Thursday, November 1, 2018

WIN METHOD ------ HOT STOVE 2018-2019

The 2018 season is over.  Small success as the YANKEES reached the playoffs.  Big failure as the YANKEES lost the ALDS and did not go as far into the playoffs as they did in 2017.   So on to 2019.

The YANKEES had far too many injuries in 2018.  Some of the injuries kept players out not for days, but for weeks and months, and some for the season and into the coming 2019 season.

The YANKEES front office has some work to do this winter and the hot stove should be ready to start getting very warm.  The YANKEE primary need appears to be a front line starting pitcher and a good left handed bat.  Trading away Torres or Andujar would be a major boondoggle and a blunder that the team may not be able to overcome.  The YANKEES will not start the season with Montgomery and Gregorius, both out with major injuries.  The YANKEES have already resigned Bret Gardner for 2019 on a one season contract deal.  I cannot go into who the YANKEES should or should not sign here for proprietary reasons, I will leave that to all you brilliant WIN METHOD posters with all the common sense in the world.   I will say that if things go right there will be one giant acquisition that should help the team enormously.

Don't forget, this team despite the countless injuries, won 100 games in 2018 and where eliminated from the playoffs by a team that won 108 games in 2018, defeated the YANKEES and then defeated the Houston Astros who won 103 games in 2018, and then went on to win the World Series easily trouncing the inferior league champion LA Dodgers.

Keep an eye on the hot stove and lets see what happens.  I don't touch or go near the hot stove, what happens this winter is up to Brian Cashman, Hal Steinbrenner, and the Yankee hierarchy.  Lets hope for the best and LETS GO YANKEES.


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Margo Walley said...

Lets go Yankees. Win it all in 2019. Step up Hal and Brian. Let WIN METHOD show you the way.

Erica Nuyens said...

Let stay positive. Love ya WIN METHOD.

yankeedoodledandy said...

From WIN METHODS blog post....."""a front line starting pitcher and a good left handed bat."""

Hear hear.

Karl R said...

Harper fills the left handed bat need if he is WIN METHOD.

Carl Hooks said...

I can live with Harper, but the right pitcher is more important for me.

Steve said...

On the stat fraud forums they are running in circles chasing their tails claiming what the Yankees should do every which way regarding almost every player on the Yankees and almost every possible available player in both leagues. IDIOTS talking to IDIOTS.

Deb F said...

Steve, the frauds think they know better than the guys who are paid to make the decisions. That is how and why they earned the name stat frauds. Yes, idiots.

Warren Hammond said...

Yankee management hopefully will do the best they can to make the Yankee team the best it can be. We will see what the next few months brings.

Carlos Pepe said...

WIN METHOD... I will be looking forward to the 'giant acquisition'.

Gus Papa said...

What will be will be, the future is not ours to see.

Augie Defonce said...

Gardner being signed for a one year deal at a reduced rate is not a bad thing. His veteran presence and leadership will be a good thing for the Yankee bloom and growers to see and build on.

Izy Hernandez said...

I wouldn't be surprised if Cashman might even come up with a trade or two.

Dan Reynolds said...

It would help if some of our players played more for the team, hustled every single time, and stopped trying to hit the ball as far as they can.

Anthony Naro said...

We are talking about a team that won 100 games last year.

Bud Light said...

There isn't a team in baseball that would not accept a 100 win season and be elated.

Stan the Man said...

Yusei Kikuchi the Japanese starter is slated to get posted next week and can be signed by any MLB team willing to pay the posting fee and able to sign him.

Jill Byrnes said...

I believe the Yankees will sign Corbin and Happ. Corbin grew up in NY State and he grew up a Yankee fan. That tends to lean to the WIN METHOD profile.

Steve said...

This is the kind of garbage you get on the stat fraud forums. What a joke ""fantasy owner of Kluber""

Below is the entire post.

Today 11:36 AM #2757
MrBurns MrBurns is online now

Join Date
Feb 2011
Re: Official 2018-19 Offseason / Hot Stove Thread
Need to get Kluber. As a yankee fan and a fantasy owner of Kluber, make it happen Cash!.

Stache Colinski said...

stat frauds = low IQ = the 3 F's, fakes, fools, flunkies.

Linda Pardo said...

Steve, Stache, fantasy world also for the stat frauds.

Kurt Holmes said...

