Wednesday, June 24, 2020


Finally, it looks like we will have some semblance of a Major League Baseball season in 2020.  Baseball for 2020 was halted by a Chinese oriented deadly virus that is traveling the world and killing massive amounts of innocent people.  In March baseball was shut down as was most of America.  As most of America regains its footing and is starting to recover, so is baseball.

The MLB owners and the MLBPA (players association) yesterday have agreed to play a partial 2020 season commencing around July 23-24.   A second spring training will open July 1st, and each team will get in shape in their own home ballparks all across the nation.  There is tentatively a 60 game season that will be played.  There is always a probability what I post here may be amended by the owners, players, and baseball commissioner.  Each division will play 40 games in their own division.  That would make for 40 games, 10 with each rival in their division.  Each team would also play 4 games against each team in their opposite division for 20 games making for the total of a 60 game season.  The divisions will play each other geographically limiting travel.  East vs east, central vs central, and west vs west.  The regular season will end the last week of September.  As of now each division winner and two wild cards in each league will make the playoffs.  That is the same as the 162 game season.  The inferior AAAA national league will use the designated hitter for their games for the first time in baseball history.  The American League has used the designated hitter since April 6, 1973 when Ron Blomberg of the New York Yankees became the league's first ever designated hitter.  Also extra inning games will be started with a runner on second base which makes a mockery of the game and is a sham that demeans the game of baseball.  Not all changes are bad, however this change is bad.

The playoffs will conclude the season as usual hopefully ending in October.  In the end as it always has and hopefully always will the best players and best teams will reach the playoffs and then advance to the final series, the world's greatest sports event the WORLD SERIES.

The season without question will be shorter and different.  Look at it this way, every one of the sixty games becomes far more important and losing streaks will eliminate teams fast, while a big winning streak can carry a team right into the playoffs.  The players will need to get their heads fully into the season from the first game on.   The fun part is the WIN METHOD becomes even more important.  The players who produce when it matters most and do it the most often will lead their team through the season and into the playoffs.   Hopefully all goes well healthwise and the season can be completed.

No matter what, happens and as always, LETS GO YANKEES!

PS....thank you all, WIN METHOD fans from all over the world for your unwavering support, your comments, and for being the most intelligent baseball fans in the world.   The ignorance of the stat frauds  doesn't exist here.  They have no game.  They are  losers who love losing players.


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MAGA2020 said...

Democrat election corruption is now being exposed in detail by attorney Sidney Powell.

Warren Hammond said...

Sidney Powell dropped a nuclear bomb on the democrat election fraud. Prosecute them and then execute them for treason.

Logan/Kentucky said...

I'll bet barrack HUSSEIN obama is the root of all this evil.

Dinty Moore said...

The fake media is in turmoil, the democrats are in turmoil, now the courts need to do their job and give America backs its greatest president ever!!!!! Four more years of Donald J. Trump.

Carla Sherwin said...

I'm crying tears of joy. God bless America. Drain the swamp, prosecute and sentence to the max.

NJYANKEE said...

It is being reported that LeMahieu is looking for a 5 year deal and is willing to take less money to stay with the yankees.

Ralph--Yuma said...

Trump got so many votes on election day that it overwhelmed the corrupt counting process in the cheating states and that is why they had to stop the vote counting in these areas so they could create more fake ballots. Trump it will be shown to have won re-election in a landslide.

Saul Irving said...

The left wing liberal democrat media is going berserk. They all can go to hell.

Jackson DeWitt-Iowa said...

Wake up you real old time democrats. Your party and your country is being described by the worst kind of people in the world. Revolt, save America, see the light, save America, do the right thing and tell the lying politicians you vote for to go to hell, save America, and MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN.

Benny Pake said...

God bless America.

Domenic said...

Just heard the news. Let it be, please be true.

Zack Norris said...

The dems will fight back with their lies, lies, lies and lies. Then they will try to go after the witnesses.

RLA said...

I was just thinking when Mike Pompeo was asked by a reporter last week on how the transition will go. Pompeo's response has he looked into the the camera and smiled was the January transition of the Trump administration will go fine.

Wolverine Willie said...

Sidney Powell does not lie and if she says she has evidence the evidence will be provided.

Yanks23245 said...

Double good news. Trump and LeMahieu??

Carl Hooks said...

The fake media proves they are fake over and over. They are already screaming for evidence of voter fraud and want the names of witnesses. But four years ago when the democrat scum tried to take down Trump with the fake Russia hoax they made up the fake media dutifully asked for no evidence nor witnesses and parroted the democrat scum lies. Scum of a feather flock together.

Ursala Pei said...

Now the two biggest question. Will the US Supreme Court take the election fraud case? and what will their decision be?

Tony Manchu said...

I really liked the confidence showed by Powell and when she declared we will prove our case in the courtroom.

Grosner said...

Sidney Powell said she has evidence of mass fraud so we'll see that evidence any day now. I heard Hugo Chavez was involved? Sounds legit. If by some very unlikely reason this turns out not to be the case and the election is not overturned I will never trust Trump or his lawyers ever again. But they would NEVER lie about something like this so not to worry!

Carl Hooks said...

Grosner, you sound like an echo of the fake news cult. Your "I heard Hugo Chavez was involved? Sounds legit" is out of context, something the fake news is renown for.

Your "Sidney Powell said she has evidence of mass fraud so we'll see that evidence any day now." is more garbage. You won't see anything until after it is presented in court, unless you are waiting for some made up lies from your fake news friends.

yankeelover said...

