Wednesday, November 29, 2023


Hello YANKEE fans, baseball fans, and all readers from across the world.  All of you have made this YANKEE baseball blog the number one in the world.

After a very disappointing 2023 season and not making the playoffs, it is time to regroup and move forward.  The YANKEES need an infusion of WIN METHOD talent to get back into the playoffs in 2024. As of now I am reasonably confident the YANKEES will sign Japanese star pitcher Yoshinobu Yamamoto. It is now up to the YANKEES to sign him. I have been assured the YANKEES will go all out to sign Yamamoto. 

There are also other possible acquisitions on the table and possible. You have to give up something of value to get something of value. The YANKEES have much value in several young and upcoming players. Deals need to be made to fill several positions. Lets see how talks pan out.  

Jasson Dominguez made one heck of a major league baseball debut last season. Hopefully he will make an impact come August/September 2024.  If his 2023 showing is any indication, he may become future YANKEE superstar. 

We can only hope the YANKEES will achieve what they want to achieve this winter and give their fans something to really cheer for this coming season.  Wins are the only way to reach the playoffs and wins are the only way to reach the World Series. Nothing else matters.

Wouldn't it be nice to have a season with far less injuries than the past few years.  Every team suffers injuries, but no team has had as many as the YANKEES have, nor as many severe injuries, nor have lost more cumulative days to player injuries.

Once again, thank you YANKEE fans and readers. You are the people who have built this blog with your support. Your support will allow the WIN METHOD blog to attain one billion seven hundred million viewers in the next couple of weeks. Thank you, this blog exists because of you, the most knowledgeable baseball fans in the world. 


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Xavier Young said...

New Year's Eve, last day of three very bad years for the United States of America.

Carl Hooks said...

Happy New Year.

Linda Pardo said...

If you are drinking alcoholic beverages tonight, DO NOT DRIVE. Happy New Year, make sure it is happy for you and your family.

muchomachoman said...

It's 2024. Happy New Year.

Nancy4Freedom said...


AAA said...

New day, new week, new month, new year.

Yanks23245 said...

First good news of 2024, Yankee and other mlb teams spring camps open in approximately six weeks.

Antonious said...

When you assign a value to any statistic you can create any result you want. That is the definition of stat frauds, particularly in sports.

Howard Hamm said...

New year same old lying Biden.

MAGA 2024 wake up America said...

You have within you, right now, everything you need to deal with whatever the radical left wing liberal democrats will throw at you to destroy you in 2024. And they will do anything.

Walt Belamy said...

A vote for any democrat, liberal, or progressive is a vote against humanity, civility, and decency.

Your can either save America and vote for conservatives/republicans or destroy America by voting for anything else.

Norm Jackson said...

The joe-bama/commie MALADY administration continues to forgive debt of college students and that means money is stolen from taxpayers. Anyone who supports this present criminal and corrupt administration and every person in the administration is a fool and likely a criminal or corrupt also. Wipe them out.

Grosner said...

MAGA 2024, will Biden and the liberal Democrats throw at us in 2024 the same as 2023: plummeting inflation, record low unemployment, record high stock market, precipitous drop in violent crime, and record high oil production? Awfully strange way to "destroy" America!

Jack Bauer said...

Grosner, inflation is not plummeting, it is sky high, and rising, just at a slower rate. Unemployment is not low, the rate is corruptly figured, aka stat fraud, as the labor participation rate gets worse. High stock market is rising because of record inflation. Violent crime has not dropped, but is corruptly defined, aka stat fraud. High oil production only because wind, sun, and electric cars are failures, and people need to keep warm and drive.

Julie Robinson said...

When you read Grosner's post, you are read the talking points the liberal leftwing democrat talking points they hand out their stooges to repeat over and over, lie after lie.

Laura Koehler said...

Julie, what you posted is true, but please re-read your post before submitting it.

Grosner said...

Julie, if basic, major economic indicators are "talking points' than they are pretty damn good ones.

Jack, all your responses are wildly inaccurate, esp regarding employee participation rate which has only increased consistently the last 3 years despite baby boomer retirements

Jack Bauer said...

Grosner, more or your Barbra Streisand. December 2019 under Trump LPR was 63.3 and rising. Then the Chinese Virus aka Covid hit. November 2023 under Biden LPR 62.8, a half point below Trump.

Addressing your 'talking points', Uncontrolled U.S. borders where violent criminals enter America everyday. Criminals running rampant across America. Higher fuel prices than under Trump. Two thirds of Americans living paycheck to paycheck. Criminal corruptions had the highest levels of all government agencies. Men competing in women sports, and on and on.

Inna Svovna said...

The Corrupt, the Clueless and Joe Biden. Has America in two wars. Is allowing and dispersing illegal criminal aliens across America. Ordered a failed retreat from Afghanistan. Is allowing, aiding, and abetting more illegal drugs into the United States than any other president in history. The most criminal and corrupt president in U.S. history. Has created the highest fuel prices in U.S. history. Is the lowest form of human life on the planet.

Hoyle said...

Ex-Yankee Harrison Bader is signing a one year deal with the Mets for 10 million dollars. 😊😊😊

Alex Antonius said...

In the real world of most American people below is happening to most Americans. DO NOT BELIEVE THE LIES OF THE joe-bama/commie MALADY administration and their conspiring cohorts, liars, and fools.

Most Americans Living Paycheck to Paycheck This Year, Survey Finds

Erica Sweeney has been a journalist for more than a decade writing about business, and finance. Her work has been published in Real Simple, The Washington Post, The New York Times, Business Insider, Good Housekeeping, HuffPost, and many other publications.

Published September 18, 2023

Almost 80% of Americans say they’re living paycheck to paycheck, according to a new survey by PayrollOrg.


1.Most people surveyed said they would have a hard time paying their bills if their paycheck was delayed by a week. That number jumped significantly from last year. Consumers are becoming more pessimistic about the economy.

2.The annual “Getting Paid in America” survey of more than 38,600 people found that 78% would struggle to meet their financial obligations if their paychecks were delayed for a week. That’s 6% more than last year.

3.American households are generally less optimistic about their financial situations, when it comes to income growth and credit access, according to the New York Federal Reserve Bank’s August 2023 Survey of Consumer Expectations.

4.More than a third of Americans have said they couldn’t afford to cover a $400 emergency, the Federal Reserve’s Economic Well-Being of U.S. Households in 2022 report found.

The PayrollOrg survey also shows that 34% of people would like to be able to access their wages earlier than their regular payday, an increase of 13% from 2022.

jimbo said...

Yankees claim OFer Bubba Thompson from Reds, and sign RHP Cody Poteet, Both added to 40 man roster and both have minor league options.

Tom Wilson said...

I'll make this as cleat as I can. Biden is an imbecile, albeit a criminally corrupt imbecile.
Anyone who thinks he has done good and should be defended is a bigger imbecile.