Jill Byrnes, I wouldn't mind Corbin. Look at Steve Pearce with the sux. He played with every AL East team, but he was a sux fan all his life and when he got to his team he became the WS MVP and pretty much carried the sux with his bat once he got there.

reinvaldez said...

Don't worry, be happy, everything will work out.

muchomachoman said...

Cashman, lets make a deal. What is behind door one, two, or three.

Yankeefan2 said...

We don't need to many pieces, just one or two if they are the right ones.

NJYANKEE said...

If no Harper and wildly crazy contract, how about two top of the line starting pitchers? Keeps us away from the 30 mil a year contract.

Pedro,Seattle said...

I'd rather pay two pitchers 20 million per year each than one hitter 30 million per year. We did win 100 games with the crippled lineup we had last season.

Al Ashton said...

Pedro, also the 30 million salary may be for many more years than either or the pitchers.

Izy Hernandez said...

Harpers value is only as a left handed bat to counteract the the right handed bats.

Oscar Hron said...

We need players who help the team win, even if their individual stats are not gaudy. Getting the right players who produce when it counts with lesser stats than players with higher stats that do not produce when it counts.

NJYANKEE said...

Corbin has had only one great season, this past one. He pitches in the inferior AAAA league. Pitching for the Yankees he would be stepping up big time. Best league in the baseball world and the best division in the baseball world. Can he succeed in the AL East? That is the question and no one knows unless he tries. Personality wise, he has the makeup for success.

Xavier Young said...

If Stanton can reduce his K's by 50-70 less, and after adapting to the superior AL pitchers, he could have one heck of a season in 2019. I think his pride, character, and desire will push him to be better than this past season.

Kojak said...

There many other possibilities and scenario combinations out there. Plus, much depends on the actions of competitors.

Alex Antonius said...

The Japanese pitcher Yusei Kikuchi has been posted today and can now negotiate with any MLB team.

YankeeMike said...

My opinion, I rather keep home grown talent such as Torres and Andujar than ever trade them for some other teams talent. Now lesser home grown talent like Frazier, Sheffield, and others I don't mind trading because they have not proven themselves yet.

Matt Cooper said...

I hope no one is being fooled about how the stat frauds rake Andujars fielding using fake defensive stats. He is nowhere as bad as they make him out to be. He will develop further and be completely adequate.

Les Melman said...

I have seen many a player over the years in MLB who were poor fielders. Andujar is no way as bad as them.

Tommy Lee said...

Andujar turns 24 in March and has just one season in MLB. He could very well develop to one of the best hitters in baseball over the next 10 plus seasons. He was one of the best this season in his first year. You do not trade players like this.

Tony Manchu said...

Through the years I have read here that many of the posters believe in a limit on the yearly salary of players. I believe most fans thought 20-25 million a year would be max they think a team should sign a player for. I believe the same and if the Yankees have learned their lesson from the great afraud boondoggle they will not go for Machado or Harper. Pitchers are the key in my opinion and I would rather see the Yankees sign two or three quality starters. We have the bats and the bats will be better next season.

Sean Smith said...

Tony Manchu, I couldn't have said it better. I agree.

Teena/Bronx said...

Lets go Cashman, get it right and get it done, make the team better. Hal, follow in your father's footsteps. Spend money to make money. Don't hold back or you may not have any fans at the Stadium.

Ivan Noriokos said...

Months and months of time to do deals and or sign FAs.

Wilsonsway said...

Yankees and CC agree to another one year deal at $8 mil. So the veteran presence of Gardner and Sabathia return for 2019.

Gary Shrieber said...

As expected the stat frauds are going berserk with the Yankee signings of CC and Gardner. They are crying in their pablum.

Sue Gordon said...

CC and Gardner positive examples for the youngsters still blooming and growing. It is wins and winning that determine the best not individual stats.

johnsondc said...

Don't forget WIN METHOD fans, it takes two to make a trade/deal. You have to give something to get something and both parties have to come to an agreement that they both can live with and agree to. You just can't get a need fulfilled, the other side needs to get their need fulfilled also.

Eddie OConnor said...

The vital part on this off season is to make the pieces fit. There is not much value trying to put a square peg into a round hole.

Steve said...

