placed no limits on public transport or outings in local parks. Hairdressers, yoga studios, gyms and even some cinemas have remained open.""""
You sullied your name here. Bye bye fraud.
Bars, restaurants, schools, public transportation, parks, yoga, gyms, and movies all open.
Down and out goes Dean.
Lol I’m the fraud? You refuted my argument against large public gatherings with an article noting that Sweden has banned large public gatherings.
I also, very specifically, said that we need to strategically open the US. I said nothing about keeping hairdressers, gyms, etc. closed. Literally nothing at all.
If you want to see a fraud - look in the mirror my friend.
I’d have more respect if you admitted you were mistaken than this really sad rebuttal.
Lou Lis, Pedro,
Can you indicate one time, where I said anything other than large public gatherings should be banned.
I will wait. You will not find it.
This is really sad attempt.
Trump was brilliant again tonight.
Pedro,Seattle, the pictures alone tell the story. Many people crowded in the streets and park.
Oh ok. No that makes sense we should ignore the facts of the written article and just look at the pictures.
Dean, you are playing word games and gotchas just like the fake media. In my opinion the pictures of the a very large amount of people gathered very close to each other and no face masks on kills your argument.
Dean, a picture is worth a thousand words. Or have you never heard of that.
"A picture is worth a thousand words" is an English language adage meaning that complex and sometimes multiple ideas can be conveyed by a single still image, which conveys its meaning or essence more effectively than a mere verbal description.
Dean, you have been beaten to a pulp.
No guys I agree, like you instead of reading articles I actually just look at pictures. It’s how we should all go through life really.
Winmethod - can you throw some pictures up in the blog going forward?
Honestly though, no one here has refuted, or even seemingly disagreed with anything I’ve said above. I encourage you to go back and read.
Your arguments against me suggesting mass gatherings are dangers from Sweden? Interesting.
Patrick Healy : get out of here. This gang mentality isn’t going to work with me. Refute me with actual evidence or an actual argument. Otherwise, I have no respect for your counter argument.
I noticed this gang mentality against other people with ideas that go against the status quo here. It’s sad, and it puts into doubt the reputation of this entire blog.
Dean, you have even made a bigger fool of yourself with your latest post. Sweden was an open country. That has been acknowledged by many sources but you. Just because several posters disagree with your deceits doesn't make them a 'gang mentality'. Just people who see through your falsities and fallacies.
1.Sweden's Controversial Decision To Not Lock Down The Country
April 15, 20205:00 AM ET
Heard on Morning Edition
2.Despite Coronavirus, Sweden Refuses To Shutter Businesses and Limit Gatherings
The Scandinavian country is betting against draconian restrictions and in favor of the free movement of people and goods.
JOHAN NORBERG | 3.25.2020 4:20 PM
3.Can You Beat COVID-19 Without a Lockdown? Sweden Is Trying
The Swedish experiment is to accept the coronavirus as a problem to be managed, rather than conclusively defeated. But will it mean more deaths?
BY T.A. FRANK APRIL 16, 2020
4.Public Health Agency: "Sweden should not shut down"
From one of my original posts :
“We need to open this country back up, but we need to do so intelligently. If we do what many here seem to suggest, it will completely undo the last two months and we’ll be back to square one. Is that what you’re hoping for?”
I’ve said from the get-go we need to open this country up. You’re clearly not reading correctly.
I suggest you go back and see specifically what you’re disagreeing with me on, because you’re clearly missing something.
Dean, you lump everyone here into one bucket. Some did not want the country to shut down at all. Some wanted to put everything into a pause. Some want to open quicker than others. Some want to open slower than others. There is no broad brush, and as decisions were made by the people in charge, people here evolved their thoughts. At this point in time, it is my opinion most of the country wants to open things up pretty quickly as do I.
These are the words you post that I disagree with wholeheartedly..." If we do what many here seem to suggest, it will completely undo the last two months and we’ll be back to square one".
Live free or die.
Thank you for being the only person to directly locate what you disagreed with. Here I was referring to one specific post (which I later referenced) where a poster suggested he’d be sitting right next to all of the other fans at a baseball game.
The quote that you are disagreeing with, was me saying that we can’t just flip a switch and go back like nothing is going on. I feel strongly about this, as I think you’ll see death tolls spike in that scenario (president trump said today he expects 80-90 thousand people to die from this disease).
