Friday, November 1, 2019

WIN METHOD - HOT STOVE --- 2019 - 2020

It is that time again WIN METHOD fans.  The 2019 baseball season has concluded.  The best teams and the best players made it to the playoffs and after advancing through the playoffs by winning each series and eliminating each team they played, the Washington Nationals won the World Series and are the best baseball team and the best baseball players in the world.  Congratulations to the Nationals for all you have accomplished.  There is only one way for a team and for players to become the best of the best, and that is with wins and winning.  No individual stat matters.  Only wins and winning make you the best.  Sorry stat frauds, when you learn this you will learn real baseball.

Yes, the 2019 season is over.  The YANKEES did their best and it was not good enough as they lost to the Houston Astros in the American League Championship Series.  However, it looked like the YANKEES took enough out of the Astros  that it may have cost them winning the World Series.  The YANKEES will need some work to do this winter to find and to put together the last few pieces they need to become the best of the best.  Considering the massive amounts of crippling injuries our YANKEE team had to endure over the season, making the playoffs was a fine achievement in itself.  But that was the past.  Now we look to the future.

There are likely as many opinions as there are YANKEE fans on what the team needs to do over the winter to '"win it all" in 2020.  There is the free agent route with several pieces available, there are our own pieces available who if healthy for an entire season will help, and then there are own in house pieces available that are blooming and growing in the minors.   Several of which may contribute greatly in 2020.  There are also trade possibilities that may become on option.

YANKEE management will be busy this winter.  How much money to spend on talent.  Is the money spent worth the investment?   Paying players very high salaries for multiple years is seldom a remedy, and in fact has hurt teams who have gone that route more than it has helped them,  The trade route is a possibility, but it takes two parties to make a deal that each party feels is good for their team.  Then there is the bloom and grow route.  Spring training will provide some answers, but the hot stove will be only ashes before spring training provides some answers.  We will just have to see what happens and how things shake out this winter and spring.  Each decision made by management determines how and what the next decision may be.  Throwing money at big contracts is up to management.  You WIN METHOD fans know my opinion on big long term contracts, 'just say no'.  We said no to Harper and Machado last year and it paid dividends over the season as the YANKEES made the playoffs even with all the injuries.  Harper and Machado each cost their team a lot of dollars and neither team made the playoffs and are saddled with many years of an overpaid single piece of talent.

Lets all have a fun hot stove season, keep offering your opinions, thoughts, and ideas, and be happy you are not the one making the decisions.  Remember fans, the YANKEE management team has more knowledge and information than you (we) do.   There must be financial limits and that is one thing everyone should remember.  So, here we go, let's turn on the stove and see what we can cook up.  LETS GO YANKEES.


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David Stern said...

Trump is magnificent. Considering what the democrat liberals, all of fake news, and many no-Trumpers are doing and saying in an all out effort to stop the greatness of Trump, Trumps has stood up to it all very tall and has fought back with tweets and making America great again.

Robert Mandel said...

The gloom and doomers are thinking there will be no baseball this season and are blaming the billionaire owners and millionaire players for their pettiness.

Billy Tedder said...

Waiting for baseball to start is getting annoying.

johnsondc said...

This may be the week when 2020 baseball is decided.

Kenny Sheperd said...

It now looks as if MLB commissioner Rob Manfred may impose a season, which he has the authority to do.

reinvaldez said...

Manfred did say he was 100% sure baseball would be played in 2020.

sid greenberg,nyc said...

It won't matter if their is baseball or not, the USA is coming to a sad end as we know it.

HerecomestheJudge said...

sid greenberg,nyc, Don't give up sid.

Benny Pake said...

Baseball talks aka bickering continue.

Eddie OConnor said...

I can't phantom not having baseball of any kind. Far too many screwed up people in this world.

Yankeefan2 said...

I'm biding my time, that's the kind a guy I'm.....for baseball decision.

YankeeMike said...

From just a few minutes ago, Major League Baseball and the MLB Players Association are nearing an agreement to play the 2020 season.

Linda Pardo said...

If no one throws a wrench or cold water we could have baseball.

Tao Huynh said...

Deal is close but still not agreed to as yet.

Phil Esposito said...

As of now July 10th is target for 2020 season opening.

Norm Jackson said...

Things looking good for the return of baseball.

okiened said...

I am in line for the Trump rally now. I can't believe how many people are here already. Have to camp out.

YankeeMike said...

Approximately 12:30PM. With the progress toward a deal on Wednesday, reports made it clear that there's more work to do. The MLBPA wants a longer season than the 60-game season the MLB owners proposed earlier in the week. There appears to be a path toward a deal, but players will push for more than 60 games with their full, prorated salaries.

Lon Klick said...

okiened, good for you, enjoy and give a cheer from me.

