Wednesday, November 29, 2023


Hello YANKEE fans, baseball fans, and all readers from across the world.  All of you have made this YANKEE baseball blog the number one in the world.

After a very disappointing 2023 season and not making the playoffs, it is time to regroup and move forward.  The YANKEES need an infusion of WIN METHOD talent to get back into the playoffs in 2024. As of now I am reasonably confident the YANKEES will sign Japanese star pitcher Yoshinobu Yamamoto. It is now up to the YANKEES to sign him. I have been assured the YANKEES will go all out to sign Yamamoto. 

There are also other possible acquisitions on the table and possible. You have to give up something of value to get something of value. The YANKEES have much value in several young and upcoming players. Deals need to be made to fill several positions. Lets see how talks pan out.  

Jasson Dominguez made one heck of a major league baseball debut last season. Hopefully he will make an impact come August/September 2024.  If his 2023 showing is any indication, he may become future YANKEE superstar. 

We can only hope the YANKEES will achieve what they want to achieve this winter and give their fans something to really cheer for this coming season.  Wins are the only way to reach the playoffs and wins are the only way to reach the World Series. Nothing else matters.

Wouldn't it be nice to have a season with far less injuries than the past few years.  Every team suffers injuries, but no team has had as many as the YANKEES have, nor as many severe injuries, nor have lost more cumulative days to player injuries.

Once again, thank you YANKEE fans and readers. You are the people who have built this blog with your support. Your support will allow the WIN METHOD blog to attain one billion seven hundred million viewers in the next couple of weeks. Thank you, this blog exists because of you, the most knowledgeable baseball fans in the world. 


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RLA said...

WIN METHOD, I was wondering when your hot stove blogpost was coming. Hope you are right about Yamamoto. We need some life injected onto the team.

coryankee said...

Nice to read something positive about the Yankees. I guess it's up to the Yankee hierarchy to make Yamamoto a Yankee. WIN METHOD, did you meet with Steinbrenner?

Tony Manchu said...

A lot of teams are after Yamamoto, he will cost a lot.

Lee King said...

I copied and pasted this from previous blogpost.

""""""Xavier Young said...
It is a crazy world out there. Freedom is not freedom, when any government forces its people to live a certain way and or told what the government demands them to do, no one is then free. Governments want power and control over people. Governments destroy, pitting people against people, state against state, nation against nation. Governments DESTROY -- and the present American government is destroying America. With lies.

November 29, 2023 at 12:04 PM""""""

You are 100% correct. Everything comes to an end, with end end caused by garbage governments, corruption and greed. That is where our government is taking us.

johnny said...

Lets go Yankees.

Grosner said...

Lee, thanks for sharing what Xavier Young posted and the strong Pro-choice sentiment described there. I agree republicans using government to control women's rights must be stopped and this issue will be front and center next election.

Erica Nuyens said...

WIN METHOD, hope you are doing well. Love ya,

Lori Kelly said...

Grosner, you are wrong and an idiot. The abortion issue was a dispute between the democrat liberals supporting abortion on demand, killing unborn fetuses at any point during pregancy, and after being born, and the republican conservatives supporting no abortions. The courts went back and forth with different judges allowing abortions up to certain points during pregnancy and or under certain circumstances. The dispute went to the Supreme Court who decided the issue should be determined by the voters in each state.

Gus Papa said...

Winter meetings start next week. Let the fun begin.

Tom Wilson said...

The real and true bottom feeders of America. Presently known as the scum in charge.

Biden DOJ (Garland) collected list of every man, woman, or child who followed, retweeted or mentioned Donald Trump on Twitter.

Jackson DeWitt-Iowa said...

There is a reckoning coming. The liberal democrat garbage has to come to an end, one way or another. Freedom loving Americans deserve better than what they are getting from the Obama's, Biden's and their coercive allies. Open borders, rampant crime, climate change lies, electric car lies, over 30% inflation, violent mobs intimidating and attacking people that do not tow the line of hate America. Get on board and stop the radical criminal leftwing liberal progressive democrats. If we don't, the end is closer than you think.

Patricia Piper said...

Jackson DeWitt, I've been following your posts since you were posting from a military base in South Korea. You have an insight than many here, who are older and younger, do not have. I have agreed with your views and perspective and still do. Thank you for your service.

Yankeefan2 said...