Eddie OConnor....what you said is the flaw in the Yankee system. The Yankees have the best evaluation tool in baseball in the WIN METHOD. But if the powers to deal, trade, sign, and eventually play the right players, it doesn't do much good. George Steinbrenner lived the WIN METHOD, since his passing it doesn't to be full speed ahead with winning they only thing that mattered anymore.

Val Avery said...

Steve, 'right players' are WIN METHOD players.

sid greenberg,nyc said...

If the Yankees trade Andujar the day will come when they rue they did.

Saul Irving said...

Andujar is a rare find in a hitter. I wouldn't trade him if it were up to me. If the Yankees trade him and win it all a time or two in the next few seasons everyone will say it was a great move. If they trade him and don't win then it becomes a different story. I say keep him, bloom and grow as a team with him and other youngsters and maybe win even more over the next decade.

Yankeeforever said...

The issue is many of the people who are OK with trading Andujar are wanting the Yankees to replace him with the cancer and far to expensive Manny mooch Machado. Plus I bet Andujar has a better career going forward the Muchado.

Patricia Piper said...

We could wind up with a chain of deals as one satisfies a need by opens another need and so on.

bigbadwolf said...

With the common sense posts I read here, I get a big kick from the nonsensical posts at the stat fraud forums. Like us, they have no idea what is happening in real time by the people who make the decisions. We the fans have no medical data, no contact with any of the players involved and what roadblocks there are to any decision. Let the people in charge do their job and just live with their decisions.

Quay Ho said...

If any, yes any stat fraud had to make the decisions to build a team within the constraints of a payroll their team would finish last every season. They are fools, worse, they are ignorant fools.

Linda Pardo said...

Hey, we all can say a prayer.

James Doyle said...

Gray is nice trade bait. We should get something decent for him. Package him with one of our quality kids and maybe you can get someone who can help the team win. WIN METHOD knows who can help the team win, but are they available.

Yanks23245 said...

I remember when WIN METHOD said Gray was not WIN METHOD for the Yankees. He was right again.

Monte Willis said...

The stove is warming, Cashman talking to several other GMs.

Steve said...

Come to thinking about it, there is something stupider than the stat frauds. The moderators at the stat fraud forums.

Gabe Dreuer said...

All I want is winning players who play for the team and do all the things needed for the team to win.

Jackson DeWitt-Iowa said...

Boras is Harpers agent likely meaning Harper is looking for money and is only giving lip service to winning.

Gloria LaCorte said...

I wouldn't mind Harper if WIN METHOD says he is WIN METHOD, but only for a price I am willing to pay. And then should be for everyone in their life. Purchase something ONLY for the price YOU are willing to pay. What YOU are willing to PAY.

Ben Shapiro said...

Cashman has put out the feelers. Now to try to make the best deal for the team before spring camp opens.

Chad Copely said...

We'll get the word when we least expect it.

johnny said...

Lets go Yankees.

William Mensom said...

How many fans other than WIN METHOD fans know the old baseball saying, which is true, that pitching is 90% of the game? An important part of the folklore of baseball is the significance attached to pitching in winning games. Pitching as the old cliche goes, is somewhere between 75 and 90% of baseball." The legendary Connie Mack is supposed to have remarked: "Pitching is 75% of baseball." All baseball enthusiasts are familiar with such phrases as : "good pitching will always stop good hitting," "pitching is the key" and "pitching will always win out in a short series:" They are part of the oral tradition of the game. They have been passed on from generation to generation since baseball's infancy.
Why are pitchers held in so high regard in baseball, it is as simple and as brilliant as the WIN METHOD itself. PITCHERS WIN GAMES....

jimbo said...

William Mensom.....BINGO

NJYANKEE said...

I would think that theory should lend to it being very stupid for a team to pay a single position player a vast some of money per year. Logically, wouldn't it be wiser to pay five very good staters at least 20 mil per year and three or four of the best relievers @ 12 mil for year and then spend the rest on your position players you develop in house and are very low cost.

Domenic said...

Pitching, pitching, pitching, you can never have to much pitching.

Phil Jenkins said...

Then lets make deals and or sign three top available pitchers. Just don't deal any of our young position players. Deal anyone else.

yankeelover said...

Deal the unproven minor leaguers if you have to. Don't deal the proven major leaguers.

Lyle Lee said...

If Hal truly wants to win the WS he will spend what is needed and break the cap. If he even goes a reasonable amount over Cashman should be able to make happen what he wants to do.