Jeff Miller said...

Yankees say they are showing interest in Blake Snell. Cashman claims the Yankees will have an active July in the player department.

Ralph--Yuma said...

joe-bama/commie MALADY administration
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Billy Tedder said...

Ralph--Yuma, Hang them all, hang them all, the long the short and the tall.

Teena/exBronx said...

Most posters here are of similar mind, not all see issues identically, but each poster has their own opinion and nuances. There are posters who see issues differently than most who post here.

The point I am getting at is that I find it unbelievable that any poster can defend what is going on in this country right now. The lies, the deceit, the corruption, the criminality, of the present government and agencies is unfathomable. To defend this administration is very sad, to defend and-or vote for them is a disgrace.

okiened said...

Yankees are showing interest in White Sox pitcher Dylan Cease also. Somethings got to give one way of the other soon.

Linda Pardo said...

Teena/exBronx, I love your post, and your last sentence is brilliant. It should be shouted and repeated over and over again and again.

yankeedoodledandy said...

The Yankees are looking for a starter from somewhere, somehow. Hope for the best.

Grosner said...

Teena/exBronx, could be the information and news you ingest is different than another posters. Could be your information is given to you by a for profit entertainment company and may not be on the level. Maybe?

Mario/Staten Island said...

Grosner, reading the comments you have written, I have to say it is you who is getting garbage corrupt information. Reading your comments, it is you who has the problem of discerning fact from fiction. You use a grain of fact in a comment while the entire comment is filled with fentanyl. It looks as if Teena's post hit home with you.

Owenstheone said...

Grosner, you are the one who is misinformed and or unable to accept the truth.

Patrick Healy said...

The radical leftwing liberal democrat scum are so worries about free and fair elections, that they are trying to keep the oppositions top contender off the ballot. Trying to prevent a public citizen for running for office should be an automatic death penalty.

MAGA 2024 wake up America said...

Today is the three year anniversary of January 6th assault of the Capitol Building by patriotic American citizens trying to correct a corrupt stolen election for President of the United States. Their motives were valid and good, how they it did was not valid and good, and it cost them all dearly. Almost all have been sent to prison. Illustrating the double standard of US justice system and their criminal corruption covering up the illegal corrupt voting process for the elections held in November 2023. The double standard being the US justice system doing nothing to rioters who have destroyed area's of many US cities across the country, murdered civilians, burned down buildings and sections of cities. Attacked police and civilians, many severely. Since the stolen election, America has and is suffering a precipitous downfall economically and mentally. I will not go through the massive list of failures by the joe-bama/commie MALADY administration and their criminally corrupt government agencies led by complicitly corrupt criminals.

VOTE in all your elections. VOTE to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN. Vote to bury radical leftwing liberal democrats who are destroying you and our country.

Grosner said...

Mario, I could very well be getting garbage information. It could be, for example, that Trump is a great leader. I don't get any information from leftwing media like MSNBC and CNN. It is largely a waste of time and purely for entertainment. They pick and choose the stories to focus on and play on emotion to present "this is what the other side is doing to our country". For example, the book banning by republicans across many school districts. Yes, it has happened in many areas, but I believe the vast majority of Republicans are against this and I do not believe this will happen everywhere if they get more control. The stories are amplified to scare people. This is how the media and politicians turn us against each other and Fox News does it all day as well.

I use direct evidence of those who served directly with Trump. Like John Kelly, his chief of staff, who said "god help us all" at the prospects of another Trump term. Bill Barr who said the election was not stolen and has said how dangerous and narcissistic Trump is. This is powerful evidence for me because of their first hand knowledge and they are not leftwing opponents.

What I witnessed live in TV Jan 6 exactly 3 years ago was also powerful evidence of what happens when people believe lies.

The unemployment rate is powerful evidence. I do not believe it is made up. In fact, the methodology is thoroughly transparent and incredibly vetted for decades. Such a low rate for so long is unequivocally a good thing. Simple as that.

Turn off the TV people unless you are watching a baseball game.

Mike Smith said...

MAGA 2024, hear hear. spot on. This country would be light years better than we are now if Trump was President these past three years. Liberal democrat corruption has put the United States in a very bad position.

Steven Sands said...

Patrick Healy, there are no free and honest elections anymore. There is no absolute proof of identity, permanent residence, and legally being allowed to vote anymore.

Yankeefan2 said...

Isn't it time for the Yankees to get through a season without multiple debilitating injuries.

MAGA 2024 wake up America said...

Grosner, reading your most recent post, I see what you believe. I do find it, I say this not to be mean, somewhat naive and myopic. You may even be trying to see too much good in people.

Example, you take a few words from John Kelly about Trump and take his words as some kind of proof Trump is a danger to America. Look at it differently. Trump hired Kelly, a good man, a good general, a leader, who is used to giving orders and having them followed. Then there is a situation of some kind and Trump asks his advisors their opinion and what they would do about the situation. Several people, doing their job, give their opinion, and what they believe should be done. Trump takes all the information in and gives the order(s) on how to proceed. Likely, Kelly gets upset his points were not followed. Kelly down the road says about Trump, "God help us all" about another term for Trump. So what, to me it means nothing, obviously, to you, it meant much.

You mention Bill Barr who said the election wasn't stolen. Trump said it was. Barr says Trump is dangerous and narcissistic. That is his opinion.

There were countless people fired or resigned from the Trump years in office. You rub the boss the wrong way, your either quit and go somewhere else or get fired and go somewhere else. Many people who left the Trump administration, loved and lauded Trump and still speak very highly of him. Their opinions.

One last opinion, I see the way Trump has been treated since the day he came down the escalator in Trump Tower and stated he was running for President. Not a politician, a great businessman who was fed up with the direction this country was headed. He wanted to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN, and he did. He did despite the liberal left democrats, the liberal left media, and rhino republicans trying to stop him from upsetting their applecart of payola, kickbacks, corrupt deals, and gool old boys' fraternity where everyone got a piece of the pie. Despite all these people working against him, the American people were for him and with him. He made America great again. This could not happen again, and they made sure it didn't.
With corruption, lies, cheating, and yes a stolen election. On day one of 2021 when Biden was sworn in America has been in steady decline in every facet of what is good for the people. What we have now is out and out in the open corruption and criminal behavior fostered, backed up, the administration and all government agencies. If you cannot see this, that is sad, because most of America sees it. I can go on forever. Hillary destroying e-mails, the bought and paid for fake dossier about Trump, Hunter Biden crimes covered up, etc.

Jackson DeWitt-Iowa said...

People, come on now. What is going on and destroying this country is more than one man, or a group of people. It is a grand cabal of corrupt people in all facets of government, big business, and media to take down America as a free open society where people have the freedom of choice, life, liberty, and happiness. We pay for the government to exist and do as we the people wish. Not the other way around.