The discussion here seems to be singularly focused on opening things up, and not the strategy of how to effectively do so. Sweden is implementing a strategy, they’re not just carrying on like nothing is going on.
All in all, I stand by my statement. If we go open up with no strategy in place, we’re going to lose lives that we could have saved. I stand by my arguments, unlike many others here seem to do.
I think everyone here stands but what they say. When the people in charge make a decision and things change I would expect posters opinions may also change based on the decisions that were made. I would have no problem going to a baseball game when and if they open the season and allow fans to attend and sit next to people. In my opinion you misrepresent Sweden. Sweden kept things open to a very huge degree. Schools, transportant, restaurant, bars, parks are major gathering points for large crowds of people. There strategy as documented my numerous published articles was to not shut down the country and they did not. No one knows what the final death count will be, but I expect that it will not be near the original 2 1/5 million that was first projected that scared everyone into maybe making wrong decisions.
Maybe MLB will let people go to games but have to wear masks. They could also stagger/apce seating to whatever degree they wish.
I’m not sure how I misrepresented Sweden by copying and pasting a paragraph on an article that you posted, but I suppose you don’t seem to be backing down from that logic.
AAA, I think your last sentence tells the story and I quote..." No one knows what the final death count will be, but I expect that it will not be near the original 2 1/5 million that was first projected that scared everyone into maybe making wrong decisions."
When the 'medical experts' supported by their fake models proclaimed the 2 1/5 million death toll for the US, it did scare people. Politicians jumped into action. Democrats whose creed is to never let a crisis go to waste, blamed Trump and everything he did. Republicans who felt the 2020 elections would be lost if they did little to nothing,e responded by supporting closure of the country. It was a perfect storm. If nothing is done every death would have been blamed on those who did nothing. The liberals who only want controlling power loved the country being shut down and the economy shut down and Trumps number one talking point being shut down, and Trumps rallies being shut down. The result, a bigger crisis. The liberals will do all they can to take advantage no matter how much it hurts America of the American people.
One major country did not shut down and they are fine. That country in the final story hopefully will become the bell weather for future decisions. Thank you Sweden for standing tall and not afraid.
Dean, I presented the entire article for all who wanted to read. I did not selectively choose a paragraph as you did. You tired to misrepresent the article just as fake news does. You posted a paragraph out of context to try to support your view.
The article and the result of Sweden's decision belie your view. Here is a quote from you...
“We need to open this country back up, but we need to do so intelligently. If we do what many here seem to suggest, it will completely undo the last two months and we’ll be back to square one. Is that what you’re hoping for?”
Sweden never went back to square one because they never left it. They did nothing and survived it all very well.
Warren Hammond, great post.
People, do not forget the computers do not create outcomes they just work with the information put in them. An outcome can be created by putting whatever information the inputter wants the computer to put out. That is what the despicable climate change frauds do.
Pedro,Seattle, Great post. Sweden never left square one so never had to go back to it. That kills Deans entire argument. Their economy never shut down, their businesses remained open, their people could travel freely and their freedoms were never taken away.
Pedro, Matt,
I did address this, again you’re either ignoring my previous posts or you hav very poor reading comprehension.
This disease never got as bad in Sweden as it did here because Sweden is instituting necessary precautions. As such, they never had to shit down.
No one has actually addressed my point question? Do you disagree that America needs to reopen with certain restrictions on mass group gatherings and perhaps masks worn in stores,
Dean, I let your post go thru. I assume you mishit a key (they are next to each other) when you posted. Reread your post and you will see your error.
Dean, Sweden instituted nothing. They made suggestions to their people. They arrested no one, gave out no summons for anything. They did stop visitations at nursing homes, and told older people to be very careful because they were thought to be the most susceptible. People gathered together indoors and outdoors. They were not six feet apart and they were not wearing masks. The disease did kill many Swedes but the people accepted people would die because of the disease. But they did not stop living free as a people or country. They should be lauded. Your making up false claims does not change the fact that Sweden did what they thought was best for them and they were right in what. Public transportation was completely open. People could come in and out of Sweden freely. Admit the truth, you are wrong and people know it.