HerecomestheJudge said...

I have a feeling that if the Yankees sign Machado, then Andujar will be traded. Now if Andujar brings in a top rung starting pitcher, the Yankees do upgrade going this route. If they add Corbin for just dollars they then have two top starting pitchers and Machado. A common sense scenario? I am not saying this should be done, but it is logical.

Andrew J said...

There was a report today that the Yankees were doing an in depth investigation into Machado. Would lend credence to obtaining him.

Walt Belamy said...

Guys, I can see the logic in the Machado + top line pitcher, but I hate to lose Andujar. I believe Andujar will be if not already better than Machado offensively.

Guy Padikian said...

Shouldn't they be looking for a good left handed bat? Maybe it is in their masterplan.

Jill Byrnes said...

I'm just hoping everything will come out in the wash and by spring training all the theatrics will be over with and the Yankees will become the best team in baseball come October 2019.

Evan Donahue said...

I believe that Cashman is going to come with with a couple of really big assets to the Yankee roster this winter.

Gabe Dreuer said...

Pitchers, starting pitchers, that is what we need more than anything. Second thing we need is hustle from every player all the time. Don't hustle and you should be suspended ever time. Third thing is plate discipline from every batter.

Wallyworld said...

I'm in the Machado will be a nightmare camp. His contract will hurt this team.

Kojak said...

How about we stick with the players we have now, sign Corbin and Happ for just dollars. Trade for another top starter giving up two, three, or even four of guys like Frazier, Sheffield, Florial, Adams, etc.

Stanley Chin said...

We all know the MLB writers are dumb as rocks, and they proved that fact again this week.

MAWRY said...

If I want any important knowledge, I just come to the WIN METHOD blog and I get the truth, what is right, and intelligent opinions.

bigbadwolf said...

From Hal Steinbrenner.......Steinbrenner emphasized that regardless of the price tag attached to a player, such comments are “clearly troubling” and “ain’t going to sell where we play baseball.” He also indicated that makeup is crucial when identifying targets and, without specifying names, suggested that some players have already been ruled out by the Yankees because the organization doesn’t feel they’d handle playing in New York well. Machado, is not one of that bunch.

WIN METHOD at work.

Al Ashton said...

If the Yankees only listened to WIN METHOD when they wasted 300 million on afraud. The team would have had a couple more WS rings.

Frank Harris said...

This is exactly what WIN METHOD said he was doing decades ago and perfecting the concept. Others may be getting on board now but WIN METHOD is the gold standard of player evaluation.

Gil McKenzie said...

WIN METHOD leads, others follow. Better late than never I guess.

Mario/Staten Island said...

Hope we get a couple of good starters and let the hitters do the rest.

Les Melman said...

First goal for next season, take the sux down and win the division.

candycane said...

Les Melman, then advance through the playoffs.

Dave Mathews said...

If Cashman can swing the deal Gray to Cincinnati?

Ziggy Mann said...

Getting rid of Gray is great. Better still dropping into the AAAA inferior national league.

reinvaldez said...

No matter what about Gray, we still need a couple of starters.

Sal Mineo said...

Pitchers we need starting pitchers, who win.

Wilsonsway said...

Again, wins are all that matters. If you can't help your team win, you are not the best. Sorry Trout, sorry Harper.

Teena/Bronx said...

We need Corbin. He wants to be a Yankee.

Vlad Kotenko said...

Winning makes for the best. Those who lose cannot be best.

okiened said...

I see a big season for the Yankees in 2019.

Neil Golub said...

Just about three months and spring camp opens. No sports until then.

Dan Reynolds said...

okiened....How big?

jimbo said...

The stat frauds are running Torres and Andujar over the coals based on fake, fraudulent, phoney defensive metrics which are one of if not the most useless and meaningless metrics ever created by some of the if not the most meaningless and and useless baseball people in the world.

White Knight said...

Can anyone reread jimbo's post three times really fast? Read it a couple of times slowly and let it all sink in. Pure gold and pure WIN METHOD.

will-i-am said...

I have yet seen anywhere anyone definitively explaining how shifts relate to and are used in defensive metrics. However, no matter if they are explained or not, defensive stats are invalid and useless. I can give you countless reasons why this is true and therefore makes a mockery of these stats, the fools who create them, and worse of all the utter ignorance of fans who use and believe in them.