Great pitching can win games by itself, great hitting can win games by itself, a combination of great pitching and hitting will win the season together.

Victor Grandozi said...

There was always a saying that you older folks will remember. "Always save a little for a rainy day." Meaning, when you are working and earning money to live on and pay your bills, always save a few dollars for when times are tough.

Under the liberal-democrat joe-bama/commie MALADY administration, times are not only tough, they are awful. That would explain why spending is so high and the American debt so devastating.

Grosner said...

Lori, the highest ranking Republican in the nation (Johnson) and the person 2nd in line for President believes there should be a federally mandated, national ban on abortion at 6 weeks. So maybe I'm not an idiot?

Diane Stahl said...

A large majority of the American people (who love America) feel the country is a very bad shape and getting worse.

This happened because the voters who voted for and put into office liberals and democrats.

These voters believed the lies of liberal and democrat politicians who have lied to them all their lives. They believed a corrupt media, corrupt celebrities, and they voted for the scum of America. They got garbage.

You know who you are, you voted for evil people who have never done a thing for you and have kept their boot on your neck.

Do you think it's time to vote for conservatives and republicans and let them make your life better. Just do it. And do it forever.

Grosner said...

Victor, a quick reminder:

The national debt on Jan. 19, 2017, the day before Donald Trump was inaugurated president, was $19,944,429,217,107.

On Jan. 19, 2021, the day before Joe Biden was inaugurated, the debt was: $27,752,835,868,445 — about $7.8 trillion higher.

Lori Kelly said...

Grosner, you are an idiot. Speaker of the House Johnson has his own opinion. Johnson being very religious I can understand where he is coming from. However, he is only one vote. Both sides are trying to come together in the House and trying to negotiate a federal law that could pass Congress. Johnson, being strong conservative republican would never force his personal view on the American people, like the liberal democrats do every chance they get. Liberal democrats are destroying the country and only an idiot would not be abel to see this.

Neil Golub said...

Lori Kelly, you use common sense and perspective. Idiots are not born; they are self-created.

Grosner said...

"Johnson would never force his personal view on the American people"

False. He has already co-sponsored a bill for Federal control over women's personal freedom. He is not just one vote, he is the most powerful legislator in Congress and sets the agenda and Republicans chose HIM.

We the People won't stand for this and will ensure the small republican majority is eradicated next election and Johnson's radical Big Government control agenda wil be front and center and in every campaign ad.

Victor Grandozi said...

Grosner, a huge chunk of the increase in the national debt, was spent on Covid and given to American families to pay for necessities like food and home. Nonetheless, the country flourished unlike what has happened since the 2020 election farce.

okiened said...

To keep things under control. A person could be an idiot on a subject or belief; yet not be an idiot and countless other subjects or beliefs.

Using baseball as a basis or subject. Stat frauds detest the WIN METHOD, that is why countless posters come here to support wins and winning. Stat frauds have no problem saying a player is best even though he helped lead his team to last place. While stating that a player who helped his team win the World Series, albeit, with lesser individual stat is not a good player.

Grosner said...

Victor: False. Most of Trump's debt was racked up before he shut down the economy due to Covid.

Cory said...

Grosner, you err. Trump won election in 2016. Trump term 2017 - 2020. Debt rounded to nearest billion. Covid-19 was devastating.

Fiscal year......Debt--------Reason/Cause------------------------Yearly debt increase

2017.............$20,245-----Congress raised the debt ceiling--672 = 672 billion
2018.............$21,516-----Trump tax cuts-------------------------1271 = one trillion 271 billion
2019............,$22,719-----Trade wars------------------------------1203 = one trillion 203 billion
2020.............$26,945-----COVID-19-------------------------------4226 = four trillion 226 billion

NJYANKEE said...

Two and a half months until spring training camps open. Who will be on the roster?

AAA said...

Rumors about Soto and Yankees going around.

Grosner said...

Cory, that looks to be like the con man who bankrupt a casino was racking up a trillion a year in debt for no reason then tossed an another 3 trillion in Covid spending which started the inflation ball rolling.

Thankfully, Biden has been able to get inflation under control while avoiding recession, keeping unemployment at record lows, keeping GDP growing, and cementing the US as the strongest economy in the world.

We are very lucky!

Tommy Lee said...