NJYANKEE, LeMahieu wants 5 years. How about 80 million?

Grosner said...

Trump and his legal team just got another lawsuit thrown out in Georgia (by a trump appointed judge) and Georgia will be certifying their results tomorrow. Is Trump's legal team holding back the evidence they have of fraud? Is Powell secretly working for the dems? Something isn't right...

Ron Francis said...

I would think that if you are taking a case to the US Supreme Court that is where you want to present and show your case and evidence. Not to a lot of ignorant talking head media types whose only goal is to discredit and demean you.

Reed Harris said...

I would suspect if Powell and or Wood have nothing they will not go to court. We will find out one way or the other. I am more afraid that judges would be afraid of over turning an election even with proof showing corruption.

Earl Lennon said...

I started out thinking 3yrs is a good offer for LeMahieu. But I'm thinking another team will offer at a 4th year. His agent is reportedly asking for 5yrs, so 4yr is a good compromise. LeMahieu seems to be the type of player that will age gracefully, so I think a high 84 million for 4 years will get the deal done.

Quigley said...

Earl Lennon, that is max in my opinion.

Ned Green said...

The chickens may hatch, but it sure looks like the berserk radical left wing racist democrats and their co-conspirators fake news media are counting their chickens.

Randy Holt said...

Keep the faith people, and as the late great Jim Valvano would say, "never give up".

Jill Byrnes said...

Waiting hopefully for Powell and Wood to drop the hammer on the evil liberal dems.

Ivanka 2024 said...

Powell and Giuliani keep saying they have all this evidence but aren't presenting it in any court. It's a mystery what they are waiting for, and I'm pretty convinced now that they don't really have anything- the press conferences are just sort of pep rallies.

I'm over this now and ready for the next election. Not sure if old man Biden will run for re-election in 2024, but whoever it is, Ivanka will throttle him/her.

I'm REALLY excited about Jarred as First Lady! :)

Tom Wilson said...

Ivanka2020, Accepting the fact that you are an ignorant fraud, great lawyers try their cases in the courtroom and not in front of the fake corrupt media. Powell and Wood don't go to just any court, they will go when and where it matters most. Sort of like when WIN METHOD player produces when it counts.

Swen Jorgenson said...

I wonder when a poster uses a moniker name, which is absolutely ok. But when the name they use is contrary to the post they make how stupid it makes the poster look and how meaningless the post they created is.

Grosner said...

I'm confused why Powell said Dominion software switched ballots, but a hand audit of the paper ballots in Georgia showed no such switching. I am starting to think this is all a lie by Trump and his lawyers and there is no fraud. If that's the case Trump's fans are going to turn on him for this momentous deceit and damage Ivanka's chances in 2024. Trump supporters hate the fake media, but they hate being lied to even more--especially about something as serious as mass voter fraud. Sorry, Ivanka2024, but she's in trouble if this is the case. That is just how I see it.

Woody/Atlanta said...

Grosner, you are entitled to think and or believe anything you wish. The only lies come from the democrats, Trump haters, and fake media. All this is clearly and irrefutably documented by what the democrats, Trump haters, and fake media have tried to do to him for the past four years. Made up stories and lie after lie. What is saddest is the people who believe the democrats, Trump haters, and fake media.

They couldn't get rid of him because Trump doesn't quit. Trump believes in America and the American people and the Trump voters do know who is lying, and it isn't Trump.

The dems played their last card and rigged the election. Millions of illegal votes, millions.

Sean Smith said...

I guess Trump lied about over 400 miles of the wall built, American energy independence for the first time ever, lowest unemployment rate for all Americans, Americans IRA's flourishing along with the stock market, and so much more. People, get your head out of the sand or wherever else you keep it.

Mariano Rivera said...

I see a lot of similarities between the Giuliani efforts in court right now and WinMethod.

They definitely have the same philosophy. There might not be a lot of "evidence" for either, but they will WIN! Haters and frauds out there might say that Giuliani or WinMethod are full of crap or crazy or in need of intervention, but that's why they are losers.

Giuliani's court fight are as legitimate as WinMethod and they will be as successful as WinMethod has been in guiding the Yankees to championships. Losers might say that is 0%, but I say it is 100%

Go Yankees and go Rudy!!

Jorg Jorgenson said...

I wonder about when a poster uses 50 different monikers and pretends that millions of people visit his insane blog and also pretends that there was a conspiracy that made millions of people vote against the president of the US.

bigbadwolf said...

***** The above post is utter junk. Ignore the jerk and I suggest do not respond. *****

Harry Stavris said...

Jorg, pretty ignorant defines you. "50 different monikers". How about tens of thousands real people from all over the world. You fraud posters are right out of the sick demented liberal far left democrat hand book.

bigbadwolf said...

My above post should have stated 'the above two posts are utter junk'.

YankeeBob said...

Harry Stavris, I think the 50 different monikers Jorgenson was referring to were his names he has used here. He does one thing really well, he does make a fool out of himself.

Giuseppe Betto said...

It is always good to allow all comments from all posters. Allowing all views and beliefs is never bad. A reader can read different points, arguments, and values of each poster. Readers can then determine the good, the bad, and the ugly.

This makes the WIN METHOD blog the best Yankee baseball blog in the world.

Norm Jackson said...