Mike Smith said...

MAGA 2024, right on again. It people can't see who is destroying this country, that is on them, and I have no empathy for them. You want to save the country, say something about it and do something about it.

Geronimo Wyatt said...

As big a Yankee baseball fan as I am, I can't just watch and let the country deteriorate into a socialistic quagmire of despair under this administration. If push comes to shove, I am willing to do what it takes to shove back and shut down what needs to be shut down.

Harvey Wixman said...

Ask yourself, America four years under Trump, up up and away, everyone doing better. Three years under Biden, down down, down, down, how low can we go, corruption, lies, blame Trump for everything, lie, cheat, steal, off shore accounts, lie, cheat, steal, blame Trump. It's a broken record. It's corruption,. It's the Biden way.

Larry Kennedy said...

The Yankees have hired Pat Roessler as their newest assistant hitting coach.


Free agent right-hander Marcus Stroman has approached the Yankees to express “serious interest” in signing with the club. He says that the Yankees have not reciprocated that interest with a contract offer at this point.

Victor Grandozi said...

I think Joe Biden and his administration has done more damage to America than Jimmy Carter and his administration did in the 70's. The difference being, Carter was not corrupt, but just a peanut brain. Biden is as corrupt as they come.

NJYANKEE said...

Add two more pitchers to the Yankee interest rumor list. The Yankees were talking with the Marlins about their starting pitching, Yanks are interested in left-hander Jesus Luzardo. In addition, the Yankees have also called the Guardians about righty Shane Bieber.

Sam Anderson said...

Somehow, the Yankees need to find a way to come up with at least one, or better yet two of the pitchers they have intertest in.

NonoYankee said...

Knowing the Yankees, they won't sign any pitcher, and if they sign one, he will crash and burn.

Frank Sergi said...


The USA hockey team youngsters won the championship after defeating Sweden. As the flags of the top three countries were raised at the championship ceremony the US players song whole heartedly and loudly the US National Anthem proudly and smiling from ear to ear. ESPN refused to show the ceremony.

Who showed it to the American viewing audience. Only FOX NEWS. The only news station where you can get all the news.


NonoYankee, you appearmnot be a fan of the Yankees, as your monicker implies.

Grosner said...

Frank, perfect example of Fox News playing on emotions to manipulate viewers. Absolutely not news and the fact you are even mentioning the closing ceremony of youth international hockey is almost a parody of a Fox News viewer.

REMINDER: Fox News does not represent reality. It is a for profit enterprise looking for ratings and entertainment.

True "fair and balanced" news is extremely boring and nuanced and does not make money.

Benny Pake said...

Grosner, Fox news is reality. Was the US women's soccer team and how they embarrassed themselves and America by their shameful display of contempt for America news? Those events were broadcast by every network across the world. Showing an event, any event, that peaks emotions of people of any kind does not manipulate viewers in any way shape or form. Showing an event of any kind is just that, letting the people see and know what happened, not showing an event, hiding it from the people.

Just like the Biden administration hid that US Secretary of Defense spent several days in the intensive care ward of a hospital last week. The people of America should have know this immediately.

Bond007 said...


It can be done with a conservative republican leading the way.

Grosner said...

Just because these "for entertainment" media orgs put something on TV does not make it news.

US baseball team vs Japan in final game of World Baseball classic: nobody sings. Was it news? Did anyone care? Did anyone notice? No, because nobody has ever cared about that.

Fox News manipulators decide to make a story about women's soccer team doing same. Now it is news and wrong?

Fox pulls strings and you puppets dance.

Andrew J said...

Bond007, yes it can.

Dag Traweck said...

The joe-bama/commie MALADY administration is a joke on steroids, a knife in the back of most American people, and a laughing stock to our enemies who have gone to war in several areas of the world.

Warren Hammond said...

Grosner, the same might be said for all the bought and paid for democrat controlled radical leftwing liberal networks who were all complicit in the corrupt Trump dossier sold to the nation with lie upon lie, and lies upon lies. You are either very unwise or just pulling our leg, ("Unwise" used as opposed to many other adjectives.)

Diane Stahl said...

We generally accept almost all of the newspaper print media rags are corrupt. We are told all the TV and radio news stations are not giving us news but rather entertainment stories that they selectively choose to feed us. Therefore, all we see and hear from the media is meaningless. We should only believe selective individuals inside government to tell us the truth. (That alone is a joke).

On the other hand, maybe the real joke is the people who accept what is going on in the world, don't believe it is happening, and is just entertainment.

Teena/exBronx said...

From what I have read of Grosner's posts, it scares me to think of were he gets his news.

I guess I shouldn't have left the Bronx for South Carolina because there was no news, no violent democrat liberal destruction, no murders, no crimes. I will never go back.

Grosner said...

Warren Hammond, the same can absolutely be said. Dems believed Trump was directly colluding with Russia because all their favorite talking heads on TV told them so and it felt good. Republicans believe Biden has some sort of organized crime ring going on because that is what they watch on TV all day and it feels good to hate Biden. Truth is Biden is rather boring, moderate, a man of true faith, and rather deeply wants the right thing for our country. But guess what, there is money to be made playing him as a villain.

Phil Jenkins said...

Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas on Monday admitted to Border Patrol agents that the current rate of release for illegal immigrants apprehended at the southern border is "above 85%," sources told Fox News.

Mayorkas made the remarks when meeting privately with agents in Eagle Pass, Texas, according to three Border Patrol sources who were in the room and heard the remarks themselves.

1. News or not news?

2. Mayorkas, traitor or hero?

3. Execution or parade?

sid greenberg,nyc said...

Grosner, nice post. How I break it down. Dems believed the lies, of which I knew were lies from day one. Why, I truly believed why Trump ran for President, and I truly believed he would never collude with Russia, he had no need to. Being 88 years old, I have seen Biden all my life and what he has done. His whole life was a lie from his boyhood through schooling and being a boob in college. He never earned anything. His mentor and hero was Robert Byrd, a KKK chapter leader. The entire Biden family was corrupt, and when the FBI tried to hide the Hunter Biden laptop evidence, while the pawnshop owner, who had nothing to gain, he read and saw all the evidence on the laptop, I believed the entire criminal corruption Biden crime family treachery. Then more and more proof came out from eyewitness's and e-mails, and more. How you describe Biden is a joke, and the joke's on you. Your truth is a total fabrication.

However, there is always two sides to a story, sometimes there are gray area/s of a certain amount. In the end there is only one right or wrong. Trump is innocent. Biden is guilty. I was born in NYC, lived here all my life, seen a lot, and have done all right financially, lost my wife all few years ago, and live well on central park west high rise. I'm just telling you what I have seen, lived, and believe. Much of the time, a word from the wise (me), with no dog in the fight, tells it all you need to know.