Quay Ho said...

Let there be baseball.

Izy Hernandez said...

Trump will be very explosive Saturday night at his rally. He's been holding a lot back for a while now. Will be a great must watch event for the intelligent voters.

Dan Reynolds said...

Tomorrow would be a good day for baseball to agree on terms.

Sharon/NC said...

Meetings continue today. Trump rally tomorrow. Could be a great weekend.

Victor Grandozi said...

Haven't heard anything yet today on baseball front. Good or bad?

YankeeMike said...

As of the end of day today, the negotiations between players and owners over the structure of a 2020 MLB season took another turn. According to a statement from the Major League Baseball Players Association (MLBPA), owners will not be making a revised proposal to players. Here is that statement in full:

"MLB has informed the Association that it will not respond to our last proposal and will not play more than 60 games. Our Executive Board will convene in the near future to determine next steps. Importantly, Players remain committed to getting back to work as soon as possible."

MLB recently offered the union a 60-game season with full pro-rated pay for players in exchange for expanded playoffs in 2020 and 2021 and a pledge not to file a grievance against owners. Some owners and perhaps commissioner Rob Manfred believed that Manfred's recent face-to-face meeting with union head Tony Clark ended with an agreement. However, that was not the case, and players counter-proposed a 70-game regular season. To hear MLB tell it, owners aren't budging again after making their first real concession for the first time throughout all of this.

The players will likely vote on Saturday whether to accept that most recent offer of 60 games or allow Manfred to set the schedule, per the March 26 agreement in which player compensation for 2020 was agreed upon. In that agreement, players granted Manfred the power to implement a season structure of his and the owners' choosing, so long as pro-rated salaries were paid based upon the number of regular season games. Also according to Heyman, Manfred will indeed set a schedule of 50-60 games if the players vote no on the 60-game proposal. In turn, though, the players would almost surely not agree to expand the current 10-team playoff structure, which ownership wants to grow to 16 teams.

Assuming this isn't just management posturing, it's now the players' decision to make. That would mean accepting the 60-game offer with playoffs expanded to 16 teams for 2020 and 2021 or allow Manfred to force a season with the old playoff format, their right to file grievance intact, and 50-60 games.

It's worth noting, however, that owners were supposedly done negotiating at a prior juncture and unwilling to grant full prorated salaries in keeping with the March agreement. Manfred's and Clark's meeting, however, marked a restart. Given the whipsaw trajectory of these negotiations -- recall that Manfred guaranteed a season before, days later, expressing doubt that a season would take place -- it's perhaps too much to say that this is the final twist.

Players previously said they'd be willing to play, per terms of the March agreement, under Manfred's chosen structure. "Tell us when and where" was the messaging and rallying cry as players signaled the first end to negotiations. That option now appears to be one of two paths remaining for the 2020 season.

Ben Rosen/Israel said...

All MLB camps closed down because of Covid cases. Overkill and another stupid decision. It looks like too many people are trying to destroy America any way they can.

Billy Tedder said...

Don't forget Trump rally tonight. Watch, learn, and help save America. Only Trump can.

YankeeBob said...

The Phillie camp had five case and there may have been one or two others so they shut down 30 camps. Brain dead corruption.

Wilsonsway said...

Billy Tedder, most important, vote for Trump in November.

Walt Belamy said...

The radical liberal left wing schools and teachers since the 80's have done their job very well. they have taught the children the 3 D's. Demean, Disrespect, and Destroy.

Irene Haas said...

Tonight, Watch FOX news channel at 8PM and you will see the best live TV show up to this point for 2020. Hope Trump rips the liberal media, politicians, and their supporters a new one.

VOTE TRUMP 2020. Save America or live in tyranny for the rest of your life.

bigbadwolf said...

Irene Haas, thank you for posting here at the best and number one baseball blog in the world. To add, I second your post. Welcome and please post often.

Jack Gordon said...

Irene Haas, hear hear.

Harry Stavris said...

Still no word on baseball so far. Players voting today.

YankeeMike said...

Today....If Major League Baseball and the MLB Players Association cannot come to terms on a plan to hold the 2020 season, commissioner Rob Manfred is reportedly expected to intervene.

The players union executive board is set to vote on the league's proposal of a 60-game season. If it is vetoed, Manfred is expected to mandate and set a schedule for the 2020 season.

Looks like a last resort.

Felix Lopez said...

Trump with a grand slam tonight. Brilliant speech which will pull the chain of the libs.

Eddie OConnor said...

Enjoyed watching Trump rally last night. If anyone thinks Biden is a better choice than Trump, and the country would be better off under the left wing than Trump, there is something seriously wrong with them.

Victor Bruno said...