You can see the insanity of the two posts bigbadwolf was referring to. Allowing posts like that shows what the good people are up against. The bad guys thing lying and corruption and burning looting and murder are ok as long as they are the ones doing the burning, looting and murder.

Craig Winstead said...

Biden is a near brain dead stooge. What a shame for America.

Diane Stahl said...

When you look back over these past four years and you see all that President Trump has done for this country and the people of this country and then look at all the groups of people who have done anything and everything to destroy him with their made up stories and lie after lie about him, the democrats, the rhino's, the media, the haters, liberals, socialists, progressives, antifa, and will then be able to see whose side you will decide to be on. DONALD J. TRUMP is the side, the only side.

Ivanka in 2024 said...

I disagree with Mariano. I don't think these lawsuits will be successful. They haven't made an actual fraud allegation in court yet, and I'm wondering what they're waiting for. They pulled Sidney Powell off the case now. All of these claims (dead people voting, software changing votes) keep being shown to be false. The blunt reality is that Trump won by a few thousand votes in enough states to win the Electoral College in 2016, but that was against a very despised opponent in Clinton. Plenty of Democrats didn't vote for her, but that wasn't going to be the case this year. It was going to be really hard for Trump to win again in 2020, and he fell short.

Let's get ready for Ivanka in 2024! How could anyone vote against her? She'll take at least 40 states!

Neil Golub said...

Ivanka in 2024, I guess you can't read what has been posted already.

Ivanka in 2024 said...

What exactly do you mean, Neil?

Neil Golub said...

Ivanka in 2024, you are so smart and have all the answers. Most post was crystal clear, figure it out.

Grosner said...

Ivanka's assessment on 2020 is exactly right. I'd disagree on 2024--she's a NYC democrat and isn't winning the trump vote I don't care what her last name is.

To draw a baseball analogy: what if Ray's management refused to accept Dodgers as champions and their owner said they have mass, conclusive evidence that the Dodger's cheated? They promise to bring this evidence to the Commissioners office and promise Rays fans the World Series will be overturned and they will be declared World Champions.

Weeks go by. No evidence is produced. One of their star lawyers is fired for cooking up a conspiracy even too wild for the Rays organization to stomach. More weeks go by. Dodgers have a parade, get their rings, hang a banner. No evidence ever existed.

In the end Rays fans would be furious at their organization wondering why they claimed fraud where there wasn't and wonder why they were lied too by the organization they trusted. Dodgers fans don't care--they were winners all along--they had better players, scored more runs, and played WinMethod baseball.

Xavier Young said...

Grosner, you and Ivanka in 2024 are birds of a feather. Dodo birds. Using your made up analogy, if the scorekeeper added runs to the Dodger totals each game that the Dodgers did not actually score and the umpires accepted those added runs, you would have a case of fraud. In the election votes were added to the Biden totals which were created by the corrupt democrats and accepted by the corrupt media, corrupt democrat controlled counties were the votes were added, the corrupt never Trumpers and so on. If the lawyers are able to gather enough proof and prove it to the judges the election may be overturned.

Walt Belamy said...

Come on people, wake up. The world was able to see the World Series live as each run was scored by both sides with arbiters (umpires) viewing live as each runner touched home plate legally and legitimately.

In the election, no one was allowed to watch each vote being tallied and tallied as a vote that was made by an eligible legal verified voter. Massive cheating and corruption in democrat cities to cheat the rightful winner. Sorry Grosner, but your attempt failed miserably and you made yourself look silly.

Lee King said...

A blueprint for election corruption written in 2005......and perpetrated in 2020.

Grosner said...

To date my baseball analogy stands up perfectly. Exactly the same amount of evidence has been put forth that the Dodgers cheated as the democrats cheated. Zero in both cases.

I will look silly if any evidence of mass fraud is ever produced. But I'm confident I won't be doing that. In my 77 years on this planet I've picked up how to distinguish real facts vs when a politician is lying as Trump is doing now.

Jackson DeWitt-Iowa said...

Every method of cheating identified in the report was used by the whacked out democrats in this election.

Jimmy the Skink said...

There's no reason to think that "votes were added" beyond just normal counting. These counts have been audited and re-counted by both parties, and members of both parties who are actually involved in the process have said that there was no fraud.

There's as much reason to think that fake votes were added to Trump as there is to think fake votes were added to Biden.

Woody/Atlanta said...

Rumors that Georgia governor and secretary of state, both republicans are linked to dominion voting machines corruption.

RLA said...

Skink, Millions of votes were not verified, much less audited, and not done by both parties. You lie Skink.

Sharon/NC said...

Just wondering how many illegal unverified votes are acceptable in any election?

For me it is not even ONE!!!

Phil Jenkins said...

Lee King, that is some documentation. It is like Biden saying he has assembled the best voter
corruption team ever.

Gus Papa said...

Sharon/NC, that would depend on who you ask. The dishonest democrats would say any illegal votes enough to win the election is all right with them. The honest voters would say no votes should be dishonest cast or allowed. In person with positive ID only.

Andrew J said...

I suggest reading up on Doctor Robert Epstein and his research on voter persuasion by big tech.

Judge Aaron said...

There is no reason to believe there were any illegal votes.

If the Trump team has any evidence that there were, they would have presented it already.

Judge Aaron said...

What is an "unverified vote"?

There is no such construct in US elections.

Deb F said...

Judge Aaron, accepting you as a fraud and much worse an ignorant fraud.

