Friday, November 1, 2019

WIN METHOD - HOT STOVE --- 2019 - 2020

It is that time again WIN METHOD fans.  The 2019 baseball season has concluded.  The best teams and the best players made it to the playoffs and after advancing through the playoffs by winning each series and eliminating each team they played, the Washington Nationals won the World Series and are the best baseball team and the best baseball players in the world.  Congratulations to the Nationals for all you have accomplished.  There is only one way for a team and for players to become the best of the best, and that is with wins and winning.  No individual stat matters.  Only wins and winning make you the best.  Sorry stat frauds, when you learn this you will learn real baseball.

Yes, the 2019 season is over.  The YANKEES did their best and it was not good enough as they lost to the Houston Astros in the American League Championship Series.  However, it looked like the YANKEES took enough out of the Astros  that it may have cost them winning the World Series.  The YANKEES will need some work to do this winter to find and to put together the last few pieces they need to become the best of the best.  Considering the massive amounts of crippling injuries our YANKEE team had to endure over the season, making the playoffs was a fine achievement in itself.  But that was the past.  Now we look to the future.

There are likely as many opinions as there are YANKEE fans on what the team needs to do over the winter to '"win it all" in 2020.  There is the free agent route with several pieces available, there are our own pieces available who if healthy for an entire season will help, and then there are own in house pieces available that are blooming and growing in the minors.   Several of which may contribute greatly in 2020.  There are also trade possibilities that may become on option.

YANKEE management will be busy this winter.  How much money to spend on talent.  Is the money spent worth the investment?   Paying players very high salaries for multiple years is seldom a remedy, and in fact has hurt teams who have gone that route more than it has helped them,  The trade route is a possibility, but it takes two parties to make a deal that each party feels is good for their team.  Then there is the bloom and grow route.  Spring training will provide some answers, but the hot stove will be only ashes before spring training provides some answers.  We will just have to see what happens and how things shake out this winter and spring.  Each decision made by management determines how and what the next decision may be.  Throwing money at big contracts is up to management.  You WIN METHOD fans know my opinion on big long term contracts, 'just say no'.  We said no to Harper and Machado last year and it paid dividends over the season as the YANKEES made the playoffs even with all the injuries.  Harper and Machado each cost their team a lot of dollars and neither team made the playoffs and are saddled with many years of an overpaid single piece of talent.

Lets all have a fun hot stove season, keep offering your opinions, thoughts, and ideas, and be happy you are not the one making the decisions.  Remember fans, the YANKEE management team has more knowledge and information than you (we) do.   There must be financial limits and that is one thing everyone should remember.  So, here we go, let's turn on the stove and see what we can cook up.  LETS GO YANKEES.


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Roy Shaw said...

Harley Quinn, 2/3 of all admissions being people who sheltered means sheltering in place has no value. New cases are going down all over the nation although there are hotspots that do popup.

Roy Shaw said...

Tim D, your opinion is yours. My opinion is your post is ignorant. Your definition is upside down and backwards. Before all this is over more than likely every person in the world will come in contact with the Covid virus. There is not one iota any one person or any group of people or an army of people can do about it. Nature is more powerful than any of us. If anyone is selfish, it is the scum of the world who take away other peoples rights, The communists, socialists, progressives, etc.

Giambino said...

Man, do we to need the baseball season going. I'd like to see any dirtbag politician stop me from from having 20 buddies over for a baseball game bash.

Rajiv Maragh said...

Roy Shaw, I agree. If you don't have freedom, you don't have anything more valuable.

Tim D said...

Roy Shaw,

Uh, just as generality, doing something for personal gain or benefit without regards to others is selfish.

You’re getting really upset and going off into some rant about nature that had nothing to do with what I posted.

Also you’re idea that there’s nothing we can do to lower the deaths from this disease is a defeatist attitude and, wrong. I trust the medical guys on this one.

Roy Shaw said...

Tim D, the medical guys are who first told us we would lose two and half million lives.

My 'rant' about nature is valid. We can't stop the flu from killing us and maybe we will never stop Covid-19 from killing us. Therefore all the protocols will not stop nature from running its course and taking lives. Very easy for people to understand. When I invest in a stock I do it without regards for anyone else and only for personal gain. If that is selfish, sobeit. When I want to go to a ballgame with thousands of other people it's for my fun and enjoyment and the camaraderie of fellow baseball fans. I guess all of us are selfish.

Evan Donahue said...

I can't understand why some people would rather hide than live life.

Vladimir Tinzak said...

Evan Donahue, their excuse is they are doing good by hiding and not spreading the virus. You can't spread it if you don't have it and not a carrier. Just like you can catch the flu if you are not careful around people you can catch the virus. Just carry hand sanitizer all the time and use it all the time when you can't wash your hands with soap.

Harley Quinn said...