Grosner, you post garbage. You were caught making a false claim, and then made another false claim trying to cover it up. Your second paragraph says it all. While a vast majority of Americans are living paycheck to paycheck, and struggling financially, with inflation going higher and higher, crime increasing, and the liberal democrats destroying the country, you claim how good everything is. How sad.

Grosner said...

Tommy Lee, you are proving to be a STAT FRAUD. I claimed most of Trump's 7.8 TRILLION in debt was racked up before COVID. That is true (about 4 before, 3.8 after).

Those with Biden Derangement Syndrome distort, lie, mislead and refuse to accept American exceptionalism. You and others like you are against America and want to see it fail which is sad.

jimbo said...

Regarding Soto and the Yankees. In my opinion, Soto being only a one year player before free agency, is not worth very much. The Padres want MLB ready or almost ready pitching and/or cost controlled talent. Give them the names of ten players, five of which they can chose without negotiation, then I would take him for the one year.

Giambino said...

jimbo, I am sure San Diego wants better than the likely ten names the Yankees will offer them. If push comes to shove, the hell with Soto and the Padres. The Padres are beggars, not the choosers.

Yanks23245 said...

I posted this early this AM, but in wrong blogpost. I had just got home and was tired, I think.

Yanks23245 said...
For me It's rhyme time.

Soto, no-no
Soto, no-no

December 2, 2023 at 1:12 AM

Steve(winstheonlystat) said...

The Padres have absolutely no leverage. If they don't make a deal for Soto, they pay him 33 mil to play this season and lose him for nothing at seasons end. They either take what is offered to them by any team of they can go rot in hell.

jimbo is right on target with his post. Yankee give the Padres 10 names, they choose any 5 of the 10 and it's a done deal.

I can't believe the stat frauds at the dying a slow death nyyfan forum. Page after page of ridiculous and nonsensical posts on Soto and Yankees.

RLA said...

Did some research for you fans over at slowly deteriorating nnyfan forum.

Social scientist, a misfit who thinks they are smarter than anyone else. Wants to have control of what people can say and do. If you take issue with their opinions, you have a good chance of being ostracized from the organization or community. A social scientist is a dangerous person with little value and a detriment to anyone who employs them. They tend to destroy what is good with their desire to exert power and control.

Conclusion: Try to avert these people for your own good, they can and do much damage. Tiptoe through the tulips.

yankeeclipper said...

RLA, that is hilarious. The nyyfan forum has been going downhill for over a decade. They ran out all the great posters who made the forum decent. Now it's my way or the highway. Now it's tedious to read. Same comments over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over. You get what I mean.

bigbadwolf said...

To Yankeefan over at the nyyfan forum. You are 100% correct and the moderator over there who calls himself "super moderator" is garbage, so full of himself. I see you were suspended for nothing.

You are always welcome here and you will NEVER be suspended or banned.

RLA said...

Continuing with nyyfan forum. The ignorant moderator self created the problem with his open post to Yankeefan. Then suspended Yankeefan for responding to him. The moderator is and has always been a useless credent. His, I'm a "social scientist" proclamation was distasteful to say the least. It was only mentioned to intimidate others and claim he is better and smarter than the posters on the forum. In my view, it only put in a dark place and he should be irradicated.

Steve(winstheonlystat) said...

Here is a post from a long time poster at the nyyfan forum.

I copied and pasted it here below.

Robo Umps?
Join Date: Feb 2002
Posts: 71287
Today, 10:34 AM
My PMs don’t work in this dying, propped up forum. So sadly I can’t make my opinion be heard.
We are nearing nothing left to moderate."""

The jerk 'social scientist' filled will the deadly combination of 'arrogance and ignorance' destroys what it comes in contact with.

Margo Walley said...

I laugh and cry each time I hear 'social scientist'. Yet, another reason the world is so screwed up. Too many fake experts, fake scientists, fake do gooders, fraud lawyers, fraud politicians, fraud judges. On the other hand, there are plenty of terrorists, criminals, and people who support them.

muchomachoman said...

Social scientist --- someone who can't do anything of value or worth. aka dummkopf.

Grosner said...

I like a 1 year player better than a guy who just signed a 10 year deal. Soto's bat could turn Yankee lineup around given he will be playing for his career payday. I am inclined to give the choice of 5 of 10 prospects + King.

Jimmy Thames said...

muchomachoman, your definition of social scientist fits Joe Biden, his entire family and his entire administration.