Carl Hooks said...

Yankees have traded for lefty starter Paxton from the Mariners for Sheffield. That is all I know for now.

Carl Hooks said...

To complete the trade for Paxton the Yankees are sending outfielder Dom Thompson-Williams and pitcher Erik Swanson to Seattle.

Lou Lis said...

We got our lefty, but it wasn't a bat. Still time. And another starter to go.

Yankeeforever said...

We have taken our first step this winter. And it is the first major deal in MLB. Set the tone Yankees.

Stache Colinski said...

So we got one starter, one more to go. You never know how any of the three kids will turn out and perform at the MLB level, but hopefully we got a starter that will lift the rotation to another level.

Tommy Stenchion said...

Getting back to Andujar, I don't believe for a second that he is as bad a fielder as the stat frauds try to make him out to be with their fake and fraudulent defensive stats.

Guy Padikian said...

Trading away some chips to try to "win now" is not really bad. We have a very young team so there will be several years to rebuild the farm and find another gem or two.

Barry West said...

Andujar is not as bad as the frauds try to make people believe. Stat frauds are the bottom of the food chain when it come to baseball knowledge.

Cory said...

I will now make a prediction for next season. Louie Louie will have his best season of his career in 2019. 20+ game winner.

YankeeMike said...

Cory, the addition on Paxton may make things a little easier for Louie Louie. Less pressure to have to be 'the man' every start.

Sharon/NC said...


Andy K said...

Lets get another deal done for the turkey.

Paul Hirschman said...

Yes, happy thanksgiving everyone.

yankeedoodledandy said...

Happy Thanksgiving.

Jack Bauer said...

Nothing cooked for the Yankees on the hot stove, but there is likely stuff simmering to various degrees.
Happy Thanksgiving!

Jill Byrnes said...

Happy Thanksgiving WIN METHOD fans. We have much to be thankful for.

Bobby said...

Curious for everyone defending Andujar's defensive prowess here - what are you basing that off of?

Do you forget that Boone was taking him out of the game as a defensive replacement in the playoffs last year. He removed him in the 6th inning (!) in the wildcard game for defensive purposes. I think that's as clear a sign as any that is he isn't good defensively at this point in his career.

YankeeMike said...

Lets get that other front line starter and a solid left handed bat by Christmas. That is what George Steinbrenner would do.

John Hartnett said...

Bobby, What Boone does or doesn't do is on him and a 'clear sign' of nothing. In my opinion all Boone did was create doubt in Andujars head. Taking Andujar out of the playoff games did not alter the outcome one iota. Let the kid bloom and grow.

Bobby said...


I had a asked a question though, what is the basis on here that he's a good third baseman?

When I watch him I see a third baseman with limited range and who struggled to make throws consistently. Boone's actions seem to indicate that he agrees with this assessment.

What say you?

Evan Donahue said...

Taking a player out of a game in the last few innings is ludicrous. Isn't it more possible that any fielder could cost his team the game by blundering a play in the first six innings than in the last three. In reality the player has twice as much chance of blundering in six innings compared to three.

I have seen 'defensive replacements' blow games with misplays over my years of watching games.

yankeelover said...

Bobby, Andujar is not a good fielder, nor is he a bad fielder. He is still young and still can learn and become a good fielder. Right now, in my opinion, he is adequate. His bat more than makes up for his fielding. If Andujar misses a ball by six inches he has no range, if the "great third baseman" misses a ball by six inches it was because the ball was hit hard.

Bobby said...

I suppose, his fielding now is pretty bad, even when he does get to the ball, he had the 2nd worst fielding percentage of all third baseman last year. To me, that isn't adequate, he needs to get better.

Evan Donahue said...

yankeelover, I think you nailed it.

Happy Thanksgiving everybody. Eat well and be joyful.

Norm Jackson said...

Bobby, Yet the World Champions had the supposedly "worst fielding" third baseman. What does that mean?

Erica Johnston said...

Happy Thanksgiving.

Bobby said...

Doesn't it mean that it is a team sport and a team can make up for the shortcomings of one player?

Norm Jackson said...

Bobby, I would think it means that lesser defense makes little to no difference on a players ability to help his team win. The two so named "worst defenders" at third base last season helped their teams win 108 and 100 games over the season and both teams reached the playoffs and one of the teams won the WS.