I know this wasn’t directed towards me, but jowever you want to justify your selfish need for entertainment is on you. Just know, that your attitude is an attitude that will lead to unnecessary deaths of other people. You value freedom over human life. You’ve made that clear. I don’t agree, but tis your opinion.

Roy Shaw said...

Harley Quinn, there is nothing wrong with expressing your opinion. However, in your post you made some assumptions which are not true, so I will refute them.

1.I do not consider my need to be selfish.
2.My attitude in no way, shape or form will lead to any deaths of any kind.
3.I value freedom over being told what I can and can not do, not life.

However, you also have an opinion that you are entitled to and allowed to express.

HerecomestheJudge said...

I wonder if Aaron Judge will be completely healed when games begin.

jimbo said...

HerecomestheJudge, he better be.

Neil Golub said...

More areas of the country are opening today. Very slowly and steadily. Hope there will be no major setbacks.

Carl Hooks said...

Have a reservation tonight for dinner in a restaurant that is open with limited seating. A step in the right direction.

Gabe Dreuer said...

I just knew it and I should have posted it yesterday. I felt the left wing sick corrupt demented Democrat governors would blame virus outbreaks on businesses that are opening. Low and behold, dirtbag lowlife Newsom of California is breaking Covid outbreaks on nail salons.

Teena/Bronx said...

How about Cuomo not allowing the elderly with the virus into hospitals but sending them to nursing homes where they couldn't be taken care of, to die. He killed those people. Shameful.

Tao Huynh said...

Teena/Bronx, Didn't Cuomo keep running the subways, unsanitized, with the indigents living in them and using them as bathrooms while people were commuting in them also. That alone was a major breeding ground for the virus. No fresh air, just an underground virus factory. You are right, shameful.

Teena/Bronx said...

Tao Huynh, you are so right.

Yanks23245 said...

How about all the liberal democrat corruption stemming from Obama and his administration. Lies, fraud, deceit, coup, treason. How can anyone ever vote for any democrat unless they are just as corrupt, ignorant, or stupid.

Yankeeforever said...

This out today. MLB to submit 2020 season restart plan to players union by next week.

will-i-am said...

If I am not mistaken if MLB wants each team to use its own home park, but each ballpark would need the OK of the politicians in charge. You know what that means.

Vince/Brooklyn said...

will-i-am, yep, forrgettabouttit.

Guy Padikian said...

They'll figure out something. The players all just can't take a year off.

Boston/Yankee said...

Guy Padikian, if MLB can't get all concerned and needed to agree there may be no season and the players will have to take the year off.

Norm Jackson said...

People all over the nation are out protesting, demanding their rights and freedoms from shutdowns by states. Let's get back to work.

Adam Egan said...

Norm Jackson, and let's play some baseball. Let's go America. We need to make America great again.

Carl Hooks said...

Had dinner out in a dine in restaurant Friday night. The restaurant could operate at 25% capacity right now. Servers were wearing a face mask but patrons were not. Easily spread out and traffic pattern well organized with no one passing by our table coming or going except for our server. Seemed a little awkward eating in a big area that would normally be full, but it was a step forward and just nice to be out and moving forward.

Logan/Kentucky said...

Carl Hooks, good for you. We have to all start somewhere. I bet the democrat cesspools will be last if ever.

FloridaYankee said...

Yanks23245, when you posted that the people who vote for democrats are either corrupt, ignorant, or stupid I broke it down into percentages. 10% corrupt, 45% ignorant and 45% stupid.

Bobby Behan said...

If there are no major setbacks from the virus everything could move forward at a steady pace.

Jack Bauer said...

The economy cannot be closed forever, likely not even a year, how much less no one knows. So open up slowly with a goal for everything open wometime in fall.

johnsondc said...

With all the nonsense going on, I almost forgot, HAPPY MOTHERS DAY to all the mothers out there, especially to the mothers who read and post on the WIN METHOD blog. You are all special and add so much insight with your comments. Thank you all. HAPPY MOTHERS DAY!!!

Augie Defonce said...

We need some good news, really good news.

Woody/Atlanta said...

News from Georgia. The first state to start opening businesses and direct contact with people has just reported the lowest amount of Covid cases since the outbreak of the virus. That is some great news.

Sean Smith said...

The fake media will make it seem like the end of the world is upon us and everyone is going to
die with lie after lie about the virus trying to scare people and slow the reopening of America.

yankeedoodledandy said...

Waiting to here from MLB with baseball re-opening of the season information.

Warren Hammond said...

Fauci testified today re the virus. If the US does what he wants the country will go bankrupt and America will end as we know it and the end result will not be pretty and I do not think any of us would want.

Gil McKenzie said...

Warren Hammond, Rush Limbaugh said the same thing on his show today.

Cal Fuerst said...

The democrats are destroying America.

jimbo said...

Major League Baseball and the Players Association started negotiations about resuming the 2020 season on Tuesday. The two sides began talks after commissioner Rob Manfred held a Monday conference call with the league's 30 owners, who approved a restart proposal that would have the 2020 regular season begin in early July.