Grosner, congratulations, you didn't post anything stupid with your newest post.

Ned Green said...

If I am giving up King, I would not give up 5 more players also. I would give King and no more than 3 more players out of 6 players I an willing to give up. All would be cost controlled to aid the Padres money woes.

Cal Fuerst said...

Soto would only be a one year player and then he is a free agent. The players you give away for him, you don't get back when Soto leaves. He is only worth what you are willing to give up for him. I give up one player or two players and that's it. And then when he is a free agent, I would never pay him the money he will be asking for, NEVER!


If you give up just four young players, let's say they are all int the 23-26 year old range, you are giving up 40+ years of playing time for one year of Soto. Consider these possibilities, Soto gets hurt, Soto doesn't make a difference in reaching the WS. Result, you gave up 40 years of youth for nothing. Plus you paid Soto 33 million for 2024, all gone.

Stan the Man said...

I view Soto as trading problem. It is short sighted If you give up both King, Schmidt, and others. You create major rotation concerns, and are giving up hundreds of pitching innings that you then need to fill. It's most short sighted in that at this time next year, the Yankees will be without Soto, Schmidt, King and others.

Boston/Yankee said...

Yankees first move done. The Yankees are acquiring Alex Verdugo for reliever Greg Weissert and prospects Richard Fitts and Nicholas Judice. Left handed hitting outfielder. Gave up little for a starting outfielder. Plus trade.

Angel Cordero said...

Expect bigger and better moves to come as the stove gets warmer.

Sal Mineo said...

Getting Verdugo is the Yankees telling San Diego if you want to get rid of Soto, we you will get from us has just gone down.

Domingo Orengo said...

The adding of Verdugo could also mean the Yankees will make a young outfielder available for a deal.

coryankee said...

Verdugo been a consistent hitter year in year out who takes his walks, strikes out well below league average, and hits right handed pitching. 150 hits, 35 doubles, 10+ HR. This is a substantial upgrade to the lineup.

VincentVanGoYankees said...

Keep dealing.

By the way, Trump did a town hall on Hannity tonight in Iowa. He was fantastic and this country desperately needs him to MAGA.

YankeeMike said...

I believe that Verdugo is a stopgap, and upgrade over last year. He may not even playa game in a Yankee uniform. There is a long way to spring training and deals are coming.

Yankeefan2 said...

Verdugo has hit well over league average over the past five seasons. About 30 points over.

Cory said...

Verdugo could be a trade-chip. Verdugo's a tough cookie who just didn't get along with Cora. I also think Bellinger's still in the mix. I'd like to see Soto come for the one year. Both Soto and Verdugo are FA's after next season. Verdugo would be less tough to lose. Unless he hits twenty or more homers in a RF-oriented ballpark.

Jackson DeWitt-Iowa said...

I was at the Trump town hall meeting last night in Iowa. He was great, intelligent, funny, competent, and knows how to make America great again. He has my vote, my friends and families vote, and the vote of many Iowans.

Carl Hooks said...

Rumors flying, Yankees/Padres deal very close.

yankeeclipper said...

More on Soto and Yankees >>> King, Thorpe, Brito, Vasquez and catcher Kyle Higashioka are all likely to be included in the trade for Soto. The deal still isn’t quite across the finish line but could be wrapped up this afternoon.

If that is what the Yankees are giving up, in my opinion, that is a loss-loss for the Yankees. And the Yankees would have to sign Yamamoto.

Is this all part of a well thought out plan??

Diane Stahl said...

Jackson DeWitt, I watched the event. Trump looked great was wholeheartedly supported from I could see. Nice to know we here on this forum had someone there in person. He has my vote for sure.

bigbadwolf said...

Deal done, not yet announced. The Yankees and Padres have agreed to a blockbuster trade sending Juan Soto and fellow outfielder Trent Grisham from San Diego to the Yankees. Prior reports have indicated San Diego is likely to receive right-hander Michael King, pitching prospect Drew Thorpe, right-handers Jhony Brito and Randy Vásquez, and catcher Kyle Higashioka. --- Deal puts a dent into the Yankee pitching depth, unless they sign Yamamoto for just money.

okiened said...

The deal is done. Both teams have just announced the trade.

FloridaYankee said...

Yankee/Padre trade official, just announced.

Jackson DeWitt-Iowa said...