Un unverified vote is any vote accepted in any election where the voter has not presented a valid address where he is presently living as a registered voter, the voter can't prove who they are with positive ID matching the name registered, and the voters signature matches the signature of the registered voter. The credentials are shown to a panel of poll watchers, I would suggest a panel of nine who accept or deny the voter. If the voter passes he is given a ballot which he then fills out and casts. The ballot is then counted by a panel of poll watchers and put into stacks for each candidate. All this under auspices of armed guards. Each ballot is kept and if a recount is needed each ballot is recounted under the same conditions. No representative of any political party is allowed in building where the verifying, counting, and safekeeping of any vote takes place.

Now lets hold all elections under the above criteria and see who wins.

sid greenberg,nyc said...

Deb F, if you presented that to the republicans, 90% would accept. The democrats tops 10% would accept. Those percentages should tell anyone all they need about election corruption.

Judge Aaron, millions of ballots have been cast illegally thru a myriad of methods. The democrats know them all.

Bob loves meat said...

Deb, pretty obvious that this is not something that is actually going on now, given the term "I suggest a panel of nine"

Is this someone's proposal (yours?)

Deb F said...

Bob loves meat, what is not going on now? the cheating, yes it is. What I proposed, no it isn't. I came up with nine thinking of the Supreme Court number which had to be an odd number.

Wallyworld said...

Pennsylvania mail in ballots in 2016 was 400,000. In 2020 it was 2,600,000. Democrat is a synonym for corruption.

Stanley Chin said...

Trump stock market exceeds 30,000 today.

Gordon Gecko said...

How dare anyone suggest a fair election.

Bob loves meat said...

OK Deb, thanks for clearing that up.

But people without a valid address and signature match cannot vote now. That's already the law.

Deb F said...

Bob loves meat, you would be correct only if every voter was positively checked. Hell, democrat votes were created (manufactured) there wasn't even a voter. I believe this will be shown in the coming weeks.

Nick Polito said...

Bob loves meat, you can't be that naïve, the law is not observed by the democrats. Who do you think was burning building, breaking into businesses emptying the shelves, terrorizing innocent civilians, and murdering.

Pierre Jadot said...

Biden’s foreign policy team lays out a national security vision that differs sharply from Trump’s.

This means America will go down the rat hole again and the American people will pay the piper.
Sad, very sad.

Grosner said...

Would someone please explain how the democrats have seemingly unlimited ability to commit voter fraud (and never get caught), but did not use this power to win a few more senate and house seats?

I would also suggest that if they can execute this mass fraud without leaving behind a shred of evidence then you might as well bow to The Democrats as your overlords for they have achieved a level of diabolical genius the world has never seen. All Hail Sleepy Joe--criminal mastermind (but also demented?)

Dudley from Idaho said...

Pierre Jadot, that is just the beginning. The slide down through the cesspool will likely lead to the doom of America as we know it. Can only hope for a miracle of truth to still come about.

Grosner said...

BIDEN BOOM - stock market soars past 30K and now up over 9% since Biden defeated trump. Thank you President Biden!

Ben Rosen/Israel said...

Grosner, patience. The scum democrats spent three years on the Russian hoax they made up and came away empty. The spaghetti will hit the fan when the time is right. Could be a very nice Christmas present.

Benny Pake said...

Grosner, More of your fake news. You may not be smart enough to know this but there is only one US President at a time and right now Trump is the president. Also, earlier in the year Trump stated that the market would hit 30,000 this year. He was right and it is his economy and his America and his vaccine that will control the Chinese virus.

Evan Donahue said...

Benny Pake, you said it and you said it straight.

Mike Smith said...

Joe Biden is a puppet. A dumb one to boot.

Grosner said...

Benny, as Trump said in 2016 a month after he won while Obama was still our president "The world was gloomy before I won - there was no hope. Now the market is up nearly 10% and Christmas spending is over a trillion dollars!". So, thank you Trump in 2016 and Biden today! Or thank you Obama in 2016 and Trump today! Either way, let's have some consistency.

Linda Pardo said...

Happy Thanksgiving everyone. Hope you will enjoy with friends and family.

Mickey Littlebear said...

One month until Christmas Day.

Thanksgiving first tomorrow. Happy turkey day folks.

Jackson DeWitt-Iowa said...

Happy Thanksgiving. Corn and Cob the two turkeys pardoned by President Trump are very thankful.

jimbo said...

Have a great turkey day everyone.

yankeefan2 said...

Happy Thanksgiving

Nothing happening on the Yankee baseball front

Everything is the corrupt election

Mike Smith said...

Happy Thanksgiving

Yanks23245 said...

Happy Thanksgiving everyone. Eat and be happy.

Izy Hernandez said...

President Trump just pardoned Michael Flynn who was railroaded by the corrupt democrats and racist judge Emmet Sullivan. Another good deed by President Trump.

Happy Thanksgiving.

KevMac said...

The pilgrims are turning over in their grave as they look down and see what the far left radical liberal progressive socialists are doing to America, a country they founded 400 years ago.

Norm Jackson said...

I hope Trump pardons everyone the dems persecuted. We all are heading down the chute.

Tim Hergenraeder said...

KevMac, thank you for your post. Nowhere have I seen it mentioned that our forefathers landed in America 400 years ago. Not one fake useless media dirtbag or outlet. What a disgrace they are.

NJYANKEE said...

Happy Thanksgiving Yankee fans.

Wolverine Willie said...