Norm said...

I never argued that Andujar can't help the team win, especially with his offensive tools, but his defense certainly isn't HELPING anything, and he should work to improve on it.

reinvaldez said...

Guys, just as with hitting, isn't it most important when an error is made. If it doesn't cost a game, the error is relatively meaningless. As meaningless as hitting a grand slam in the 9th inning with your team up 12-0.

Stan the Man said...

I would hope Andujar is getting all the help he needs to improve his fielding. I would also hope every player in baseball tries to improve no matter what their abilities may be. For some, things come naturally, they are blessed. For other they have to work really hard.

okiened said...

reinvaldez, you have aptly explained why individual stats are meaningless. Just as you stated it is when events happen, good or bad, that determines what side wins games. The winning of games is paramount and should be the desired result of every game, not any one players individual stats. That is where the stat frauds are wrong, they believe individual stats are more important than winning games.

coryankee said...

Going back to what Bobby brought up and others responded to. 1.In MLB three teams won 100 games in 2018. All three where in the AL so only one could go to the WS. 2.There where 19 third baseman who played third base enough to qualify for fielding stats. Of the 19 each team who won 100 games had a qualifier. 3.The three finished the season ranked 10th, 18th, and 19th. 4.Fielding stats are therefore appear to be relatively meaningless. Facts do kill.

Bobby said...

So why have so many posters continually brought up andujars defense if it is in fact not important like you say?

coryankee said...

Bobby, I would think like countless other items, it is something to talk about, such as Sanchez and his can't catch skills and his interstate BA, Stanton's K's/HRs, Bird's poor season, Gray's NY failure, Machado and Harper yeas and nays. And so on.

Bobby said...

So you’re suggesting none of those items are important either...?

Cal Fuerst said...

Bobby, You have no idea what you are talking about. A topic is a topic is a topic.

Happy Thanksgiving WIN METHOD fans.

Bobby said...

It was a question...

Also there can be important topics and unimportant topics so what you said isn’t even correct.

Cal Fuerst said...

Bobby, unimportant is in the eyes of the beholder. Like misleading useless convoluted man made stats, totally unimportant but widely debated.

Linda Pardo said...

Heaven help us, we have another contrarian. Happy Thanksgiving to all and a great meal to all.

Bobby said...

Jeez nevermind everyone. One person disagrees with some one else and it’s like the worst thing you can do on this forum.

No different opinions = no interesting discussion = boring forum.


Boston/Yankee said...

Bobby, don't let the door hit you on the way out. Come back when you have something intelligent to say.

Plenty of different opinions, great discussion = most intelligent and best baseball/Yankee talk forum in the world.


AAA said...

Boy oh boy don't the loser posters stand out like a sore thumb. That is not a question.

Deb F said...

Boston/Yankee, Hear, hear.

Walt Belamy said...

Happy Thanksgiving

George W said...

Everyone enjoy your bird and our nations founders holiday.

Bronxy said...

I think Bobby brought up some valid points. Andujar needs to work on his defense at this point in his career. Not sure why you all are going after him.

Teena/Bronx said...

Happy Thanksgiving. At the parade. Cold and sunny.

Carl Hooks said...

Bronxy, Bobby brought up nothing that hasn't been civilly discussed here before. I don't think there is anyone in the world that doesn't think Andujar needs to work on his defense. The contention in discussions is how much is defense really worth, when and if plays are missed do they cost the game or not, and is Andujar really as bad a defender as some may think. Then Bobby embarrasses himself by knocking the greatest baseball talk forum blog in the world. Then you having never posted here before defend him. Not smart but that is your opinion.

Bronxy said...

I spoke because I thought the reactions were childish.

The previous posts I saw regarding Andujars defense were generally stating it was good. I’ve seen first hand Andujars defense cost the team a game last year, it matters, games are impacted by defense.

Carl Hooks said...

Bronxy, how many games were cost by other players on the Yankees and all other teams. No question defense can lose games, just as lack of offense, or a setup man or closer blowing a game. That is part of baseball. Andujar is adequate but should try to get better. That can be said by every player in baseball. If you want to pick on a player, pick on Gary 'meatball' Sanchez for defense.

Ursala Pei said...

Happy Thanksgiving fans.

Bronxy said...