God bless America. Today is Pearl Harbor Day. 83 years ago the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor, killing 2,403 Americans and 1,178 others were wounded. God Bless them all.

NJYANKEE said...

I guess Hal Steinbrenner is going all in for 2024. He will get his money back selling Soto merchandise.

Hobbs said...

Soto a Yankee, at least for one season. More to come, a certain pitcher.

Gus Papa said...

REMEMBER. December 7th 1941 A day that will live in infamy.

Mark Wagoner said...

The not stove's biggest deal has been done. The Yankees have obtained the biggest available star and added him to the lineup. So far so good.

Yanks23245 said...

Many people seem to think Soto is going to be blasting tons of HR's over the short porch. but he's never been a pull hitter. He's great, no doubt, I just think there are some big risks here. Judge having to man CF all season, giving up a lot of pitching, and the one year rental being the big ones.

Steve(winstheonlystat) said...

I don't care what any individual achieves, the only thing that matters is WINS. I want players who help the Yankees WIN. When your team WINS enough games to make the playoffs, your team goes to the playoffs. If your team WINS each round of the playoff, your team goes to the World Series. Guess what, if your team WINS four games in the World Series, your team is the best team in baseball with the best players in baseball.

WIN METHOD > > > where WINS and winning is the only thing the matters to be the best team and best players.

Mushmouse said...

Yanks 23245, I agree with what you posted, Would this counterpoint help, Judge plays a corner when Dominguez returns, Yankees obtain a couple of as good as or better than they gave up quality pitchers, Yankee win WS in 24?

Larry Kennedy said...

WIN METHOD says the Yankees are getting Yamamoto. He costs only dollars, no players, so should not be an issue.

Wolverine Willie said...

Rumors of Ohtani to Blue Jays, both yes and then no.

WIN METHOD said...

The WIN METHOD Yankee baseball blog has just surpassed one billion seven hundred million views. Wow!

Thank you to all the posters and readers of the world's greatest Yankee baseball blog, forum, and site. You are the reason why this blog has achieved what it has.

FloridaYankee said...

We are the champions, we are the champions.

Craig Winstead said...

This blog has the best info, great posters, and common sense wisdom.

Jill Byrnes said...

If Yankees sign Yamamoto it would be yet another first for WIN METHOD. High hopes, but remember, no one is perfect.

johnny said...

Lets go Yankees.

Dustin Howell said...

How to tell if you are corrupt, a fool, or both.

You fund/donate to Joe Biden or you support Joe Biden.

Mario/Staten Island said...

Look for more deals next week. Yamamoto to the Yankees.

Veerayut Maneechote said...

Dustin Howell, and if you support a liberal, progressive, communist, democrat, blm, antifa, leftwinger, hamas, or hezbollah.

Nick Polito said...

Ohtani signs with Dodgers for 10 year straight on contract with opt outs for 700 million. Deferred payments to lessen tax burden.

Can only hope Soto doesn't find out.

Domenic said...

I am glad it was't the Yankees $700 million.

Hobbs said...

The all time baseball greats must be laughing out loud.

Ben Rosen/Israel said...

Two weeks to Christmas. Merry Christmas to everyone across the globe. Pray for those who are suffering because of wars, terrorists, open borders, violent crimes, illegal drugs, political corruption, and anything else.

sid greenberg,nyc said...

Ben Rosen/Israel, stay strong my friend. Let there be peace in the world. But, alas, I do not think there ever will be with so many corrupt politicians, so many billionaires, and so many criminals, terrorists, and so much greed. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays however you celebrate the season of Christs birth.

yankeeclipper said...

If anything, the LA Dodgers spending 700 million on Ohtani, may open Hal Steinbrenner's eyes and see the light to go all in for Yamamoto whatever the cost.

Deb F said...

I would love for the Yankees to blow away Yamamoto tomorrow with the aid of Tanaka and Matsui, Go all out and seize the day.

Owenstheone said...

Deb F, If it is just about money, then there is no excuse for not signing Yamamoto. However, there is no one but Yamamoto who knows exactly what he wants and what it may take to get his signature.

Zack Norris said...

If Yamamoto wants to be a Yankee, he will be a Yankee.

Angel Cordero said...

Feliz Navidad.

Neil Golub said...

Ben Rosen/Israel, stay strong and do not waiver from wiping out Hamas and all terrorists who threaten your country. Do whatever it takes. Do not listen to those who support the terrorists.