To your question which has been answered many times by many people, America needs to open now. There is without a doubt some areas will be able to open quicker than others and that should be left to the people in charge of their areas. As you will see, the Republican areas will likely open sooner, while the Democrat areas will lag well behind. The six feet apart and face masks can be suggestions for each individual to decide for themselves. Not orders. HOWEVER, each business should also be free to say if you want to shop in my store you need to wear a mask. Hard to do in a restaurant, how do you eat with a mask on.
Pedro,Seattle, You are right. Sweden presented guidelines/protocols/suggestions, there were no rules or demands made on their population.
Here is another paragraph from the article you cited....
"All around Ms. Lilja along Skanegatan Street in the Sodermalm neighborhood of Stockholm, younger Swedes thronged bars, restaurants and a crowded park last week, drinking in the sun. They laughed and basked in freedoms considered normal in most parts of the world not long ago, before coronavirus lockdowns, quarantines and mass restrictions upended social norms. As other nations in Europe begin to consider reopening their economies, Sweden’s experience would seem to argue for less caution, not more."
Note the adjectives "thronged" and "crowded". Sweden, and the Swedish people maintained their social norms.
But it isn’t true that they haven’t implemented anything.
From this article:
Sweden is tackling the coronavirus pandemic through both legally enforced measures and recommendations. Like most other countries, we are promoting social distancing, protecting vulnerable people and at-risk groups, carrying out testing and strengthening our health system to cope with the pandemic.
The government has banned visits to care homes for the elderly and made changes to the social security system to make it easier for people with COVID-19 symptoms to take sick leave. Public gatherings of more than 50 people are banned. Secondary schools and university and college classes have moved to online instruction, and people are encouraged to work from home.
How are you still suggesting they aren’t doing anything? It’s not an accurate statement..
You posted many of the same, these are the type of measures I’m suggesting the US implements.
Please advise where I said otherwise. Thanks.
Lastly - while we’re all praising Sweden here, president trump tweeted the following on April 30
“Despite reports to the contrary, Sweden is paying heavily for its decision not to lockdown. As of today, 2462 people have died there, a much higher number than the neighboring countries of Norway (207), Finland (206) or Denmark (443). The United States made the correct decision!”
Thoughts on this? This is directly from our president.
This is your post.
"" Dean said...
You posted many of the same, these are the type of measures I’m suggesting the US implements.
Please advise where I said otherwise. Thanks.
May 4, 2020 at 2:14 PM ""
Who is you????? Duh! Very shoddy.
You = Pedro.
What’s with the over moderating?
Dean, what you consider "over moderating" I consider trying for a coherent flow of posts.
Dean, President Trump expressed his opinion just like any of us do. As a now politician he selectively chose countries to compare to put Sweden in a poor light...
Country .... Population .. Deaths
1.Norway 5,150,000 200
2.Finland 5,270,000 250
3.Denmark 5,570,000 500
4.Sweden 9,725,000 2,800
5.Germany 6,400,000 6,900
6.France 5,100,000 25,000
7.Spain 4,000,000 25,000
8.Italy 3,200,000 29,000
Facts tell the story when nothing is distorted and or left out.
Going forward, Sweden may have exposed its entire population to the virus. What will happen in the future months, years, decades will tell the ultimate story.
Dean, I think had to shut down the USA because of the modeling he was presented with by the "experts". When Sweden didn't shut down and did not have a disaster Trump may have thought I should have done that, so he had to deflect Sweden's strong numbers by comparing them to the countries he cherry picked. If he compared Sweden's numbers other European countries people in the USA may have said we should have done what Sweden did and now we wouldn't being going through this nightmare shutdown and the economy halted. This is my opinion. Like it or not.
Dean, you seem to post in a very negative light. Does not make you look good.
Dean, I see you have Trumps tweet in quotes. I don't think what you have in quotes is what he tweeted. It looks as if you are fake newsing us again. Do you have a link to the tweet? If I am wrong I will gladly apologize to you.
Link to tweet.
Dean, You were right. The version I saw was adulterated. It is my error and I completely and wholeheartedly apologize. Thank you for posting the link, but if you had in the first place I wouldn't have made a fool of myself.
Question, I seem to be getting a lot of attention, from what I consider to be a not too crazy of an opinion.
Do you guys never have disagreements here? Why can’t I have a difference of opinion without everyone and their mother chiming in?
It seems you guys are desperate to try to prove me incorrect.