Here are the major items included in MLB's proposal, sources familiar with Monday's conference call have told CBS Sports:

82-game regional schedule and universal DH
30-man active rosters with a 20-player taxi squad
14 teams in the postseason with games played in home cities in October
50/50 revenue split for players and owners

It's up to the players now. Will they play or chicken puck puck puck out.

Yankeefan2 said...

You won't have games without the players. I wonder if they refuse to play the owners won't pay them. Pay them for the Covid time off and pay them if they play. No play no pay.

Jill Byrnes said...

Regional schedule, East, Central, West all games with a designated hitter. The aaaa national league gets to play real baseball.

30 man active roster each game with 20 extras available at any time.

14 teams make the post season, wow!

Stanley Chin said...

If the players don't do anything stupid it looks like there will be baseball this season. The three sections limit travel, that has to be nice for the players and logistically. Allowing fans at some point would be the coup de grace.

YankeeBob said...

Don't forget that the democrats will try to do whatever they can to stop cities under their control to not allow baseball. Let's see how MLB handles that.

Sue Gordon said...

We need to play baseball and get back to living life. Covid-19 will run its course and kill tens of thousands of people all over the world. We can't stop living because of it. It wasn't the first deadly world pandemic and it won't be the last.

Diane Stahl said...

Went to several stores today and the food store (withholding name) was very busy. Take out restaurant was a line 8 deep. Beauty salon had all 6 chairs occupied. Open up the country.

Augie Defonce said...

Deny any politician who tries to take away your rights.

Jerry Curcio said...

Also let fans into ballparks and attend games.

yankeelover said...

MLB said they would continue to play games even if some played caught the virus. Good for them. Any player diagnosed with the virus is just sent home for two weeks isolation and isn't allowed to play until doctors say he is OK. With 50 players eligible per team and 30 in uniform each game, a team could lose 1/3 of their players and still suit up 30 players and a couple of spares still available.

Roy Shaw said...

I wonder what Harley Quinn is doing, as people all across America are opening their businesses and people are going to work and just out doing things while some hateful politicians are trying to keep their states and cities shut down trying to hurt America.

Paul Hirschman said...

Roy Shaw, you nailed it. Vote Trump and republicans or the country is gone. The democrats will destroy everything this country has been built on.

Sharon/NC said...

Roy Shaw & Paul Hirschman, bad boys, you are being selfish. You can't be free, you must do what the haters of America tell you to do.


Tampa Bay pitcher Blake snell whining and sniveling about the owners paying only a half years salary for a half years work. He wants a full years salary for him doing half the work. What a jerk.

Wilsonsway said...

BIGTIMEYANKEE, I would think it is up to him. Don't play and get paid nothing and he may even be in violation of his contract. Play and get paid half his contract as all other players.

Victor Grandozi said...

Take me out to the ball game, take me out with the crowd, buy me some peanuts and crackerjack, I don't care if I ever come back. Root root root for the Yankees, if they don't win it's a shame. For it's one, two, three strikes you're out at the old ball game.

Woody/Atlanta said...

Harley Quinn, are you getting out and rejoining the real world of freedom loving people, or are you hiding in fear listening to the Barbara Streisand of corrupt politicians and elite of the swamp?

Yanks23245 said...

From MLB commissioner Manfred..... "At the end of the day, however," he said, "if there are players with either health conditions or just their own personal doubts, we never force them, try to force them, to come back to work."

That should cover any players union issues.

Mark Wagoner said...

Fair enough on what Manfred said. BUT do the players get paid for just saying I don't feel it's safe and I don't want to be there? To me, they shouldn't. But I can see where an individual is coming from, albeit I do not like it.

AAA said...

No matter how it shakes out, this season will be different. Or as the stat frauds would call it, and outlier.

Marilyn Zerberini said...

Oh where oh where have all the doom and gloomer coronavirus posters gone.

Eddie OConnor said...

There in conference trying to plan how to keep the country shut down.

KevMac said...

So far so good on America re-opening.

YankeeMike said...

MLB has put together 67-page first draft of social distancing and hygiene guidelines for team personnel to follow if there's a 2020 season. The Associated Press got hold of the document and published some highlights Saturday.