Happy Thanksgiving. However, keep in mind, if Biden is inaugurated the worse is yet to come.

Charlie Springer said...

Happy turkey day fans. Enjoy and be happy.

Ziggy Mann said...

Happy Thanksgiving. Live free or die.

Jill Byrnes said...

Wishing everyone a very Happy Thanksgiving and a tasty feast with friends and family.

Quay Ho said...

Tom is in the oven. Happy Thanksgiving. And lets make America great again.

Hobbs said...

Happy turkey day all. Eat drink and be merry.

Victor Grandozi said...

Happy Thanksgiving.

Chad Copely said...

Enjoy your food and family. Happy Thanksgiving.

Guy Padikian said...

I was reading the holiday posts here now and in the past. I can't find one post by any anti-Trumpster, stat fraud, or person who thought this recent election was on the up and up who acknowledges any holiday or has anything nice to say about any holiday and other posters.

Oh well, happy thanksgiving everyone and anyone. Enjoy your food and your guests. Hope there are many celebrating together, enjoying each other and doing what you feel necessary.

Erica Nuyens said...

Happy Thanksgiving to all. Christmas is right ahead. Lets hope we all get the best gift of all. Love ya' WIN METHOD.

White Knight said...

Guy Padikian. kudos, and Happy thanksgiving.

bigbadwolf said...

Happy Thanksgiving to all those who read and post here at the best Yankee baseball blog on the internet and in the world.


Happy Thanksgiving

Warren Hammond said...

Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving.

Wolverine Willie said...

I wanted to wait until after the Thanksgiving holiday to post this. I am posting this from information I have received from several sources in the know that here in Michigan there is evidence coming out that the Biden victory in the Michigan 2020 election could very well be overturned in Trumps favor. However, politics being politics, the fake media, the out and out corrupt media including Facebook and Twitter, and the democrat party the scum of America altered votes here in Michigan. Also in several other states too. This will go to the Supreme Court.

Erica Johnston said...

Wolverine Willie, I can only pray your information is right.

Tony Gigante said...

For the election to be over turned there will need to be substantiated proof. The legal process will then need to play out through the court system in many states. After all the legal obstacles are satisfied the final round will be in the supreme court. If the process gets that far things will get very interesting. IF!

Cal Fuerst said...

Wolverine Willie, the same is happening here in Georgia. It is very sad what the democrats are doing to our nation. It is treason and those responsible should be held responsible.

Marilyn Zerberini said...

Unbelievable coronavirus lies and deception being sold to the American people. Read the following article published by Johns Hopkins and then taken down because it tells the truth which the public is not allowed to hear, see, or know. I must post this in two parts do to space limitations.

Johns Hopkins Study Saying COVID-19 Has 'Relatively No Effect on Deaths' in U.S. Deleted After Publication

Conventional wisdom is that COVID-19 has caused thousands of deaths in the United States and nearly 1.5 million worldwide. This perception has been directly challenged by a study published by Johns Hopkins University on Sunday, November 22.

Genevieve Briand, assistant program director of the Applied Economics master’s degree program at Johns Hopkins University, critically analyzed the impact that COVID-19 had on U.S. deaths. According to her, the impact of COVID-19 on deaths in the United States can be fully understood by comparing it to the number of total deaths in the country.

According to study, “in contrast to most people’s assumptions, the number of deaths by COVID-19 is not alarming. In fact, it has relatively no effect on deaths in the United States.”

Wait, what? Really?

That’s what it says. And, it should come as no surprise that not long after the study was published it was deleted within days.

Luckily, a back-up copy remains on The Wayback Machine, and we can still read the study.
So, how exactly did the study conclude that COVID-19 has had “relatively no effect on deaths”? Here’s how the study made this determination:

After retrieving data on the CDC website, Briand compiled a graph representing percentages of total deaths per age category from early February to early September, which includes the period from before COVID-19 was detected in the U.S. to after infection rates soared.

Surprisingly, the deaths of older people stayed the same before and after COVID-19. Since COVID-19 mainly affects the elderly, experts expected an increase in the percentage of deaths in older age groups. However, this increase is not seen from the CDC data. In fact, the percentages of deaths among all age groups remain relatively the same.

According to Briand, “The reason we have a higher number of reported COVID-19 deaths among older individuals than younger individuals is simply because every day in the U.S. older individuals die in higher numbers than younger individuals.”

Briand’s analysis found that the range of deaths amongst the older population has remained within the range of past years.

So, if COVID-19 has actually had no significant impact on U.S. deaths, why does it not appear that way?


Marilyn Zerberini said...

To answer that question, Briand shifted her focus to the deaths per causes ranging from 2014 to 2020. There is a sudden increase in deaths in 2020 due to COVID-19. This is no surprise because COVID-19 emerged in the U.S. in early 2020, and thus COVID-19-related deaths increased drastically afterward.

Analysis of deaths per cause in 2018 revealed that the pattern of seasonal increase in the total number of deaths is a result of the rise in deaths by all causes, with the top three being heart disease, respiratory diseases, influenza and pneumonia.

“This is true every year,” explained Briand. “Every year in the U.S. when we observe the seasonal ups and downs, we have an increase of deaths due to all causes.”

Here’s where things get interesting.