Dean, from what I have read you just don't state an opinion, you go on to create controversy. For example you took a paragraph from an article submitted by another poster. No question the paragraph you posted was exactly what was stated in the article. One major problem however the article was conveying the opposite view from that one paragraph. I for one consider that disingenuous and would feel you are looking to create friction.
Dean, this is a Yankee baseball forum, not a political forum or a virus forum. I bet 99% of the posters here are Yankee fans and most important WIN METHOD fans. And 98% of posts are baseball related even during the off season. This virus is unprecedented and right now there is not much else to talk about. In my opinion, non baseball issues create controversy compared to the baseball season when people here are rooting for one thing, the Yankees winning and being the best.
Dean when you ask a question of "all" you will tend to get answers. When you post inaccuracies you will get called on it with others opinions. If you just post something that is your opinion you may likely get little to no responses but for "I agree" or another posters opinion. You seem to get irritated when someone questions you in my opinion post your flowed views particularly when you contrive evidence. Good job on the Trump tweet, but if you posted a link, that would have not made a poster question you on it. Nice to see she apologized. But you never apologized to bigbadwolf when he let your post be published with an illegal word in it. One hand washes the other.
Not sure what is controversial about saying the US needs to open up in a calculated measured way. Also, if you go back and read (seems to be an issue with many) the article was posted specifically to refute my point that the US should be wary of large public gatherings. Within the article, it notes that Sweden had, whadda ya know, banned large public gatherings. As such, it made no sense on refuting my point, so I called the poster out on it.
It was clearly a typo, I could’ve re written or bigbadwolf could’ve edited to the right word, didn’t realize an apology was needed, but sorry. Again, I truly don’t believe I’ve posted inaccuracies, but I do think readers were construing my words a certain way to be argumentative. I recall being told I was beaten to a pulp because of the pictures in the article...
Dean, no one who has access to reader posts has EVER altered any comment. One of the reasons we are the most viewed and beat Yankee baseball talk blof, forum, or site in the world.
The pictures in the article clearly that the people of Sweden were engaging in large public gatherings.
You constructed your comments to be argumentative.
Tom Wilson, Sweden's death rate is 0.02879. Not at all outrageous considering Sweden never shut down.
Yes johnsondc, the three pictures in the article have been used as the argument against that, which is silly.
I’m talking about large public events of hundreds to thousands of people, I don’t think the pictures in the article show that. People at a bar wouldn’t qualify.
Sweden has banned these, this is a fact.
Published rumors baseball will reopen spring training @ June 10th and the 2020 season will start @ July 1st. Would like to play games at teams home stadiums. No confirmation of any kind yet.
Half a season is better than none. Then cap it off with the October playoffs and World Series. Anything is better than the scum Chinese virus killing people all over the world.
I would think a lot of logistics would have to be worked out yet. The devil is in the details.
Every young baseball players development has been set back because of the coronavirus.
How about every nation in the world who owes China money not paying them another penny.
WIN METHOD posted on 4/25 that there would be a baseball season this year. Now the only news we want to hear is when will it start. We got a hint today.
Aaron Hicks may even be close to ready by the time the season starts. Or will the Yankees be better off just letting him sit out the entire year and start all over next spring. Paxton, Stanton, and Judge will be completely healed. What is going to happen with German?
Will be interesting to see how baseball contracts work out. Years, pay, etc.
Benny Pake, also, service time will be big. Bonus monies, incentive contracts, and more.
When controlling for the differences in population across states, the number of deaths from coronavirus is over three times higher in states with Democratic governors than in states with Republican governors. As of Sunday, April 26, states with Republican governors have experienced 57.53 coronavirus deaths per million of population, states with Democratic governors have 179.74 deaths per million of population. Even excluding the state of New York as an extreme outlier, states with Democratic governors have 138.58 deaths per million from coronavirus, still over twice as many coronavirus deaths per million as deaths in states with Republican governors.
Above you have the definition of the cesspool democrats, liberals, progressives, socialists, far left, and left wings of the American population.
Cole, Tanaka, Paxton, Happ, Montgomery. All ready to be the starting five.
I heard it was a thought/possibility that when spring training starts again teams will go to their original camps.
Several European countries opening up. Good for them, let the world open again. Let those who don't, live in their hole.
Raul Vasquez, hear hear.
I just hope MLB doesn't do anything stupid and not play games this season.
South Korea opened their baseball season today with no fans in attendance.
Lets go Yankees.