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There were a lot of highlights. Two immediate reactions:
— Good grief, no one's going to remember all of these do's and (mostly) don'ts.
— Some of the on-field social distancing measures, though well-intentioned, are going to be really challenging.
MORE: Key points of Bryce Harper's plan to save baseball in 2020
Three examples from the AP's report:
Fielders are "encouraged to retreat several steps away from the baserunner" between pitches.
First and third base coaches are not to approach baserunners or umpires
(P)layers should not socialize with opponents.
And now for some more rapid reactions:

— First basemen are going to have to stay on the move as they shuttle between the bag and a few feet behind it when they're holding runners. The middle infielders and third basemen won't need to worry about this much.
— It's a decent bet that some first base coaches will forget to stay away. They unconsciously sidle up to baserunners after almost every pitch as they watch the third base coach give signs.
— Old-school scolds might appreciate the return of the "No fraternizing" rule (hey, some levity can't hurt).
Some of the voluminous hygiene guidelines may produce chuckles and maybe head shakes, but they mostly make sense. Among them: No spitting, finger-licking, high-fives, fist bumps or hugs; limit throwing the ball around the infield; dress at home or the hotel and come to the park ready to play; not too many people in the showers after a game.
This reported guideline, though, was just confusing: "A ball will be thrown away after it is touched by multiple players." That reads as though there will be a new ball for almost every pitch, when you consider pitches, foul balls, throws to bases and relays from the outfield. How many baseballs will be MLB need if that is indeed the case?
MLB has asked teams to offer their input by May 22, the AP reported.
"The document is designed to set minimum standards and identify best practices, but we have attempted to provide clubs with enough flexibility to achieve the desired health and safety objectives in a manner that is tailored to their particular circumstances, including ballpark configuration, location, and the nature of any local governmental regulations or restrictions," deputy commissioner Dan Halem wrote in an accompanying e-mail to team owners and top executives.
Expect lots of input, because there's so much to review.

Remember, it is only a first draft and they are looking for input from players and teams.

Izy Hernandez said...

It looks like MLB to cover their backside is putting everything out there. Allows for the players to shoot down the garbage.

Steve(winstheonlystat} said...

The third rate nyyforum had been shut down for several days now. Really, no loss at all. Wonder what is going on with them.

johnsondc said...

Steve(winstheonlystat}, that was/is a corrupt forum with a clique running it including the stooge moderators. If you did not tow their foul beliefs you were kicked out. They have very few members and almost no following. They are losers out and out.

Guido Pizzaman said...

Everyone should read MLB's 67 page doctrine. There are many laughs to be gotten from the read.

Todd Barnes-NYC said...

Throngs of freedom loving New Yorkers gathered at bars and restaurants defying the orders of their dirtbag governors orders not to. All hail the freedom loving Americans.

Cal Fuerst said...

Does Harley Quinn think all of her fellow NYer's are selfish when they express their freedom from tyranny and forced confinement by corrupt politicians.

Pedro,Seattle said...

Thanks to all the red states that have led the way to re-opening America and getting people back to work led by President Donald J.Trump.

Rich Hall said...

We still have at least a month and a half for baseball if it starts in early July. No reason why baseball should not be played.

Hobbs said...

Just how meaningless can a 300 million dollar player be to a team. Take Bryce Harper for example, last season the Washington National let Harper go as a free agent. The Philadelphia Phillies signed Harper among several other highly rated free agents and immediately became the heavy favorites to win their division and go on to the World Series. Alas, the Phillies with their stat acclaimed documented loser Harper did not even make the playoffs while the National after getting rid of their albatross loser Harper won their division and yes, went on to win the World Series.

A lesson for you newbies here at WIN METHOD, baseball's best blog, about stat frauds.

Lou Lis said...

Hobbs, excellent post. Facts kill the stat frauds who seem to have a passion for big dollar losers. I guess they like players like themselves. L's

Roger Brown said...

Back to baseball.

coryankee said...

For you young fans and new to baseball fans, it is unimportant how much or how many any player stat wise achieves for himself individually, however it is vitally important when any player achieves for his team in order for the team to win. That is the WIN METHOD. Not how much or how many, but when. When defines the best players and the best teams.

Tom Wilson said...

Don't forget Mike Trout. Trout is the highest rated MLB player by the stat frauds. They ogle over his gaudy individual stats and call him the best player in the game right now and even one of the greatest MLB players of all time. On the other hand the most knowledgeable baseball fans in the world, the WIN METHOD fans, know Trout is very possibly the most damaging individual player to his team of all time. Trout has a massive contract, and after playing nine season has helped his team reach the playoff just ONE time. In that playoff season his team played just ONE series and was eliminated from the playoffs in the first round. Trout played pathetically in that series batting .083. Mike Trout is the one player who you do not want on your team. He decided that himself when he had a chance at free agency and playing for any team in baseball willing to waste hundreds of millions of dollars for nothing, and he stayed in California (that alone makes him not very smart) with the Angels. He may very well have cemented his career as the greatest loser of all time.

Yankeefan2 said...

Yes, another one of the stat frauds losers. Trout may very well have crippled his team for the duration of his contract.

Earl Lennon said...

There is also Manny Machado in the big money loser club.

Domingo Orengo said...

Why would MLB baseball players have any issue with getting paid half their salary for half a seasons work?

Deb F said...

The difference in democrat controlled blue states and republican red states. This should tell you all you need to know on who to vote for all the time. Vote Trump, vote republican.

The following is documented fact.