Biden is physically and mentally unfit for any office. He checks all the boxes for representing the democrat party to run for president.

Jill Byrnes said...

Victor Bruno, funny funny funny and so true.

YankeeMike said...

A few minutes ago.....There is a sudden sense of urgency, and cautious optimism that Major League Baseball and the union are progressing towards a deal, with the two sides communicating Sunday and exchanging ideas.

The players postponed their vote Sunday whether to accept or reject MLB’s plan for a 60-game season with full prorated salary simply because there may be a modified proposal submitted tomorrow.

If the two sides can’t reach a deal in the next few days, commissioner Rob Manfred is expected to mandate a season of 54-60 games.

Fred Slube said...

There will be baseball.

Cal Hooks said...

No baseball, if any until late July at this point.

Gus Papa said...

Multi-millionaires bickering and bickering. Money IS the root of all evil.

YankeeMike said...

15 minutes ago.....The negotiations between MLB owners and the MLBPA on a 2020 season finally appears to be nearing a resolution. After weeks of back and forth talks, the players union will vote on the league's 60-game season proposal during a call scheduled for 5pm ET today.

YankeeMike said...

The sniveling MLB players have voted down the league's 60-game proposal. The negotiating ball is now back in Rob Manfred's court. He has the ability to implement a season. That could happen soon.

Yoki said...

None of this nonsense happens in Japan. Someone has to step up and take control. Get rid of all the politically correct garbage the left spews.

Patricia Piper said...

It looks like it is up to Manfred now. Mandate or no mandate, that is the question.

Oscar Hron said...

Manfred did say that there would definitely be baseball this season.

YankeeMike said...

Just announced...... Major League Baseball announced Monday night that it would impose a 2020 schedule on the players after nearly three months of rancorous talks with the union ended without a negotiated settlement. The league did not specify the length of the schedule but said in a statement that it wanted players to report to their home ballparks by July 1 for training camp.

Jimmy Thames said...

Baseball is back. ????????????????

YankeeMike said...

The final words from very late last night..... Major League Baseball announced that clubs have unanimously voted to proceed with the 2020 season under the terms of their agreement with the MLB Players Association from March.

Commissioner Rob Manfred will decide how many games will be played. The league wants to know if the players could be ready to report for spring training camp by July 1 and if the union will agree on health and safety protocols.

The league is aiming for a 60-game regular season provided that the players consent to the health and safety protocols.

The latest development comes after weeks of negotiations between the MLB and the union in which the two sides could not agree on terms for a 2020 season.

In order to produce a schedule with a specific number of games, we are asking that the Players Association provide to us by 5:00 p.m. (ET) Tuesday with two pieces of information. The first is whether players will be able to report to camp within seven days (by July 1st). The second is whether the Players Association will agree on the Operating Manual which contains the health and safety protocols necessary to give us the best opportunity to conduct and complete our regular season and Postseason.

Giambino said...

So it looks like if the players don't come up with anything stupid there will be a season.

Augie Defonce said...

The players wouldn't back this up now, would they?

jimbo said...

Think of the sixty game or so season as the playoffs before the playoffs. In the end, after the sixty games the best will advance, and then in the final playoffs the best will advance, and finally in the end the winners will be the best of the best.

Hobbs said...

No word from players yet.

YankeeMike said...

It's official, baseball is back. Commissioner Rob Manfred has implemented a 60-game schedule for the 2020 MLB season, which is officially scheduled to start on July 23.

Yankeeforever said...

Great news. East vs East. Central vs Central. West vs West. 40 games in league and 20 games against other league.

Ursala Pei said...

Certainly a very different schedule for all teams. Wins will again determine who is best.

Hoyle said...

It seems that the playoffs will not change as of now. Division winners in each league and two wild cards in each league. Every one of the 60 regular season games becomes crucial from the get go.

Domenic said...

Going to be great to have baseball back. Please don't anything stupid happen.

Bond007 said...

No pitchers named by Yankees for tonight's 4PM start double header.

Tony Manchu said...

All lives matter. Black, brown, red, white, yellow or any other color you want to use. No one color matters more than any other color and no life is more important than any other.

Black lives matter as an organization is a domestic terrorist group and must be eradicated.

Tony Manchu said...

No mail in ballots should ever be accepted by any state for any reason. Only documented absentee ballots would be acceptable with verification.

Wolverine Willie said...

Hundreds and hundreds of American citizens signing sworn affidavits under penalty of perjury that they witnessed large school corruption of votes in countless states across America and the corrupt politician, judges, and media bury their head in the sand.

Manny Wilkes said...


Carisahabat said...

Mau punya banyak uang?? Ayo Segera Daftar-Deposit-Main-Withdraw Datang segera jangan sampai tidak kebagian ya. Link resmi klik saja ya

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