When Briand looked at the 2020 data during that seasonal period, COVID-19-related deaths exceeded deaths from heart diseases. This was highly unusual since heart disease has always prevailed as the leading cause of deaths. However, when taking a closer look at the death numbers, she noted something strange. As Briand compared the number of deaths per cause during that period in 2020 to 2018, she noticed that instead of the expected drastic increase across all causes, there was a significant decrease in deaths due to heart disease. Even more surprising, as seen in the graph below, this sudden decline in deaths is observed for all other causes.

The study found that “This trend is completely contrary to the pattern observed in all previous years.” In fact, “the total decrease in deaths by other causes almost exactly equals the increase in deaths by COVID-19.”

Briand concludes that the COVID-19 death toll in the United States is misleading and that deaths from other diseases are being categorized as COVID-19 deaths.

There have reports of inflated COVID-19 deaths numbers for months. Patients who never tested positive for the disease had COVID-19 as their cause of death on their death certificates. In May, Jared Polis, the Democrat governor of Colorado, disputed official coronavirus death counts, saying even those of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) were inflated from including people who tested positive for the coronavirus but died of other causes. In July, a fatal motorcycle accident victim was listed as a COVID-19 death.

On Thursday, Johns Hopkins University explained that they deleted the article on the study because it “was being used to support false and dangerous inaccuracies about the impact of the pandemic.”

They did not, however, challenge the accuracy of the data or its conclusions. In other words, the article was deleted because it didn’t fit the proper narrative.

Anthony Bilbao said...

By God, why can't I get this news from the media. Thank you Marilyn. You opened a can of worms of lies.

Here is more info as it comes out.

Please read.

Domenic said...

By gosh, what is happening. The only one who tells the truth is Trump, and he is the one called a liar by all the people who are really lying.

okiened said...

Biden is only the tip of the iceberg of the corruption in the democrat party.

coryankee said...

So far so good for German in Dominican winter league games.

Cory said...

German's first two starts in winter ball.

German made it two stellar outings in a row Tuesday when he allowed one run and three hits over five innings in a no-decision for Toros del Este in a 3-2 win over Leones del Escogido at Juan Marichal Stadium in Santo Domingo, D.R. Eight days earlier, German worked four no-hit innings, struck out seven and walked one in his season debut.

Kojak said...

Would be super if German can be who he was before MLB crucified him. No question, what German did was bad, but there is a justice system to handle crime punishment. Your workplace should not be involved.

Ian Collins said...

Hope everyone here at the WIN METHOD blog had a great Thanksgiving.

yankeedoodledandy said...

Kojak, I understand what you are saying, but baseball has its own rules and standards. Those rules and standards seem to go down a road to far as you said.

Ted Lilly said...

I believe that the last two paragraphs from the Johns Hopkins research article by Dr. Genevieve Briand who is the Assistant Director for MS in Applied Economics program. She has taught for the Applied Economics Program since summer, 2015, and currently teaches Microeconomic Theory, Statistics, and Econometrics. She has many years of experience teaching numerous and varied economics and statistics courses. Her fields of interest are microeconomics and econometrics, 'is all telling.

Dr. Briand's article has been taken down for only one true reason. It tells the truth. the two lines are below in quotes.

"""On Thursday, Johns Hopkins University explained that they deleted the article on the study because it “was being used to support false and dangerous inaccuracies about the impact of the pandemic.”

They did not, however, challenge the accuracy of the data or its conclusions. In other words, the article was deleted because it didn’t fit the proper narrative."""

Bobby Vartanian said...

Ted Lilly. we are being controlled and manipulated by the most corrupt and richest people in America.

Logan/Kentucky said...

People, that is how the end of great civilizations happen. The rich and powerful control what you see, here and learn. They deny the majority the truth, censoring information, and demeaning good people while glorifying the corrupt who will follow them for their money. They call the honest hard working good people, every foul name they can come with, make up lies about them and vilify them. Meanwhile calling the truly foul corrupt scum who lie cheat and steal their heroes. The end is coming fast and there's really nothing we can do about it peacefully. Watch what will happen, and it isn't good.

Joe DiMaggio said...

"Ted Lilly. we are being controlled and manipulated by the most corrupt and richest people in America."

Yes, but only until January 20

Benny Pake said...

We all should be able to see how this is happening from what they have done to Trump for the past four years. Trump has done amazing things for America, and all in a good way. Yet he is unmercifully vilified every day.

Joe DiMaggio said...

"They deny the majority the truth, censoring information, and demeaning good people while glorifying the corrupt who will follow them for their money. They call the honest hard working good people, every foul name they can come with, make up lies about them and vilify them."

This very accurately describes the past 4 years. Perfectly. COVID-19, John McCain, Dr. Fauci, Rudy Giuliani

Wayne Wells said...

Joe DiMaggio, sorry guy, but you do not know what you are talking about and are clearly a fraud. You have disgraced another great Yankee, and yourself even more.

bigbadwolf said...

Every once in a while we get a real loser posting nonsense and using a Yankee greats name. It
can only be a stat fraud.

AAA said...

Joe Biden falls and breaks foot.

Grosner said...

Ted Lilly, JHU did challenge the accuracy and conclusions of Brands article, essentially noting she is a stat fraud:

Briand was quoted in the article as saying, “All of this points to no evidence that COVID-19 created any excess deaths. Total death numbers are not above normal death numbers.” This claim is incorrect and does not take into account the spike in raw death count from all causes compared to previous years. According to the CDC, there have been almost 300,000 excess deaths due to COVID-19. Additionally, Briand presented data of total U.S. deaths in comparison to COVID-19-related deaths as a proportion percentage, which trivializes the repercussions of the pandemic. This evidence does not disprove the severity of COVID-19; an increase in excess deaths is not represented in these proportionalities because they are offered as percentages, not raw numbers.