When controlling for the differences in population across states, the number of deaths from coronavirus is over three times higher in states with Democratic governors than in states with Republican governors. As of Sunday, April 26, states with Republican governors have experienced 57.53 coronavirus deaths per million of population, states with Democratic governors have 179.74 deaths per million of population. Even excluding the state of New York as an extreme outlier, states with Democratic governors have 138.58 deaths per million from coronavirus, still over twice as many coronavirus deaths per million as deaths in states with Republican governors.

Anthony Naro said...

I wonder and there is no way to determine this, but I wonder how many stat frauds are democrats.

Benny Pake said...

Anthony Naro, ROFLOL

YaneeMike said...

Today's update on MLB season 2020 real baseball.

Major League Baseball and the Players Association are in their second week of negotiations about the 2020 season. MLB was supposed to host Opening Day on March 26, but the spread of COVID-19 forced the league to suspend operations in the middle of spring training. The question now is whether the two sides can come to an agreement on a shortened season, one that would likely start in July, have an expanded playoffs and feature a long list of safety protocols for both MLB players and personnel.

MAWRY said...

If the players want to get paid anything this season they better come to an agreement. Play and get paid or shut up.

Patrick Healy said...

Open the whole country now. The naysayers are sick demented people.

Norm Jackson said...

Patrick Healy, the naysayers don't have to participate if they don't want to.

Raul Vasquez said...

Norm Jackson, exactly. If anyone does not want to go to work, go out to eat, get their hair done, workout, shop, or live life, they don't have to. On the other side, those who do want to do these things must be allowed to and not be prevented from doing so.

Saul Irving said...

There will be a baseball season this year. You just have to believe there are more players who want to play than those who don't. Find the players who don't want to play and you find the players you don't want on your team. the majority will rule.

Geronimo Wyatt said...

It looks as if the CDC may be as corrupt as the WHO.

Ben Shapiro said...

How about one of the greatest freedoms we have being taken away from us, the right to practice our religion.

Veerayut Maneechote said...

Pack every place of worship across the nation and let's see what the despicable politicians do when million upon millions of people practice their faith. Vote REPUBLICAN, save your life, save your country.

Victor Bruno said...

Fauci said today that if the country doesn't open soon, the economic recovery would be a nightmare.

Eddie OConnor said...

Yankees should be at 100% for start of season.

Pierre Jadot said...

The Yankees will win it all this season.

YankeeMike said...

Most recent update on the MLB 2020 season.

The fate of the 2020 MLB season could be decided in the next week, as MLB and MLBPA reps are negotiating player-safety guidelines and could be reviewing financial data presented by baseball owners as early as today.

The two issues are the prime considerations for a season launch on the July 4 weekend, as MLB preps for a season beginning with play at empty ballparks, though the hope is to add fans later in the year. The MLB proposal re: player-safety guidelines—a hefty 67 pages—covered a wide range of topics that included testing, social-distancing guidelines and game protocols banning the likes of spitting, fist bumps and high fives. When on the road, players would be asked to stay in their rooms, and in all cases dress before they hit the ballpark while also giving up tools like hydrotherapy. A response from the MLBPA was issued last night, focused on additional testing frequency, provisions for family members and details on how a positive-testing player would be handled.

This is all well and good, and it was smart for MLB to begin talks about the 2020 MLB season with a discussion of player safety before moving on to the more contentious issue: pay. MLB owners are expected to submit financial data to players to assuage fears that additional pay cuts would unfairly impact players. Already the MLBPA has agreed to pay cuts in a deal first negotiated with the coronavirus pandemic closed down play in March, but for an actual return to play come July the MLB owners floated a 50-50 revenue split. This split was immediately requested by the MLBPA as a step toward a hard salary cap—something players have opposed for decades.

There is, of course, a relatively easy way to address this: MLB can back off the 50-50 split and vow not to turn any deal this year—and maybe next year—into a hard salary cap come the next round of collective bargaining agreement negotiations due in 2021. Some players have acknowledged some adjustment on pay is necessary; the fact that many MLB teams are now furloughing or cutting the pay of front-office personnel is also driving the point home for all that finances are tight across the board.

okiened said...

Let's play some baseball. A July 4th weekend opening would be fantastic and glorious. Get it done guys. Lead the way.

RLA said...

Let's go the movies, restaurants, houses of worship, etc.

Warren Hammond said...

Happy Memorial Day everyone and especially all are heroic soldiers who have given more than anyone for this nation. God Bless you all.

Mickey Littlebear said...

Bless 'em all, bless 'em all, the long and the short and the tall.

Asoka Gangadean said...

Would've been a glorious baseball weekend. Enjoy however you can baseball fans.

sid greenberg,nyc said...

Mickey Littlebear, you are going back a long ways for that one. Did you serve?

Rickey Romero Jr. said...

Sweet weekend as more and more businesses open.

Carla Sherwin said...