Harry Stavris said...

Phil Jenkins, 1. News 2.Traitor 3. Execution

Zack Norris said...

News, traitor, execution.

Zhedo Kopeky said...

As Millions Cross Border Illegally, Biden DOJ Proclaims Thousands of Jan. 6 Protesters Could Be Prosecuted for Being Outside Capitol.

The Justice Department used the occasion of the third anniversary of the Jan. 6, 2021, Capitol incursion to announce that it is still looking to prosecute more people.

In fact, U.S. Attorney Matthew Graves noted in a nearly hour-long news briefing on Thursday that thousands of people entered the area outside of the Capitol that day "without authorization" and, therefore, are eligible to be prosecuted.

You know another place where people have entered without authorization? The southern border. And that number is not in the thousands, it's in the millions since Joe Biden took office. Approximately 8 million by last count have entered the United States illegally since 2021, and that does not include the more than 1.7 million known "gotaways."

The natural question that arises is how many potential terrorists were not apprehended?

The border not being secured by this administration is out and out treason and all who have opened the border that was closed when they took office, proliferated the illegal invasion of the United States, aided in the dispersal of the illegal criminal invaders throughout the United States, and aided and abetted this action should all be tried for their deliberate actions to hurt America and the American people.

NJYANKEE said...

Yankees sign infielder Keven Smith, a NYC born 27 year old to a minor league contract.

Craig Winstead said...

I hear a lot from Nikki Haley and others about causing chaos wherever he goes. Trump does not cause chaos, the people who have spent almost a decade now trying to destroy him, his business empire, and his family are the ones causing chaos built on lies and made up stories. Trump announced he was running for president in 2015. Since then the chaos began, exasperated by a corrupt media, criminal leftwing radical liberal democrats, rhino republicans, and people who hate Trump because he out smarted them, is not a corrupt politician, and wants to, yes, MAKE AMERICA GREAT.

johnny said...

Let's go Yankees.

Hobbs said...

The only thing signing Kevin Smith means is he gets a chance to play closer to his roots growing up. In AAA ball.

Carla Sherwin said...

sid greenberg,nyc, You hit the nail on the head. People believe who they want to believe. The truth is out there, you need to be able to decipher between the 90% liar and the 10% liar and all in between. A big deciding factor for me, is seeing and knowing what people do and the outcome/results of what they have done. Pay little attention to what they say, especially liars. Example, a politician makes a decision and issues an order, how does that affect the majority of people in our country. Help them or hurt them. Good for them or bad for them.

Earl Lennon said...

DeSantis town hall on FOX news last night was very strong. Just as good as Haley the night before. Trump on tonight.

Grosner said...

Trump has a 40% chance of beating Biden
Desantis a 60% chance
Haley a 80% chance

Further, Haley gives republicans a better chance in house and senate

Republicans seem to be going with they guy with the lowest chance to win

This is fascinating

Lou Lis said...

Hunter Biden, this morning crashes a contempt of Congress hearing today, making even more of a fool of himself.

Sharon/NC said...

Grosner, conservatives and republicans let the their voters decide who will represent them. Liberals and democrats tell their voters who will represent them.

To make my point clear --- people who run as liberals and democrats are scum, the people who vote for them are dumb.

Laura Koehler said...

Sharon/NC - - - - - It looks like you are a poet. Good post. ⬆️

MAGA 2024 wake up America said...

Lardo rhino Chris Christie snivels out of the 2024 republican presidential race since over 95% would never vote for him. In his sniveling rant, Christie berated, demeaned, and denigrated one of America's greatest presidents Donald Trump. Chritie, one heck of vengeance filled politician.

NJYANKEE said...

Christie has always been full of himself. He talks big but delivers little. I would describe him as a loud mouth buffoon.

Jackson DeWitt-Iowa said...

After town hall questions in snow covered cold Iowa this week.

First ----- TRUMP
Second ---- Ramaswamy
Third ----- DeSantis
Fourth ---- Haley

muchomachoman said...

Just in from sources close to the Bidens. Joe and Jill Biden now in the fourth term are considering a late term abortion.

Jill Byrnes said...

NJYANKEE, your description of Christie is spot on.

Jackson DeWitt, the only spot that counts is first and Trump is first.

muchomachoman, good comment and funny. I wonder if it will be used by comedians in their routines.

Cory said...

I see Stroman really wants to come to the Yankees. Having a player(s) that really want to pitch for you is a good thing WIN METHOD wise, but the player needs to produce when it matters most, and that is always WIN METHOD priority one.

Domenic said...

Teams with a very good starter that other teams want are asking far more than what their starter is worth. Lets see what the Yankees can come up with, but they may have made a mistake in giving up the pitchers they did for Soto.

Nick Polito said...

Trump was great last night. When asked will he seek retribution against democrats if he is elected. Trump said no, I won't have the time, I will be to busy making America great again, and when I am successful that will be the retribution.

coryankee said...

All one needs to do to see how much Trump is demeaned and vilified with lies, fake news, and make-believe stories is to use the Bing browser where you will be inundated with garbage popups and other mis-information.

Grosner said...

Cory, that's funny, I get pop-ups and negative stories about Biden parroted by posters here. I guess the pop ups you get are fake news and mine are real news. Strange!

Vince/Brooklyn said...

In the history of New York, no person has EVER been convicted of fraud without there being a victim. Yet Donald Trump is on trial for fraud where there is no victim.

The only crime is the criminals who manufactured, prosecuting, judging this fake issue.

Jerry Curcio said...

Nothing Biden has done has been positive, all he has done has been negative. Border, inflation, Afghanistan, Ukraine, Israel, crime, drugs, fuel prices, crime family dealings with foreign governments, collusion with FBI, DOJ, IRS to go after his enemies and protect his family, military weakest ever. A no brainer regarding Biden and evil.

YankeeMike said...

The Yankees have signed right-hander Luke Weaver to a one-year deal. Weaver will make $2MM in 2024 and there’s a club option for 2025, with the potential for the deal to max out at $8.25MM. The deal is pending a physical.

Nathan Riley said...

The Yankee have offered free agent starting pitcher Blake Snell a contract.

Randy Holt said...

Nathan Riley, I guess we will see how far this goes, and how long it takes.

Yanks23245 said...

The Yankees have agreed to a two-year, $37MM deal with a vesting option for 2026 with Stroman.

Ray Foster said...

Stroman is 50-50 for me. This is my duh take, one of three things will happen. Stroman will either help, be just adequate, or do poorly.

Ziggy Mann said...

In the span of a couple of days, the Yankees have signed pitchers Weaver and Stroman while also making and offer to Snell, who would cost the most.

Grosner said...

Stroman is a great competitor and a great personality. I have doubts he can stay healthy enough to be effective, but worth taking a chance on guys with WINMETHOD mind sets.