Wes Quntrail said...

The fake media is in unison on how Biden broke his foot. He was playing with his dog.

Note how the sycophants all say the exact same thing using the exact same wording.

1.Joe Biden's doctor says he suffered "hairline fractures" in foot › news › joe-biden-doctor-says-spra...
5 hours ago — Joe Biden's doctor says he suffered "hairline fractures" in foot after he slipped while playing with dog ... November 30, 2020 / 7:43 AM / CBS News ... "Initial x-rays did not show any obvious fracture, but his clinical exam ...

2.Doctor says Joe Biden fractured foot while playing with his › election-2020 › ct-biden-an...
13 hours ago — President-elect Joe Biden fractured his right foot while playing with one of his dogs, an injury discovered in a scan Sunday and that will likely ...

3.Biden suffers hairline fractures to foot while playing with › politics › 2020-election › biden-s...
16 hours ago — President-elect Joe Biden suffered hairline fractures in his right foot in ... Joe Biden leaves doctor's office after suffering hairline fracture in foot.

4.Biden Fractures Foot While Playing With Dog, to Wear a Boot › News › Best States › Delaware News
14 hours ago — WILMINGTON, Del. (AP) — President-elect Joe Biden fractured his right foot while playing with one of his dogs, an injury discovered in a scan ...

5.Biden fractures foot while playing with dog, to wear a boot › politics › 2020/11/29
17 hours ago — President-elect Joe Biden has fractured his right foot and will likely wear a walking boot for several weeks. ... Biden slipped while playing with his dog Major, and twisted his ankle. (Carolyn ... Subscribe today. Biden suffered ...

6.Biden Fractures Foot Playing With His Dog, Putting Him in a › U.S. › Politics
15 hours ago — Biden Fractures Foot Playing With His Dog, Putting Him in a Boot ... show an obvious fracture, a more detailed CT scan showed hairline cracks.

7.Doctor says President-elect Joe Biden fractured foot while › world-nation › story › doctor-says-...
17 hours ago — President-elect Joe Biden suffered hairline fractures in his foot while playing ... but doctors found “no obvious fracture” while examining him Sunday.

Cory said...

Grosner, you try to manipulate the stats the way a fraud would like to. Dr. Briand clearly states in her research article exactly how she used the CDC stats and how she came to her conclusions. Using actual fact numbers. It is the same as when the baseball stat frauds say the best team did not win. The best team always wins.

Grosner said...

Cory, I was quoting Johns Hopkins there and their reasoning for why they removed Dr. Briand's article (they said she was the stat fraud).

Cory said...

Grosner, you are either totally lying or trying to pedal a fake story. Johns Hopkins never noted Dr. Briand as a stat fraud.

Phil Jenkins said...

Cory, facts tell the story. You were right.

Grosner said...

This is her own editor at JHU explaining and apologizing for the stat fraudiness of the article:

Nick Polito said...

Grosner, the article you posted says nothing of what you claim.

Paul Hirschman said...

This is the headline from a Washington Examiner story.

CDC director acknowledges hospitals have a monetary incentive to overcount coronavirus deaths
by Andrew Mark Miller, Social Media Producer | August 01, 2020 10:13 AM

Cory said...

Grosner, The Dr. Briand research and article speaks for itself, as does her conclusion.

When JH ran the article they likely got much negative feedback from democrat liberals and were told to take the article down. JH tried, poorly I may add, to cover their butt with their retraction statement.

Yanks23245 said...

Will the Yankees make a play for James Paxton?

Warren Hammond said...

If you put the Dr. Briand article together with the Washington Examiner article and you can see how the American people get played by the fake media. The CDC director admits and acknowledges hospitals have an incentive for listing deaths as Covid and at the same time how Dr. Briands article explains how deaths listed for various causes went down because Covid deaths were being inflated.

The only people who will deny this are the people involved (the swamp), the media (the corrupt Trump haters), and the people (wearing blinders) that can't see the nose on their face.

NJYANKEE said...

Yanks23245, I think it will be one of two, Tanaka or Paxton.

Lou Lis said...

If Tanaka wants to stay with Yankees for a reasonable price I go with him first. But I would still like to have a left handed starter also, not county Montgomery.

Grosner said...

Warren Hammond, the CDC has reported the US has seen an excess of 300K deaths in US from Feb to Oct in 2020 compared to years past. No one is disputing this and how hospitals are reporting deaths has nothing to do with this number. 300k more, period. Enough with the conspiracies.

Grosner said...

I saw 5 years, 100m floating around in latest LeMaheiu talks. I think that would be a good/fair deal on both sides.

Ziggy Mann said...

Grosner, I prefer three years and 66 million.

Andy Pettitte said...

Big breaking news of the fraud/swamp nature...bribery-for-pardon scheme.

Thank goodness this would never happen under dear must have been under Obama or Clinton.

Oops, I just checked the date. It was 2020...nevermind

Carl Hooks said...

The despicable gutless fraud strikes again using another Yankee great name (Andy Pettite). The sad part is it is another attempt to dishonor the greatest US president Donald Trump with anonymous false accusations. The gutless poster embarrasses himself once again.

yankeeclipper said...