It appeared Bobby simply had a different opinion on the adequacy of Andujars defense. I don’t see why everyone made such a big deal about that. You can agree to disagree with posters without going at them.

will-i-am said...

Happy Thanksgiving to all my friends here at WIN METHOD.

Vince/Brooklyn said...

Taking into account, offense, defense, age, cost, and helping his team win, I would take Andujar over Machado or any third baseman right now.

Auntjamima said...

Even Alex Bregman? Also on cheap contract and is more highly regarded and has helped his team win more than Andujar.

Dan Reynolds said...

Auntjamima, I think you have something with Bregman. Andujar is a year younger and has one less year of seasoning at the mlb level. However, I wouldn't consider Bergman more highly regarded, although others may differ in their opinion.

Benny Pake said...

Turkey day, have a great day everyone, and enjoy your repast.

Vince/Brooklyn said...

Dan Reynolds, I agree, Bregman is also a good choice. I would take either Bregman or Andujar before Machado and both for the same reasons. In a year or two opinions could change, but now I would go with Andujar. Lets see what we have after another year of experience.

Walt Belamy said...

I hope the Yankees stick with Andujar, but I am hoping for a good left handed bat added to the lineup.

Patricia Piper said...

Guys, would it be safe to assume that the single biggest refutation of Machado would be the collars he would cost, or is it something else?

Domenic said...

Patricia Piper, Unquestionably the dollars. No player is worth what he will get paid. Hopefully not by the Yankees.

Jen Vitter said...

Just Paxton for Thanksgiving. 33 day to Christmas.

Nathan Riley said...

Jen Vitter, well it's a positive move. More to come I bet.

Yankeefan2 said...

If the Yankees want to save some money in order to spend it somewhere else, it would be very unwise to trade Andujar and sign Machado.

Bronxy said...

I think that’d be entirely dependent on who they got for Andujar. If they received a young cost controlled ace in return and subsequently signed Machado, it could be worth it.

Wilsonsway said...

Bronxy, Can you please name several "young cost controlled ace"(s)?

Bronxy said...

The two Cy Young award winners - Snell and Degrom are relatively young and inexpensive.
Aaron Nola
Kyle Freeland
Carlos Martinez
Gerrit Cole

I’m sure you saw how walker buehler did last year and how he performed on the biggest stage in the world

They’re aren’t a ton obviously but they exist.

Wilsonsway said...

Bronxy, Several questions.
1. How many of the pitchers above are readily available right now and are being offered by their team, and who are they?
2. Would it be possible to get any for just Andujar and or how much more would it cost player wise?
3. Wouldn't it be far smarter to just keep Andujar and take the at minimum 30+ million dollars you would have to pay Machado and just sign Corbin and Happ even it would cost another 5 million to get both?

That would leave the Yankees with Andujar and a rotation of Louie Louie, Tanaka, Paxton, Corbin, and Happ. CC as the 6th starter. There is also German, Loasiga, Cessa, and maybe the big spring training surprise King available and ready.

Bronxy said...

How would I possibly know the answers to questions 1 or 2?

For 3 - maybe it would be smarter, but only time will tell. If the Yankee organization didn’t have confidence in how Corbin or Happ will perform going forward, then no, I suppose it wouldn’t be smarter.

Realistically I could see a scenario where one of the pitchers named + Machado + CC as number 5 outperforms Corbin Happ and Andujar. It’s up to the organization to make that decision not me.

Paul Hirschman said...

Wilsonsway, I would do your scenario in a heartbeat right now. That would be one heck of rotation, and likely the best in all of baseball.

Wilsonsway said...

Bronxy, If you do not know then the entire premiss you made, """I think that’d be entirely dependent on who they got for Andujar. If they received a young cost controlled ace in return and subsequently signed Machado, it could be worth it.""", becomes irrelevant.

Bronxy said...

Disagree - I think highly enough of Andujar that I think he’d make teams think about those deals, however I can’t give you specifics since I don’t work in any of the front offices.

From your point of view any discussion of free agency and trade market is irrelevant because we don’t have inside information on how teams are valuing players. That’s a silly standpoint, we’re just discussing.

Hugh Johanson said...

Bronxy, in my opinion no way on this planet does "one of the pitchers named + Machado + CC as number 5 outperforms Corbin Happ and Andujar." But as you stated, we do not make the deals.

Wilsonsway said...