Happy Memorial Day. Just watched the Arlington National Cemetery of the wreath laying at the tomb of the unknown soldier. Always get chills and tears every year. God bless America and God bless President Trump who is doing all he can to save America from those who will destroy it.

Barry West said...

Trump followed uo the Arlington Cemetery event with one at Fort McHenry in Baltimore. Simply put, the background for the event and his speech both were magnificent.

Sharon/NC said...

Our dirtbag governor Roy (chicken)Cooper won't commit to allowing republicans having full attendance at their convention in late August in Charlotte NC. Republicans may need to relocate to a state with a real governor and not a democrat sycophant lap dog.

Mickey Littlebear said...

sid greenberg,nyc, yes I served in Nam. That song is from the 40's I think.

Nick Polito said...

NFL says they want to open the season with full stadiums. Open everything. Anyone who doesn't open vote out of office forever.

Frank Sergi said...

MLB and players talking today and both sides want to resolve the 2020 season issue quickly. As the Beatles song goes, "let it be, let it be".

Bobby Vartanian said...

The owners want high salary players to take a higher pay cut so the lower paid players don't get hurt as much.

Dakarai Folami said...

Owners, players, give us baseball back.

Tony Manchu said...

People need to do things, get out and work, shop, play, vacation, sports, movies, school, and everything else. Crush those who are preventing this in November. Vote anything but democrat, liberal, socialist, progressive.

Jackson DeWitt-Iowa said...

Tony Manchu, Without doubt. Finally we have a non-politician president who loves America and the corrupt half of the country is lying, cheating, and making anything they can up to try and take him down.

YankeeMike said...

Most up to date MLB info. After a productive meeting yesterday, the two sides are not negotiating on Wednesday, from what I have heard. Keep in mind, there's still time to get a deal in place for a regular season that starts in early July. There is not a hard deadline and the negotiations could stretch into the first week of June. I would think players could be in camp for a restart of spring training within a day or two from getting the go ahead.

Rajiv Maragh said...

Lets go guys, come to terms and play baseball.

Giuseppe Betto said...

If there is no sports played there will be no free America. It will mean the death of America.

Victor Bruno said...

Everybody needs to get back to work. To much money is being paid to people for not working.

Giambino said...

MLB/players talks continue today. MLB offers an updated plan. No details right now.

Quigley said...

Every day more and more businesses are opening. Lets go America.

YankeeMike said...

Both sides still negotiating the 2020 season. Players mentioned a longer season. But there will be a 2020 baseball season.

Walt Belamy said...

With the other major sports leagues talking of playing I think baseball would look foolish if they do not play.

Woody/Atlanta said...

The minor league baseball players with little chance of reaching the majors are the guys who get the worst of all this virus garbage and shutting everything down.

Deb F said...

If there is no baseball we might as well get rid of hot dogs, crackerjack, and apple pie.

Bond007 said...

Democrat controlled antifa rioting is destroying America.

Doug Parker said...

MLB and MLBPA still talking which is good.

coryankee said...

Nothing really new from baseball meetings thru yesterday. Everyone needs to get moving on this.

Hal Jenks said...

Now both sides are saying they would like to have a decision by the end of next week. Well, they missed the first week deadline, strike one.

Logan/Kentucky said...

Protest in peace with words and deeds. Riot in rage with destruction and violence. The choice is who are winners and who are losers.

Jill Byrnes said...

Rioting never solves anything and only makes your understanding your case undesirable to others. You do not gain sympathy by destruction. But you can bring people to your side with convincing arguments that help prove your point.

Steve(winstheonlystat} said...

Jill Byrnes, it's the same as the stat frauds using fake stats to tell us their high stat losing players are better than the winning players. Let's riot to convince people we are right. It does not work unless you are a fool.

reinvaldez said...

You reap what you sow.

Mark Wagoner said...

The bad cops should pay the price for what they did, but so should the protestors that destroyed so much property.

Larry Kennedy said...

Another night of violence across America. What a shame.

YankeeMike said...

This is from about an hour ago. MLB and the players union are still in talks about a plan for a possible 2020 season. After rejecting the league's economic proposal last week, the MLBPA submitted its own plan to the league on Sunday. The sides kicked off talks on May 12 and remained far apart on key issues entering this week.
The league's proposed season would start in July, have an expanded playoff format and feature a long list of safety protocols for both MLB players and team personnel. Here are some notable components of the proposal approved by team owners and sent to the players union:
82-game regional schedule and universal DH
30-man active rosters with a 20-player taxi squad
14 teams in the postseason with games played in home cities in October

The MLBPA plan, however, features a 114-game schedule and a regular season that runs through October.

Zhaire said...

Come on guys, the problem is the players are overpaid.

Yanks23245 said...

If the players get their way we could have a Mr. December.

Dag Traweck said...

The liberal supported antifa and criminal thugs have now murdered in the last r=few days many peaceful business owners in several American cities. These people are worst than the dirty cop who killed George Floyd.