Steve(winstheonlystat) said...

I think there is more to come from the Yankees while the hot stove is still burning.

Veerayut Maneechote said...

Thank you Joe Biden for the attack on the Houthi terrorist last night. Just a day late and a dollar short. Next time hit Iran, big time.

Hal Jenks said...

Biden in Pennsylvania yesterday to talk up the economy, (lie about it), was asked what he would do to fix the economy and make it better for all the people who are struggling and are having trouble making ends meet. His response was everything is great and you people just don't know how good you have it. He was promptly heckled and told he was a demented old fool.

Monte Bingham said...

Is the electric car fiasco coming to an end? Hertz is selling their entire electric car fleet, stating they make a massive mistake going to electric cars, and are returning to gas cars.

Moral of the story: you listen to the climate change lying fools, you are an idiot.

FloridaYankee said...

The Yankees will officially open camp on Valentine’s Day, as their major league pitchers and catchers will report to Tampa on Feb. 14. Right around the corner. I'll be there.

Mark Wagoner said...

Expounding on Hertz and their ridding themselves of garbage electric cars, if you are in the market for a new car, and a dealer tries to sell you and electric hunk of garbage, tell them to go to hell, walk out, and go somewhere else.

Marilyn Zerberini said...

Biden says he has no problem with Austin and how he handled his medical issue. Garbage of a feather flock together. You can also throw in the smooth taking spokesman, Kirby, to make it a triumvirate of garbage.

George Wolfe said...

Hamas is working to orchestrate terror attacks worldwide according to the IDF. IDF officials have compiled intelligence on international terrorist operations with the assistance of European leaders.

This is what you get when you vote for radical leftwing liberal democrats. For example, the joe-bama/commie MALADY administration. Happy New Year folks.

Quigley said...

Do not forget Obama's ties to terrorism. He has been a terrorist supporter and enabler. Airlifted billions of dollars to Iran to support their terrorism regime and desire to destroy Israel and America. All put a halt to be Trump in his years as President. Then the corrupt election of 2020 and we got Obama for a third term and more money to Iran, and now we have another war to deal with.

MAGA 2024 wake up America said...

Iowans, try to get out and caucus tomorrow for who you support. Stand up for America and bury every liberal democrat.

Cal Fuerst said...

Palestinian insurrectionists in DC and NYC yesterday. White House staff 'relocated' after pro-Palestinian insurrectionists damage anti-scale fencing, hurl objects at cops. No arrests made.

I guess the law is different for American patriots compared to Palestinian terrorists.

Jill Byrnes said...

In memory of Martin Luther King. He tried and was murdered for it.

Walt Belamy said...

Martin Luther King Jr. you will never be forgotten.

Manny Carbrera said...

As the White House refuses how much they have spent on their climate change programs since the inception of the corrupt joe-bama/commie MALADY administration, Lerch, the climate czar is stepping down, after he has hurt every single American family in the world.

Gus Papa said...

Manny Cabrera, John Kerry "Lurch" I haven't heard that since Rush Limbaugh died. Rush named Kerry that decades ago from the 'Adams Family' character. Kerry and the character were look alikes. Kerry hated the name, so Rush used it all the time, every time. Lurch is just another corrupt useless liberal democrat piece of human debris that has hurt Americans every chance he could.

Jackson DeWitt-Iowa said...

Looks like Trump is going to take Iowa. Learn voters, learn. Vote conservative republican in all elections. Make America great again. Wipe out liberalism and progressivism.

MAGA 2024 wake up America said...

Post Iowa evaluation. Trump won more votes in Iowa than any other Iowa caucus winner in the states history. A tremendous win for Trump. DeSantis with a big second place finish, out performing the fake pundit predictions. Haley, in third place, underperforming her own prediction of a two person race, failing her surge into second place as predicted by a corrupt media, and being beaten by DeSantis, Ramaswamy fourth and drops out of the race throwing his support to Trump.

Ned Green said...


40 Iowa delegates won by multiple candidates

Delegates shared proportionally among top candidates · 1,215 delegates needed to win the nomination · The· Updated at 9:50 AM EST

Donald Trump 51% 56,260 votes Gained 20 delegates

Ron DeSantis 21.2% 23,420 votes Gained 9 delegates

Nikki Haley 19.1% 21,085 votes Gained 8 delegates

Vivek Ramaswamy 7.7% 8,449 votes Gained 3 delegates

Ryan Binkley 0.7% 774 votes

Asa Hutchinson 0.3% 191 votes

Chris Christie <0.1% 35 votes

Other candidates <0.1% 84 votes

MAGA 2024 wake up America said...


It's your choice people, live free or die.


Grosner said...

Gerald Boyum,
Name the top 3 freedoms of yours Biden has taken away since taking office 3 years ago.

Benny Pake said...

Where does Biden's hardcore support come from? Billionaires and multi-millionaire, corrupt media, drug lords and dealers, hardcore criminal, his corrupt administration, and not so intelligent voters.

Grosner said...

Benny, Biden has very little hardcore support. We do not idolize him. He is a good man, works across the aisle, and generally pragmatic. We do not attend stupid rallies, waste our money on Biden merchandise, and do not buy silly hats with his political slogans.

The hardcore support comes unequivocally from recognizing the dangers of Trump and his narcissistic impulses and the the horrors that result.

Quigley said...

Grosner, we all have opinions, we all make choices. You made yours, I disagree with your opinion. Moreso, I find it myopic and invalid.

Margo Walley said...

At least coservatives/republicans allow people to compete in primaries. The liberals/democrats do not allow competition with the dud they support.

Benny Pake said...

Grosner, I don't know where to start with your comments. They are all so ridiculous.

"Biden has no hardcore support" what a joke, he has the radical leftwing democrats, the corrupt lying media, he has the 3 letter agencies running cover for him.

"We do not idolize him, He is a good man, works across the aisle, and generally pragmatic" Idolize him, good man, works across the aisle, pragmatic. The only people who would idolize him would be fools. He is an evil man and has done no good for 90 percent of America. He works with no one except the corrupt and criminal. He may be the least pragmatic politician around.

"stupid rallies" What rallies, he can't rally anybody. He is only allowed to speak at bought and paid for events with a controlled attendance, with minimal people allowed.

"waste our money on Biden merchandise, and do not buy silly hats with his political slogans." The only Biden merchandise that was worth anything was the "Lets go Brandon" t-shirts. We all know what lets go Brandon stood for. That is Biden's value. No one is forced to buy any political merchandise on the 'right'. The right buys merchandise because they are proud of who they chose to support, and are willing to show it.

"Trump horrors" a secure border, minimal inflation, no wars, low fuel prices, a booming economy, etc.

Grosner, you make obvious who you support, a piece of garbage who embraces corruption, criminal behavior, and hates regular American families.

Gail Hines said...