Bronxy, Fact, if pitchers are not on the trading block by their team, you can't obtain them. Yes, if a player is unavailable, talking a deal for him is irrelevant. My scenario is 100% valid, because obtaining Corbin and Happ and keeping Andujar would cost only money which the Yankees can easily afford.

YankeeMike said...

Wilsonsway, the money it would cost is what you would have to give Machado. Your proposal is a win win. It would give the Yankees all the pitchers they need, adding depth, keep Andujar, and cost no more than obtaining Machado.

KevMac said...

Wilsonsway, what you stated exuded common sense and logic. Why go for Machado and possibly contaminate the team. We would greatly improve the rotation and not cost much of any more than signing Manny mooch.

johnsondc said...

Announced today.....The Seibu Lions of Japan’s Nippon Professional Baseball have announced that they will post ace Yusei Kikuchi for Major League teams in early December. The negotiating window for the 27-year-old left-hander will begin on Dec. 5.

Bud Light said...

Lets sign Kikuchi too and go with a seven man once a week rotation.

Alex Antonius said...

Why would anyone in their right mind trade Andujar away and get Machado to waste $30,000,000.00? Especially when there are ways around it.

Bronxy said...

I think I’ve answered that Alex, if the Organization does not like the free agent pitchers, whether due to age, injury history, etc. and feel a better way to upgrade the pitching staff is via trade it would be an option to explore.

We just traded a young pitcher who was said to have been win method for this very reason...

Zack Norris said...

There is no reason to trade your prime assets when you can buy what you need through free agency. Now someone like Grayskies falls into a different category of sorts. He has better value for another team other than the Yankees. Trading his is no loss, and he should bring back a player you need and or can use to your advantage.

Sara said...

What if the Yankees don’t feel strongly about the free agent pitchers?

Zack Norris said...

Sara, there are always what if's, and's, and but's. We just don't know. What if the Yankees don't feel strongly about the tradable options? As fans we just hope for the best results.

Larry Kennedy said...

The Yankees by signing Sabathia intend to use him as a starter. That is what I think.

Gus Papa said...

I wonder if there is as much back and forth and sharp difference of opinions in the Yankee front office as there is on the baseball talk sites.

Mickey Littlebear said...

You have to pay any pitcher you obtain be it by trade or free agency. The difference being free agency doesn't cost you any player assets. If I am twitch and between two guys, I go with the one who is a FA and not the one I would have to trade for.

Felix Lopez said...

I agree Mickey Littlebear. The only time there is a debate is when you think the guy you are trading for is much superior to the free agent. But even then the free agent may still be the better over value unless he is a total bust.

MAWRY said...

I think the Yankees will sign Corbin.

Sal Mineo said... others have posted above Corbin only costs his salary unless he was tendered by the Dbacks.

Yanks23245 said...

Sal Mineo, Corbin did receive a qualifying offer from the Dbacks and would cost whichever team signs him a draft pick.

Augie Defonce said...

I find it very hard to believe the Yankees would sign Machado. He just isn't worth 30 million plus a year for a decade. No way in hell.

Craig Winstead said...

Augie DeFonce, I hope you are right. But if the Yankees get Machado, we just have to live through it like we did the nightmare of afraud.

Steve said...

I am waiting with great anticipation the trading of Sonny Grayskies. If we can get Gennett from the Reds for Grayskies and Frazier it would, in my opinion, give us another left handed bat, a second baseman, Torres to ss until Didi, and Andujar stay at 3b. Let Machado go suck thirty million rotten eggs and stink up some other organization. Every time I think about this I love it more.

Deb F said...

Steve, I love it love it love it. It gives us the left bat. Lets Bird and Voit play first base, gets rid of head case Frazier, eliminates Harper and Machado, and allows us to easily spend for another starter and the two bullpen arms Cashman wants. We save a fortune, eliminate another egregious contract, and become a better team all around.
Against a right handed pitcher.
1. Gardner LF
2. Judge RF
3. Andujar 3B
4. Hicks CF
5. Stanton DH
6. Gennett 2B
7. Torres SS
8. Sanchez C
9. Voit/Bird 1B

Should make Hal elated, gives us great pitching from start to finish. I love it love it love it.

Nick Polito said...

Deb F, that is one heck of a lineup, you could use it against a left handed pitcher also.

Ralph--Yuma said...

Deb F, are you sure you love it?

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