Fred Slube said...

Yanks23245, baseball into December will make for a shorter time before spring training camps open in 2021. That would be fine with me. We'll have a shorter down time.

Curtis Weeks said...

I want baseball back so much.

YankeeMike said...

As of this afternoon......MLB and the players union are now in their fourth week of talks concerning a plan for playing a potential 2020 season. After some heated discussions last month, it appears the two sides are getting closer to a deal.

Mario/Staten Island said...

Close doesn't count. Both sides need to come to terms and play America's national pastime.

johnny said...

Lets go Yankees.

Craig Winstead said...

No news on baseball talks as on now.

YankeeMike said...

From late today, this past Sunday the MLB Players Association submitted a proposal to Major League Baseball for a 2020 season that would include, among other aspects, a 114-game regular season and expanded playoffs. It took the league a few days to respond, but this afternoon the owners rejected the union's proposal and said they would not send a counteroffer. The clock is ticking.

Linda Rice said...

Think positive, it ain't over until it's over.

Sharon/NC said...

Governor Cooper costs North Carolina multi-millions of dollars forcing the Republican party to go elsewhere to hold their national convention. Coppers excuse was the Covid virus social distancing and large crowd gathering. Yet the low life degenerate pig allows mass violent and disruptive protests by his initiated and supported by his foul disgusting divisive party.

Teena/Bronx said...

Sharon/NC, at least you live in a reasonably normal state, NY has an idiot governor also and he is stupid. NYC has one of the lowest forms of life the mayor. My husband and I felt we would never leave because of his job situation, but he is ready to leave after this past several months. Hope for the best going forward.

Benny Pake said...

Good luck Teena. You can do it.

Ben Shapiro said...

Most of the good and or smart people are leaving NYC if they can and able.

YankeeMike said...

From yesterday's MLB talks with MLBPA. While an agreement has yet to be reached, there are some notable components of various proposals that the two sides seem likely to agree on for a 2020 season. They include:

1.Extensive health and safety protocols for players and team personnel
2.Larger rosters (potentially 30-man active rosters and a 20-player taxi squad)
3.Universal DH
4.Regional schedule to reduce travel (ex: teams in the AL East would only play each other and teams in the NL East)
5.Expanded playoffs (possibly with 14 total teams in the postseason)

Jimmy Thames said...

YankeeMike, thank you for the consistent updates.

Rickey Romero Jr. said...

The players are looking for something for nothing.

Woody/Atlanta said...

What fantastic job numbers today as the nation opens more each day. Where are those loser posters who wanted everything shut down and no one to be free to live their life? Shame on them and their sniveling.

Pepe Gonzales said...

The coronavirus doesn't exist anymore for the democrats. That would interfere with their riots and destruction of Amercan cities.

Victor Grandozi said...

A vote for a democrat candidate is a vote cast by an idiot.

Phil Jenkins said...

Possibility of only a 50 game season. And Texas said it will allow fans to attend MLB games.

Andrew J said...

Phil Jenkins, Good for Texas. If MLB plays a 50 game season, players better be ready to go all out. Poor Gary 'meatball' Sanchez.

Jill Byrnes said...

It would be a real shame if baseball doesn't have any games this season.

yankeeclipper said...

Heck, a 48 game season lifts the produce when it matters most players to even a higher level.

Dustin Howell said...

The 48 or so game season will save the owners a lot of payroll dollars.

Tim Hergenraeder said...

I don't see why MLB just don't start up the season and play as usual with fans in the stands. Evidently it's OK to have masses of people in the streets for hours at a time, so why not in stadiums?

Jack Bauer said...

Tim Hergenraeder, I would think it would only be OK if the fans rioted, looted, and destroyed.

Diego Santana said...

If a 2020 season happens, it could be a lot of fun. Everything that happens, would be magnified. Manager decisions will be vilified by the stat frauds. every which way.

Tom Wilson said...

Oh good gracious, the stat frauds won't have gaudy individual stats to drool over as their fake superstars lose again.

Wilsonsway said...

President Trump tentatively to address the nation on democrat liberal caused racial strife this week.

Yankeefan2 said...

Diego Santana, a short baseball season will be the ultimate test in which team does everything right to make the playoffs and then like the playoffs have been, doing everything right a second time. Very little room for error. Maybe a small error here and there, but a big error could eliminate you.

Diane Stahl said...

In baseball like everything else everyone wants a piece of the pie.

YankeeMike said...

Just reported......MLB and the MLBPA continued negotiations concerning the potential to play a modified 2020 season on Monday. The league delivered its latest proposal to the MLBPA outlining another option for the season. The league's proposal calls for a 76-game regular season that would end on Sept. 27 with a postseason finishing up by the end of October. Also included in the league's proposal: 75 percent prorated salaries, playoff pool money and no MLB draft pick compensation for signing players.

Stache Colinski said...