Likely the making a schedule for this season will be the issue. Hotel reservations, travel plans, a lot of logistics.
I would keep games by league with no interleague games. I hope they can come up with an equitable schedule.
What is safer. Going to a baseball game in a 40,000 seat ballpark with 10,000 fans or going into a bar with a 60 person capacity and 55 people in the bar?
Ballpark in the open air.
ballpark, baseball game, but it could be any sporting event. You are out in fresh air.
Ballpark first, then bar but not at capacity stated. Maybe about 25% capacity.
No brainer, the ballpark.
But but but large gatherings are banned.
Yankee Stadium for sure.
The ballpark with family.
Can’t the disease be transmitted from touching surfaces etc. I would think at vendor areas bathrooms etc. where thousands of people are going and touching and not getting cleaned until after the game would be dangerous.
I'm with everyone so far. The ballpark.
Better question, which event leaves with more people potentially infected which can then spread even further. Baseball game hands down.
Ballpark, and I'll bring my hand sanitizer just in case the ballpark doesn't supply any.
Great point, bigger group = bigger target = more opportunity for spread.
Not to mention all the bars surrounding the ballpark that get packed.
I think both are risky if highly occupied. Ballpark gathering would just have a larger gathering and larger long term risk.
I would rather have my freedom and go to the ballpark if I wish. Millions of people have already, are now, or will be infected with the virus and have absolutely no symptoms while at the same time millions will have minor symptoms while millions will have more severe symptoms and survive. No question people will die, people die every year from the flu---------------------Flu results in "about 250,000 to 500,000 yearly deaths" worldwide, Wikipedia tells us. "The typical estimate is 36,000 [deaths] a year in the United States," reports NBC, citing the Centers for Disease Control.-------and we do nothing.
It is my opinion that what is happening to the American people now with the shutdown may turn out down the road to be worse than the deaths occurring now. Businesses ruined, bankruptcies, drug use, suicides, despair, etc.
America has gone to wars and lost millions of innocent lives. We are fighting a war now.
10,000 in a 40,000 fresh air ballpark can be spread out over a much larger area than an enclosed are where 55 are in a 60 space.
Just saying, but we’ve had nearly double that in two months time and that’s with massive social distancing number. What’s a acceptable death total where you still feel that way?
Spreading of the coronavirus is dependent on countless variables in any group of people from few to 10 to 100 to 1,000 to 10,000 to 100,000. How many are carrying it. How many are susceptible to it. Then how many it will have no effect on, minor, effect on, more severe effect on, etc. Freedom of choice is paramount, not models by people who make up scenarios to put into computers. Garbage in garbage out. It may very well be that the "so called cure" will be worse than the virus itself.
I don't drink so it's the ballpark for me.
Ballpark and have a couple of beers, then I don't need to go to the bar.
Harley Quinn, No death is acceptable to me but for natural death.
Let me ask you, how many deaths are acceptable to you for..
1. Flu
2. Transportation accidents
3. Drugs
4. Cancer
5. Guns
6. Knives
7. Wars
8. Chinese corruption and or incompetence
Tony Gigante, hear hear.
The ballpark is my choice, but I am a baseball fan.
If the game is on TV, I may choose the bar.
Ballpark and let it be full with 40,000 fans.
When you are born you will die sometime in the future. You don't know when, where, nor how. So live life to your fullest, be everything you want to be, and don't let nor allow anyone tell you to live your life or shut down your life the way it is now. Open everything now and live your life to the fullest. BS on the virus and the shutdown. Let the whiners whine, and cower in fear, that is what they do best.
The latest out of New York today.
Most new Covid-19 hospitalizations in New York state are from people who were staying home and not venturing much outside, a “shocking” finding, Gov. Andrew Cuomo said Wednesday.
The preliminary data was from 100 New York hospitals involving about 1,000 patients, Cuomo said at his daily briefing.
It shows that 66% of new admissions were from people who had largely been sheltering at home. The next highest source of admissions was from nursing homes, 18%.
Some states are now blaming many deaths on Covid-19 and not on flu or pneumonia. We are getting fake inflated numbers for Covid-19.
Which is worst state in America??
Listed in alphabetical order
New York
My choice is California
California big time
I would believe that responses may depend on what part of the state someone lives in and some other posters who do not live in the states listed for whatever reasons each may have.