I hope the Yankees can swing a deal and or come up with another impactful acquisition before spring camp opens.

Lou Lis said...

Benny Pake, beautiful, there may by opinions and different ways at looking at matters, but there is only one truth. You said it all.

Grosner said...

That is right, Benny. Democrats don't really care about Biden, it is only Fox News and their viewers obsessed. We just want a level headed, decent human being as president.

Most Americans want this. Haley beats Biden by a LARGE margin. She is normal and Biden is way too old.

Most don't watch Fox News all day and are not indoctrinated. They don't want election denying, JAN 6 nonsense.

Biden beats Trump like he did in 2020. Haley beats Biden because she decent and much younger.

This isn't hard.

Ron Francis said...

After reading the last several points, in my view, the only people who have been indoctrinated are those who believe that Biden and his joe-bama/commie MALADY administration are good people.

Swen Jorgensen said...

MAGA2024, you are right. It is MAGA or MALADY. Every time I hear Biden or anyone knock MAGA, I immediately think, there is another person who does not want to make America great.

Roy Shaw said...

i believe there will be more roster changeover and other starters before the Yankees break camp, which that is over two months away.

RLA said...

Lets go Brandon.

William Hall said...

A heads up regarding the New Hampshire republican primary vote. In NH anyone can vote in a "republican" primary. The democrats will use this to go out and support the weakest republican candidate, that being Nikki Haley. My point being, when Haley finishes second in the NH primary that Trump will win, it will mean nothing.
The corrupt liberal democrat fraud media will try to make a big deal out of Haley finishing second. I reiterate, it will mean nothing.

Yanks23245 said...

Roy Shaw, I agree, I hope the changes made help the team and are not just changes.

Teena/exBronx said...

William Hall, I can't wait to hear the excuses when Haley finishes third in her home state primary Feb 23rd.

Ralph--Yuma said...

The higher a politician rises in the democrat/liberal party the more criminal, corrupt, evil, they are, and the more contempt they have for struggling American families.

Grosner said...

“Even events that ‘cross the line’ must fall under total immunity,” Trump argued in an all-caps post on Truth Social.

What an absolute clown. Astonishing so many worship this dipstick of a con man.

NJYANKEE said...

Yankees have signed Jose Rojas to minor league deal with invite to spring camp. He is better than the last few infielders signed and would be good depth. Unless Yankees trade away poster infielders, can't see how Rojas fits in.

Ben Shapiro said...

Grosner, despite the unwarranted points you made in your post >>> 1. Trump used all-caps in his post on Truth Social. 2. Absolute clown. 3. dipstick con man. I have two questions for you and anyone else who would like to give their opinion, below.

1. What is the "cross the line" threshold? in your opinion.

2. If the "cross the line threshold" is crossed, by Presidential administration officials, what should the penalty be?

Tony Manchu said...

Ben Shapiro, your question is thought provoking to say the least. I'm going to take some time to respond, and I hope a few people answer before I do.

Carl Hooks said...

Ben Shapiro, to your questions. 1. Who and how is the cross the line threshold going to be defined. People can't define right from wrong, good from bad, honest from dishonest. My threshold for presidential administration officials, would be, any decision must be good for the average American family and America as a country. 2. Penalty could be immediate removal from office without pay and benefits of any kind and banned from any position in the government in the future forever.

Victor Grandozi said...

Ben Shapiro, defining the threshold may be near impossible, because the criminal corrupt politicians would not allow it. Now if a few choices can be put on a ballot and voted on, in person with proof positive picture ID, that could solve that issue,

The penalty could be also on the same ballot with several choices offered.

Helena said...

Barely any baseball talk anymore.

This has gone from the best baseball blog to the worst political one.


sid greenberg,nyc said...

What is everyone's opinion of President Trumans use of the atomic bomb on Japan August 6th and 9th 1945 annihilating two Japanese cities, killing over two hundred thousand people.

I think it did not cross the threshold because it saved countless American soldiers lives fighting in WW2. It ended the war, was good for the American people and the country.

muchomachoman said...

Ben, 1, crossing the line is 'not good for the country or the people' whose taxes pay the politicians. Ban any and all lobbyists with long prison terms for anyone who tries to influence politicians including companies. Example, the present administration opening the border.
2. I am a strong proponent of execution, if that is to extreme, sent to newly built penal colony in northern Alaska, for life.

Linda Rice said...

Ben Shapiro, thank you for your thoughtful questions. However, I may be one of the more doubtful people about what is going on in the USA right now. I believe we have the most vile, evil, lying, corrupt politicians, richest people, and brainwashed young people in our countries history. Getting these people on board with the most good, divine, honest politicians, average-poorest people, and clear minded young people in our country may be impossible.

Grosner said...

You folks do realize that dipstick Trump is saying that any president should be totally immune from all prosecution and can cross any line, right? Only a complete clown guilty of crimes would argue that, but here we are.

Ben, the line are our laws. If there is evidence you broke the law and proven in the court of law you serve time. Trump, Biden, Elvis Pressley--any of us.

Deb F said...

Helena, there is no baseball right now. It is the off season, yet everything that is happening with the Yankees is covered and discussed here. If you want to talk baseball, don't whine, post about baseball. If what you post is relevant, interesting, and worth discussing, you will get posters responding.

Sadly, the American society is in turmoil. Too many criminals, corrupt people in government and running the country. They need to be stopped one way or the other.

The WIN METHOD blog is still the best baseball blog in the world, the people who post here have also made it the best political blog in the world.

reinvaldez said...

William Hall, your comment was spot on.

Ben Shapiro, 1. the threshold need to be defined. Easier said than done. 2. Carl Hooks response is spot on in my opinion. Strong and severe penalties.

Bond007 said...

1. Like everything in politics, setting the threshold would be an ordeal. The politicians need to get the answer from the American people who are the country. Not illegal criminal immigrants, not the bought corrupt media, not the bought corrupt politicians.
2. The penalty has to be more severe than the crime and the penalty must be absolute. The penalty must come from the American people. How about adding to the penalty the loss of voting rights forever.

Larry Kennedy said...

Grosner, you are being simplistic and are ignoring what is going on in this country. Laws are broken every day. Every day some people go to jail for breaking laws, Every day some people go free for breaking laws others go to jail for. There are district attorneys across the country that do not enforce laws for certain people and then make up laws to persecute other people. The FBI, DOJ, have been weaponized to go after people with certain beliefs while other people go free with worse beliefs.

Your last sentence is a joke and is absolutely not happening as you say it is. You can get away with murder if you are in with the 'right' people. You can siphon off millions and then billions of dollars of taxpayer money if you are in with the 'right' people.

You can be persecuted for being a Jew, for believing in right to life, for being a woman, for being a Christian.
On the other hand, you can be protected from burning cities, beating to death innocent people in the street, selling out your country to evil countries.