It appears the players want to be paid more for less based on games played vs salary. While the owners are paying more players with roster going up to 30 and another 20 man active taxi squad.

Tommy Stenchion said...

Stache Colinski, and no fans in the stands. No sales equal no revenue.

Linda Pardo said...

All lives matter, black, brown, red, white, yellow and everyone in between. It is most racist
for anyone to say one is more important than another.

Carlos Pepe said...

Linda Pardo said...
All lives matter, black, brown, red, white, yellow and everyone in between. It is most racist
for anyone to say one is more important than another.

June 8, 2020 at 10:41 PM


muchomachoman said...

I agree with the posters above, a short season would be a lot of fun. Almost like every game is do or die.

Lou Lis said...

I can't let this go since it has been eating at me for a while now. I am disgusted with the hypocrisy of the democrats liberals in America. They shut down selected businesses, selected companies, selected anything THEY select as being dangerous to the public during this Covid19 event. But all over the country they, the democrat liberals allow protests, riots, destruction, and murder by their supporters and bought and paid for terrorist groups. They must be stopped and we can do this at the ballot box in November. Everyone who is sane and cares about America must vote republican candidates into office in every town, city, county, and state in America for each and every and any office they are running for. A vote for a democrat is a vote for death and despair. I fought for America and do not want to see it destroyed from within by the democrat liberal scum.

Matt Cooper said...

Lou Lis, I'm with you. The sad part is 90% of the media is conspiring with the liberal democrats. Once the democrats get full control of the presidency, senate, and house it will be all over for America.

Sarah Long said...

So happy to see others with opinions similar to mine. Just vote Republican and support Trump.

Zack Norris said...

It's a shame what the left wing is doing to this country. They are the pits of humanity.

Chad Copely said...

America is split, and the split is getting bigger and bigger.

YankeeMike said...

Just in, the MLBPA made the latest their offer late today, proposing an 89-game season and full prorated salaries. The players' plan also features expanded playoffs.

Giambino said...

Seems like negotiations have picked up this week in the baseball talks. Time's a wasting.

Harry Stavris said...

No word on talks so far today.

bigbadwolf said...

The Yankees drafted left handed hitting catcher Austin Wells from Las Vegas, Nevada as the 28th pick in the first round of MLB draft. Wells is a draft-eligible sophomore out of Arizona University.

YankeeMike said...

From the horse's mouth. Baseball Commissioner Rob Manfred said on Wednesday that there will definitely be a 2020 season.

""""We're going to play baseball in 2020,"""" Manfred said in prior to the start of the Draft. """"One hundred percent. If it has to be under the March 26 agreement, if we get to that point in the calendar, so be it. But one way or the other, we're playing Major League Baseball.""""

Phil Esposito said...

I don't think Manfred wants to make a bigger fool of himself than he already has. There will be baseball.

yankeelover said...

Left handed hitting catcher. Posada like??? Meatball's days are numbered.

Benny Pake said...

You can't be for emphatic than that. 100% no room for error there.

KevMac said...

Manfreds words give me encouragement.

Pedro,Seattle said...

Six square blocks of my city have been taken over and turned into an armed camp by democrat liberal progressive terrorists. So sad. This must be stopped.

Margo Walley said...

Pedro,Seattle, oh my God that is horrible. The military may have to called in. This is an insurrection and it must be put down.

Roger Brown said...

If this unlawfulness is not crushed now it will ignite more and worse takeovers by the democrat terrorists in America.

Domenic said...

For four years now the democrats have stopped at nothing to try to ruin, demean, and eliminate President Trump. they are attempting a coup any which way they can and all involved should be in prison for the rest of their lives or worse.

Fritz Bremmer said...

Yankees second pick in 2020 draft is Trevor Hauver, second baseman from Arizona State University.

NJYANKEE said...

Both picks from ASU.

coryankee said...

Yankees third pick is Beck Way 6 foot 4 inch right handed pitcher from Northwest Florida Junior College.

Dale Hoffman said...

NJYANKEE, one is from the university of Arizona and the other is from Arizona State.

Jen Vitter said...

I'm making a list and checking it twice. I will never patronize democrat controlled city ever again. Yes, I may have to pass thru some on my travels but they will never get a penny of my money ever again.

muchomachoman said...

Jen Vitter, that may well be what this country will come down to. The democrats have a very disgusting take on America and in the words of the democrat leader and terrorist supporter barrack HUSSEIN Obama, we will "fundamentally change America." Well they have and the only thing holding them back right now is our great president, Donald Trump. Hope we have him for four more years.

Larry Kennedy said...

Nothing new on baseball talks. The more I read from the the talking heads the more I realize how utterly stupid they are. Brain dead credents.

Dennis Trovato said...

Seal off chaz and let them rot.

Yankeeforever said...

No new word from MLB re baseball or talks as of now.

Augie Defonce said...

Trump gave a magnificent commencement address at West Point today.

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