Stache Colinski said...

I wonder how the Yamamoto/Yankee meeting is going?

Hal Jenks said...

No new is good news.

Guy Padikian said...

Hope Yamamoto lets everyone know before Christmas.

Zhaire said...

Merry Christmas.

MAGA 2024 wake up America said...

Dems are petrified Trump will beat Biden. You won't believe their latest plan Hysteria on the left about 2024 and Biden's likely opponent is reaching a fever pitch.

Laura Koehler said...

Really need to sign Yamamoto.

NJYANKEE said...

Two of the biggest fish have signed, and not much else so far. There is more to come sooner or later.

Zen Chang said...

The Giants have signed outfielder Jung Hoo Lee from Korea for a six-year, $113MM deal. There is an opt-out after four years. In addition, the Giants will pay a posting fee of $18.825MM to the Kiwoom Heroes. One more bigger name off the books.

yankeeclipper said...

Being a WIN METHOD fan and poster is like climbing a mountain and reaching the peak.

Being a nyyfan forum fan and poster is like falling off a cliff and hitting bottom.

Deb F said...

yankeeclipper, your post is brilliant and very funny.

will-i-am said...

It looks like the price for Yamamoto is going up every day. 300+ million?

Linda Pardo said...

After getting Soto, I am getting anxious awaiting the Yankees next move.

NonoYankee said...

I believe Hal and Cashman decided to just get Soto for 1 year and a couple more pieces to go for a deep playoff run because Hal plans to sell the team next year. No roster plans beyond that.

Hobbs said...

NonoYankee, The only way Hal sells the Yankees, is if the Yankees reach the WS and/or the Yankees sign Soto long term. I believe Hal has no plans to sell the Yankees in the near future. At least the next five years.

Tommy Stenchion said...

NonoYankee, you know know nothing.

sid greenberg,nyc said...

If I am not mistaken, WIN METHOD said he was reasonably sure Yamamoto would be a Yankee. Considering his record over the past 15 years, that is good enough for me.

Sharon/NC said...

It's getting closer. MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL.

Laura Koehler said...

Tommy Stenchion, cute comment to NonoYankee.

Giuseppe Betto said...

Buon Natale.

jimbo said...

Merry Christmas. It could be a whole lot merrier if Yamamoto signs.

Tommy Lee said...

Shèngdàn jié kuàilè

Yankeefan2 said...

Scuttlebutt is at four teams have offered Yamamoto at least 300 million already.

Zack Norris said...

Happy Holidays.

MAGA 2024 wake up America said...

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year WIN METHOD readers and fans. Don't forget to vote conservative republican in all 2024 elections. Make America Great Again.

YankeeMike said...

One week to Christmas. I believe we will hear Yamamoto's decision before Christmas. None the less,


Eddie OConnor said...

Come on Yoshinobu, you know how good you would look in pinstripes with the NY logo.

Swen Jorgenson said...

God Jul

Domenic said...

Hey, if Yamamoto doesn't sign with Yankees, it is his problem. Just move on to someone else and let Yamamoto kamikaze himself.

johnny said...

Lets go Yankees.

Quay Ho said...

Happy Holidays however you celebrate.

NJYANKEE said...

With all the interest from several teams being reported over this past weekend, the feeling is Yamamoto may not reveal which team he will sign with until after the Christmas holiday.

Domingo Orengo said...

Feliz Navidad.

Deb F said...

Going down memory lane,

Here is WIN METHOD's blogpost four days before the news media new the story. We WIN METHOD fans knew before anyone.

>>>>>>Friday, December 19, 2008
Here's the scoop on Mark Teixeira. It appears Mr. Teixeira will soon sign a YANKEE contract and become the YANKEE first baseman. This may be the much needed piece that can counteract the detrimental effect of the sad untimely clutch hitting of the sieve choker Arod. Teixeira will be a perfect fit for the new cathedral of baseball, the new YANKEE STADIUM. With the captain Derek Jeter, the best all around player in MLB since the mid 90's leading the way. A revamped pitching staff led by Wang, Sabathia, Burnett, Chamberlin, and Pettitte, the YANKEES could be in store for a big season.<<<<<<<

Now here is when the news media found out, days later.