Laura Koehler said...

Helena, do you think everything is good in the USA right now?

Al Ashton said...

1. Biden hurt the American people on day one of taking office. By opening the border to illegal aliens and then dispersing them all over the country. And by hamstringing oil and gas companies increasing the cost to American families dramatically forcing many into poverty.
2. Result, no penalty, he gets away with hurting the American people which it is job to protect and defend.

Eddie OConnor said...

Yes, President Truman in 1945 dropped atomic bombs on two Japanese cities killing approximately a quarter million people, mostly civilians. But it was the best for America and the American people. That is what an American should always do, what is best for America and the American people. We have none of that in the present administration, we have the opposite.

Irene Haas said...

Eddie OConnor, in todays world Truman would be crucified for doing what he did in 1945. The people today are only here because of what men and women did decades ago. In todays world, corruption rules.

Tony Manchu said...

Larry Kennedy, I liked you post very much, and believe it is so true. This country is in trouble. I can't believe men are allowed to compete against women. What a god damn disgrace the people are who allowed this to happen.

Back to Ben Shapiro's questions.

1. I believe our politicians are incapable of coming together to define a threshold. And I do not believe our politicians would ever allow the people a chance to vote on the issue. In their world corruption rules.
2. Penalty, will eventually be revolution.

Cal Fuerst said...

Tony Manchu, you may be closer to being right than people think. There's just too much corruption going on.

Helena said...

Deb F, Barbara -

I’ll address together. This site you to focus on two primary things 1. The Yankees and 2. A positive outlook. Both those are gone and it is flooded with political posts. It’s hard to talk baseball when having to scroll through endless political discussion, it crowds the forum and makes those conversations challenging.

Do I think things are good in the country? That’s a loaded question. For me personally things are fine, I’ve had a personal prosperous few years and try to focus on things I can control. There are numerous issues in the country, always have been, always will be. I also think having Biden and Trump, both heavily flawed candidates- will be disappointing, but it seems that’s where we are headed.

I’m off to talk baseball at real baseball forums, not a political forums masquerading as something they’re not. Good day.

YankeeMike said...

Yankees are looking to try to unite with reliever Keynan Middleton. Middleton, in my opinion, could turn out to be an outstanding reliever after showing signs of being over with an injury ridden career.

Yanks23245 said...

YankeeMike, he looked pretty good with the Yankees last year. Obviously you know more about him than I.

Helena, in your post, you talked about politics and expressed your opinion. I just commented my opinion on baseball and politics in the same post. No big deal for me.

WIN METHOD said...

Helena, when the Chinese virus was sent around the world by the Chinese, and baseball got stifled, the countless posters here morphed into politics. The people here from all over the world can post about anything they want to. If it piques the interest of others, it will create conversation. If it doesn't create any interest, it will die.
I thought about splitting the blog, thought about the pros and cons, then decided to stay as one forum. It has worked out well and no one seems to be complaining. Just go with the flow. It is always the peoples choice. The WIN METHOD is still the best, as attested to by the volume of traffic, No signup, no tracking, no ads, no one selling you anything, no one gets banned, and only a post here and there goes unpublished, but only for foul language, Just great conversation about what the people want to talk about.
The growth of the blog has been amazing. It all has been because of the people who post here, without the nonsense and moderators other forums, sites, etc throw at them.

MAGA 2024 wake up America said...

I love this blogsite. Let freedom ring. When there was twitter I wouldn't have been allowed to post as I do here.

Zhaire said...

WIN METHOD, you can't please everyone, but you please more than you may imagine.

WIN METHOD said...

I have been told the Yankees offered Snell $150MM over six years. Snell says he wants either a longer deal or one with an annual salary of at least $30MM. I don't even like giving him six years. Not my money and I do not make the deals, but I'd give him the $30MM a year for a four year deal. That's all folks.

Deb F said...

Helena, there are a lot of very smart people who post here, be it baseball, politics, or both, It's called walking and chewing gum at the same time. I've been here for over a decade now.

Quoting from your post, "Do I think things are good in the country? That’s a loaded question." Glad to hear you are doing well, many people are, but around 65% of the country is living paycheck to paycheck. That is not doing good, for them. The leftwing liberal democrats are destroying America, that is not even debatable.

Trump is not a flawed candidate, what is flawed is the lies made up about him. The fake Russia story paid for by Hilary Clinton and the democrat. What is real is the evidence of the Biden family selling out the American people for personal gain.

So, what do you think about the Yankees for the 2024 season?

Erica Nuyens said...

WIN METHOD, two posts from you. Hope you are doing well. Love ya,

Boston/Yankee said...

Like anything, you have to set limits. Snell is not worth a long term contract. Four years may even be too long a contract for him.

Deb F said...

WIN METHOD, how long have the fans been posting here, no long term contracts! Of course there can be an exception(s). How about a clause for the team, that if a player does not perform at certain levels, he forfeits part of his salary for that year.

Jeff Miller said...

Deb F, the players union would whine and cry to no end.

Geronimo Wyatt said...

DeSantis drops out of primary, endorses TRUMP. Rock and roll time folks.

Doug Parker said...

DeSantis is pulling out of republican race for president and throwing his support to Trump.

Walt Belamy said...

TRUMP - MAGA over any liberal democrat - MALADY

Woody/Atlanta said...

Your joe-bama/commie MALADY administration doing what they do best.

Liberal democrat criminal Fani Willis is persecuting and prosecuting American hero Donald Trump for nothing.

Giambino said...

Fani Willis is the garbage corrupt types you get as standard fare when you vote for anyone who is not conservative/republican.

87% of Americans say they are worse off these past 3 years than they were under Trump.

Why would anyone, WITH A BRAIN OR WITH COMMON SENSE not vote conservative/republican and Trump.

Grosner said...

Giambino, to answer your question: people don't vote for Trump because he is a nitwit, conman clown. Just this weekend, he blames Nikki Haley for Jan 6. Why? I have no idea. Just non-stop gibberish with that mush-for-brains liar.

“You know, Nikki Haley, Nikki Haley, Nikki Haley, you know they– do you know they destroyed all of the information and all of the evidence?” Trump told a crowd. “Everything. Deleted and destroyed all of it. All of it because of, lots of things. Like, Nikki Haley is in charge of security. We offered her 10,000 people.”

Nate Gowdy said...

I am somewhat surprised as Nikki Haley and her naivety. She said she wanted a two-person race, and that is where she could take down Trump. So she got her two-person race as top candidates were smart enough to read the writing on the wall. They all dropped out and are supporting Trump. So here is what is now going to happen. In a two-person race, you either win or lose. There is no close or doing well.

1 Trump will win in New Hampshire. Haley will lose in her two-person race.
2.Trump will win in South Carolin, Haley's home state. Losing in your home state will be a great embarrassment for Haley. The question is will she know it or trudge on in the race she cannot win?