Tony Gigante, your post to Harley Quinn was brilliant. Waiting for Harley Quinn's reply.
Tom Kelly, let's see what we get.
This virus is different than all those other items you listed in that you personally can carry and spread it without knowing you have it. Even the flu has treatment and does not spread as easily, plus one is not generally asymptomatic when carrying. The other things you mentioned are things that you or I can control simply by not using weapons for violence against others, driving safely, etc. Essentially, you’re comparing apples to oranges, so it’s a flawed question from get go.
To answer your question, I don’t think any deaths from those are “acceptable”. Having said that, i personally, and the population, can only do so much to prevent them.
I am choosing to stay home, stay healthy, and avoid contact with others not to keep myself safe, but because I respect the life of others and want to keep them safe by stopping the spread of the virus.
You seem to value you personal freedom to do things like go to a baseball game and restaurant more than the health and well being of your neighbor, and if thats the case I won’t change your mind, but I can’t say I agree with it.
Harley Quinn, Please go back and read the post from sid greenberg,nyc May 6, 2020 at 2:36 PM.
Like many here feel it appears that sheltering in a hole, having no contact with people, while hoping to respect the life of others is meaningless dribble. 2/3 of new covid patients are those who have gone nowhere, done nothing, and sheltered in place.
The question from Tony Gigante was not flawed except in your eyes. On average hundreds of thousands of people are dying from the flu every year, 36,000 in the US alone and we do not hide in a hole and close the country, nor wear masks, nor social distance. People take illegal drugs, smoke, drink, etc that will kill them. Nothing is banned and there are no lockdowns. It is apples to apples. We are free to make choices. You are free to make the choices I make and then your excuse is "" I respect the life of others and want to keep them safe by stopping the spread of the virus."" Sadly you are not and you can't.
Without personal freedom you have nothing. I will go to the ballpark with thousands of others who know freedom is the most important thing on earth. You are free to make your choices, let everyone else be free to make theirs. You then have the choice to like it or not.
I hope most people here have seen and heard about the Dallas judge who fined a women salon owner $7,000.00 and 7 days in jail for opening her salon so she and her employees could feed their families. The judge should never be allowed to sit on the bench and decide another case ever again.
We were told sheltering in place would help deter the spread of the coronavirus. Looks like that is not true.
Nothing comes before freedom. You can see how the world is reacting to being you can't do this or that already after just a short time.
Harley Quinn, I understand your point of view and your choices. But isn't that what freedom is about?
You say people who don't follow the orders from politicians don't care if they spread a virus and kill people. In my opinion you are wrong on that point. Only the virus kills people and a person who may be immune should be allowed their freedom. Unfortunately people will die from the virus and people die everyday from the flu which has been around for decades killing people. We don't stop living and we don't deny freedoms.
Those who shelter and dot every i and cross every t following the guidelines are not anymore safe than anyone who doesn't. You may be immune and you may not be able to even carry toe virus to transmit it. No one knows any of this yet and what could be worse we may never know.
As the sister of a NYC doctor, I can tell you first hand that the shelter in place has worked. The hospitals here were on the brink, at full capacity, and the doctors and nurses could barely come up for air. My brother had never seen death and despair like he had seen in March and early April. It has gotten markedly better since the stay at home order has been in effect. I can only imagine the results were it allowed to run rampant.
You can disagree, but I’m speaking on behalf of someone who has first hand knowledge.
I’m also FREE to respect other people, and care about their health and well-being. There are people who don’t have the luxury of being able to stay at home like I do, and I’m going to protect them, that is my choice.
If you think your freedom to go to a baseball game, or bar, etc., outweighs other people’s freedom of survival, that is your choice, but honestly I think it’s somewhat selfish.
Many more places are opening up all over the country. It was open businesses or open rebellion from the majority of the nation.
Harley Quinn, are you saying that Governor Cuomo is lying when he says 2/3 of the new virus admissions came from people who sheltered at home? That would be in stark contrast to your opinion on the stay at home order.
You are free to do and believe what you want. So is everyone else and it does not make ANY ONE of them selfish.
Latest from MLB. This season likely to be 80-100 games depending on starting date.
I’m not saying that at all...
You do realize that the number of daily new cases and deaths have been on a steep decline though right?
Just to Harley’s point, if you’re doing whatever you want without regard to other people, it is basically by definition selfish.
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