>>>>>>Sources: 'Tex' takes Yanks' 8-year deal
Buster Olney, ESPN Senior Writer
Dec 23, 2008, 03:24 PM ET
The New York Yankees swooped in Tuesday and hooked prized free agent Mark Teixeira, reaching agreement with the first baseman on an eight-year contract worth $180 million, three sources involved in the negotiations said.<<<<<<<

Tony Manchu said...

Merry Christmas to all wherever you may be.

Benny Pake said...

Deb F, ....WIN METHOD also was first on the Sabathia signing in November about a month before being the first on the Teixeira signing. Time flies, that was over 15 years ago. That was when WIN METHOD started this blog. Look how few comments there were then. Now look at this blog, 15 years later. Over one billion seven hundred million views. Best Yankee baseball blog in the world.

Gus Papa said...

Merry Christmas and to all a healthy and happy new year.

Larry Yankee said...

Hope Yamamoto decides this week.

Dag Traweck said...

Frohe Weihnachten.

Ted Lilly said...

Merry Christmas.

Carla Sherwin said...

Hope your shopping is done. Just a few more days. Merry Christmas to you and yours.

White Knight said...

Some are saying Yamamoto may wait right up to the Jan 4th deadline to divulge his intentions.

Tim Hergenraeder said...

I hate waiting in anticipation. Merry Christmas folks.

Levi Anders said...

How about Colorado trying to keep Trump from being on the ballot. The Supreme Court will straighten them out very quickly. What the liberal scum Colorado dems proved was just how afraid of the man who MADE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN and will do AGAIN.

Vladimir Tinzak said...

С Рождеством

Robert Mandel said...

Levi Anders, democrat liberals do not believe in freedom, they believe in controlling you, telling you what you can and cannot do, and ensuring you are brain dead.

Guy Padikian said...

Best wishes for this holiday season to all. Merry Christmas.

Izy Hernandez said...

Feliz Navidad...

Yankeeforever said...

Yamamoto to Dodgers. Yankee did not beat a reasonable offer. How sad.

WIN METHOD said...

I am bitterly disappointed with Yamamoto going to Dodgers. More to follow in coming days.

Deb F said...

How could Hal get outbid at that price.


Not a very Merry Christmas for Yankee fans.

Lou Lis said...

Merry Christmas. My Christmas wish --- Yamamoto crashes and burns in MLB.

Billy Tedder said...

Merry Christmas

RLA said...

Merry Christmas

Tony Bilboa said...

Feliz Natal

FloridaYankee said...

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Yankee fans. The hot stove is still burning.

Steve(winstheonlystat) said...

Merry Christmas.

Erica Johnston said...

The merriest of Christmas's to all.

Owenstheone said...

Christmas Eve, one day left, Merry Christmas. May your friends and family be with you.

Frank Sergi said...

Best wishes to all this holiday season and a very Merry Christmas to all.

Wendy Weinberg said...

Happy Holidays.

okiened said...

The most and bestest merriest Merry Christmas to you.

yankeedoodledandy said...

Merry Christmas

Cory said...

Merry Christmas......Yankee fans keep the faith and keep thinking positive for 2024. Thinking negatively is for the losers of the world, ie the nyyfan forum.

Yanks23245 said...

Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, Happy New Year, Lets Go Yankees.

Zhi Xuan said...

Sheng Tan Kuai Loh

Mark Pantone said...

joyeux noël

Woody/Atlanta said...

Merry Christmas and hoping for a far better NEW YEAR than the last few come November.

Jackson DeWitt-Iowa said...

Merry Christmas and best wishes for a healthy, prosperous, and Happy New Year.

Tom Wilson said...

Merry Christmas - Happy New Year - Vote in 2024 to Make America Great Again.

Nathan Riley said...

Merry Christmas.

Fred Slube said...

Merry Christmas

Akihiko said...


Laura Koehler said...

As far as Yamamoto is concerned, we can only hope for the best for the Yankees with him signing with the Dodgers. Maybe that is our Christmas present. The future will tell his story. And maybe the Yankees will find someone else. No matter, it's Christmas Day in little over an hour. Merry Christmas and happy birthday to our Savior the Lord Jesus Christ.

Kojak said...

Merry Christmas especially to those suffering in wars around the world and crime in the cities in America.

Marilyn Zerberini said...

Joy to the world, the Lord has come! Merry Christmas to all.

Tommy Lee said...