In a month, after the South Carolina primary, we will find out just how stupid she is.

Teena/exBronx said...

Grosner, verbal gaffe from Trump re Haley Jan 6th protest. He meant Pelosi.

Nate Gowdy, I have great concern as to why South Carolina voters have rejected Haley and are voting for Trump in states primary.

Chad Copely said...

Teena, I was just coming to post the same thought you just had. Haley support Nancy Mace for congress and she won, and she supported Tim Scott for senator and he won. But both would not endorse her, neither did our governor. There has to be more than just coincidence. More important, the voters aren't supporting her.

Grosner said...

Teeena, even if mush-for-brains meant Pelosi it is a lie that she was in control of security so he can't even keep his lies straight? He is an absolute train wreck.

Jackson DeWitt-Iowa said...

Semantics and word games re the White House breaching Jan 6th 2021. Fact, Trump offered the National Guard on Jan 4th 2021. Fact, someone was in charge of White House security, they did not accept the deployment of the National Guard. Why not, what pressure was whoever was in charge under to not accept?
Why is there no official explanation for the blunder, did the person in charge lose their job, why no transparency from the government, why the coverup? Why? CORRUPTION. By who, liberal democrats!

RLA said...

Jackson DeWitt, you erred, it was the Capitol building.

Xavier Young said...

Looking for a MAGA Trump rout in the NH primary. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN

Grosner said...

Jackson DeWitt. You also err on every else. These claims are documented and Trump's actions defense secretary testified on the details.

Laura Kohler said...

How high over 50% of the vote will Trump get in New Hampshire?

Jackson DeWitt-Iowa said...

Grosner, you are mistaken and making a false claim. I stated in my post, that "Trump offered the National Guard on Jan 4th 2021." Trump NEVER ordered anything. The corrupt colluding Pelosi, who was speaker of the house at the time, and the other agencies and people in charge REFUSED Trumps order and thus the fiasco created at the Capitol which could have easily been avoided if the people in charge did the right thing.

Carla Sherwin said...

In essence it makes no difference how much Trump wins by, a win is a win. I do believe the higher the win, the more resonance it will have. Haley is just a dead woman walking as a candidate. I hope my using 'woman' upsets whoever it upsets.

Geronimo Wyatt said...

Our criminally corrupt joe-bama/commie MALADY administration is cutting the razor wire put up by the state of Texas to protect its border, its people, and America from herds of criminal illegal aliens storming America's southern border.

Phil Esposito said...

Jackson Dewitt-Iowa, you hit the jackpot.

Grosner said...

Imagine this: the most powerful man in the world and sitting president of the USA summons a hoard of Q-Anon lunatics to Washington DC the day of election certification and calls the rally "Stop the Steal". Then his lunatic criminals plow over and murder police officers while chanting "hang Mike Pence", then proceeded to smash metal poles through doors and windows of the Capitol building, smearing the hallowed walls of democracy with feces, waving Confederate flags, and stealing and ransacking....and guess what? It is someone elses fault!

Trump famously said he could shoot someone in the middle of 5th avenue and his voters will still vote for him. I now know this to be maybe the truest thing he has ever said.

Kojak said...

Trump, nine minutes after polls close, called winner of New Hampshire republican primary. Haley, strike two.

Stan the Man said...

Grosner, you defined your own post. "Imagine this." A lot of fiction dappled with a tiny bit of reality. The only part that offends me is your "Then his lunatic criminals plow over and murder police officers." Never happened.

Veerayut Maneechote said...

Haley says she is not dropping out of race and will continue on because the voters should have the right to cast their ballot. I believe the republican primary started with 13 or so contenders, all men and one woman. As the primary went on, one by one each candidate left the race using common sense, seeing that they had no chance to defeat Trump. What scares me is the one person left, Haley, who as of now, wants to keep going against Trump. Does she not have the common sense and brains all the men who dropped out have? She is wasting millions and millions of donor dollars, flushing right down the drain. Do not want that kind of president.

Tom Wilson said...

Looks like a resounding double digit win for the TRUMPster.

Billy Tedder said...

Haley spent twice as much money than Trump trying to win NH, but she lost again. Give back the unspent donor dollars back to your donors and man-up.

BostonYankee said...

Bye bye miss American pie, you drove your Chevy to the levee, but your battery died.

Gus Papa said...

Well, how about that. >>> Biden challenger Dean Phillips attends New Hampshire Trump rally, describes 'hospitable, kind' welcome from all of Trumps supporters.

Mark Wagoner said...

Dean Phillips is despised by the joe-bama/commie MALADY administration. Ignored, demeaned and belittled.

Ursala Pei said...

Come on people, Haley did great. She finished third in Iowa and improved to second in New Hampshire. Only one more spot to go. Which she will never see.

muchomachoman said...

Haley is talking about South Carolina, while she ignore Nevada where she will not earn one delegate, as Trump sweeps the states delegates. Lets call that strike three for Haley. The longer she stays in the race the worse she makes herself look. Too bad, seems she has lost direction and/or fell in with the wrong crowd.

Grosner said...

Trump is old, has a poor diet, a wife he cheated on who might decide she wants revenge, and under severe legal trouble. It is perfectly logical for Haley to pick up delegates so she can make a strong case for nomination should the large nitwit tumble down the stairs getting off his plane (nudged by Melania?) or evidence is revealed that he shared classified information illegally.

What are the chances? Not sure, but it is certainly not zero. Haley is being pragmatic.

Tim Hergenraeder said...

More nonsense, mis-information, fake news, and inuendo from Grosner.

Trumps diet of no nicotine and no alcohol is paying off. Fit as a champion race horse. Heart of gold. Going to help multi-millions of Americans.

Sharon/NC said...

Texas defending its border while the joe-bama/commie MALADY administration is trying to keep it open, allowing their army of illegal criminals aliens to enter and bolster their army of illegal criminal aliens already assembled to help destroy you and America.

Twenty-five states have sided with Texas. As of now my state has not. This morning, I a have contacted both my U.S. senators, asked them why NC is not among the states siding with Texas, and demanded that they do whatever it takes to make sure NC is with Texas and the other states.

Anthony Bilbao said...

Texas Governor Abbott is an American hero. Taking on the most corrupt and criminal presidential regime in American history, the joe-bama/commie MALADY administration.

Grosner said...

Sharon, you must be seething that Trump is sabotaging efforts to help solve border issues. This is sort of like him also saying he hopes the economy crashes so Biden is damaged in the election. It is all about him, he doesn't give a damn about America.

Former Republican presidential candidate today:

“I think the border is a very important issue for Donald Trump. And the fact that he would communicate to Republican senators and congresspeople that he doesn’t want us to solve the border problem because he wants to blame Biden for it is … really appalling,” said GOP Sen. Mitt Romney of Utah

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