Merry Christmas, MERRY CHRISTMAS. Shout it so the world can hear.

Linda Pardo said...

Joy to the world, Christ is born. Hark the Herald Angels sing.

Jackson DeWitt-Iowa said...

We are having a white Christmas.

Teena/ex-Bronx said...

Merry Christmas.

Victor Bruno said...

Merry Christmas

jimbo said...

Merry Christmas and happy whatever holiday you celebrate.

Zen Chang said...

Best wishes for your Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Jimmy Thames said...

Happiest of Holidays everyone.

Carlos Pepe said...

Merry Christmas

Wes Quntrail said...

Last week of 2023, one of the most horrendous years in recent American history festered by the most corrupt regimes in all of American history.

Tom Loughlin said...

Hope everyone had a great Christmas. On to a new year.

George W said...

Happy and healthy New Year to all.

Yankeeforever said...

Yankees finally get rid of Florial, trading him to the Indians for right handed pitcher Cody Morris.

Mario/Staten Island said...

Yankeeforever, giving up Florial for a possible pitcher is a win win for the Yankees.

YankeeBob said...

Florial did not make the Yankee team one bit better over his career. Maybe Morris will.

Cory said...

Getting Morris for Florial = addition by subtraction.

johnny said...

Lets go Yankees.

RLA said...

Morris will get his chance in spring camp.

Mike Smith said...

I'm looking for the Yankees to pull of a deal that will make a difference in truly helping the team take another step forward.

NJYANKEE said...


Dec 27, 2023

Yankees manager Aaron Boone said Thursday that Jasson Domínguez (elbow) could have a normal spring training. Boone added that Domínguez is “doing really well” and should look like “a lot like a regular player” in spring training. Setting aside the fact that the top prospect will never look like a regular player, it’s good to hear that his recovery from Tommy John surgery is going well. Boone intimated that the 20-year-old outfielder should be back “sooner rather than later” but fell short of providing a specific timeline. However, the Yankees find themselves with a crowded outfield now that they have Juan Soto, Alex Verdugo, and Trent Grisham to go along with Aaron Judge and Giancarlo Stanton. It’s unclear where Domínguez fits, but the Yankees will likely be cautious with their top prospect as he makes his way back from a major surgery.

Sharon/NC said...

The sooner Dominguez gets back the better as long as he is 100 percent ready to go all out.

Larry Gant said...

Happy New Year!

Wolverine Willie said...

My new year resolution for 2024 is to do everything possible I can to destroy and render meaningless everyone and everything who is involved with the politically criminal and corrupt joe-bama/commie MALADY administration.

Warren Hammond said...

DONALD TRUMP has my vote in 2024. He has the people with brains vote. If a liberal democrat becomes the President of the United States of America in 2024 election, kiss America goodbye, and you know what else you can kiss goodbye.

NonoYankee said...

I hope the Yankees aren't in on Hader. Closers are not worth the money. They do not make a difference.

Roger Brown said...

NonoYankee, you are a dodo. Mariano Rivera says hello. Dumbdedumbdumb.

bigbadwolf said...

The WIN METHOD blog has put another stat fraud site out of business. has folded its tent. Another site who could not maintain their flawed philosophy of losing is what matters most.

Ned Green said...

Happy New Year.

Jerry Curcio said...

Be careful New Years Eve. The terrorists are looking to do damage. Happy New Year.

Gerald J. Boyum said...

Joe Biden's new year resolutions: 1.Totally destroy America and the American people. 2.Drastically limit the freedoms of choice of the American people. 3.Drastically limit the rights of the American people. 4.Push for more crime across America. 5.Allow more terrorists into America than ever before. 6.Allow more criminals to commit more crimes and not be put in jail or executed.

Phil Jenkins said...

Gerald J. Boyum, I might had, sniff more hair, start another war, demean Netanyahu and Israel, and his hardest resolution, lie, cheat, and steal even more than I did in the past.

Bob Vartanian said...

Hope for the best for everyone in the coming new year. We will need it, because you never know what dirty deed the joe-bama/commie MALADY administration will do next.

Joe Hognoson said...

bigbadwolf, the hallofstats site was a man-contrived fake stat simulation that could be manipulated by its creator to give whatever results the creator wanted. It was just another stat fraud site. I posted on the site and told them so. However, unlike most stat fraud sites, they did post my comments and debated them. In the end, they lost.

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