Are the Yankees really interested in Corey Kluber. I hope not. He has pitched just 37 innings over the past two seasons.

Andrew J said...

Kluber is not an answer, he is another problem.

Giambino said...

Yankees appear to be thinking of Michael Brantley also. Would fit very well. Left handed contact bat who hits ball everywhere. Pitch him away and he will hit ball to left and left center for singles and doubles, pitch him in and he will put the ball into the right field seats.

BostonYankee said...

If we get Brantley who do we get rid of, Gardner? Hicks? Tauchman? Frazier? AND, if we get Kluber which pitcher(s) get moved?

Laura Kohler said...

When Biden was asked today how the transition of the Covid vaccine was going, Biden the half-witted mentally defective corrupt racist responded that he did receive any plan on how the vaccine will be taken from its bottle, put into a syringe, and then injected into the arm any recipient. One sick demented puppy Biden is.

Erica Johnston said...

Laura, Sick puppy. lol

Al Ashton said...

Everything the libs, dems, and media, all the same people, accuse Trump of doing, which he never did, is being done and has been done by Biden. Trump gets crucified and Biden gets lauded.

sid greenberg,nyc said...

The media and the educational system are creating and nurturing a brain dead population who will be lead to the slaughter. America is going down the tubes and doomed just as every great civilization in the past.

Tony Gigante said...

Urshela had elbow surgery for the bone spur on his elbow yesterday. Will be healed and ready for spring training.

Woody/Atlanta said...

Trump rally in Georgia tonight in support of double runoff senate races. @7pm 👍

Eddie OConnor said...

Just in case anyone was wondering, the Yankees did sign meatball Sanchez a contract for 2021 at five million dollars. Money down the drain wasted on one of the worst MLB players.

Billy Tedder said...

Meatball tearing up the the Dominican League. 🤣

Pepe Gonzales said...

This is one heck of a dead hot stove season with not much chance of anything earth shattering on the horizon.

Warren Hammond said...

Keep your chin up Americans. Trump will not concede. He does not need to. He won the election. He won by receiving the most valid votes. The process is not over. The MAGA creed will go forward led by Trump even if the Supreme Court does not rule in this cheating fiasco led by socialist loving liberal left wing democrats. The facts are on the side of law and order, not lying, cheating, creating illegal ballots, unverified ballots, and more. Trump win or lose will be a thorn in the corrupt socialist democrat side forever.

Plus the Trump vaccine will begin distribution in the coming weeks, a vaccine that wouldn't exist if it were no for President Trumps can do and do it now attitude for America.

The swamp filled will corrupt politicians in all parties, and of all races, creeds, and colors backed the feckless, meaningless, useless media will fight to keep destroying America and the American way of life that the swamp despises.

Watch what will happen.

Harry Stavris said...

Warren Hammond, hear hear. Never give up when you are right and you are right. Drain the stinking swamp.

Raul Vasquez said...

Ted Cruz has volunteered his services to argue any case going to Supreme Court.

Grosner said...

Not conceding and claiming fraud and cheating when there is no evidence is not 'fighting', but rather just a pretense of fighting. Trump has grifted over $150 million from his supporters for this con to support his legal 'fight' since Nov 3. Do you know how I know this is a con? Because his legal team keeps losing again and again and again and has presented no evidence. This is like giving a $150 million dollar contract to Gary Sanchez. The only difference is Gary strikes out less that Trump's legal team.

But go ahead, believe him. Believe he is right. Keep sending him money. And believe him when he says RINO's in Georgia and Arizona are colluding with democrats. In fact, there is no point voting anymore because democrats have proven they easily can steal the highest office in the world and can not be stopped, right?

Matt Cooper said...

Grosner, blowing more smoke again. You need to lay off sniffing the whipped cream cans.

Neil Golub said...

Wake up Grosner.

Pierre Jadot said...

Grosner, Trump is conning no one. People support and donate to him of their own free will. It is you who are being conned and duped. If things continue to go south, you will see and pay the price down the road of socialism that ends in despair.

Tom Kelly said...

Looks like the Supreme Court will be getting involved in deciding Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan, and Wisconsin democrat liberal cheating.

Cal Thomas said...

Whenever president-elect Joe Biden makes a rare public appearance and is out of the immediate control of his team it increases my suspicions that he is not physically, and above all mentally, up to the job he is about to take over.

Last week, Biden fractured his foot and now must wear a walking boot for several weeks while it heals. The Biden staff claims the fracture occurred while he played with his dog, Major. They also want us to know the German Shepherd is a rescue dog, which is a joke waiting to be told, full of irony. Who will “rescue” Mr. Biden from himself?

The press pool was denied access and not allowed to take pictures of Biden after he visited an orthopedist and was given the boot (no pun intended). This caused even Andrea Mitchell on liberal MSNBC to complain that the Biden team wasn’t being transparent about his injury. On Tuesday he finally allowed photographers to take pictures of his boot.

Contributing to the narrative that Biden is slipping (pun intended) was on display when he attempted to quote from the Bible. Biden, who self-describes as a practicing Roman Catholic, “referred to the authors of Biblical Psalms as “palmists.’” Twice. When President Trump quoted a passage of Scripture during a speech at Liberty University, the press widely mocked him for referring to “two Corinthians” instead of “Second Corinthians.” It prompted a joke that began “two Corinthians walk into a bar.” There was no similar mocking of Biden for his “palmists” mispronunciation.

This is no laughing matter. A president of the United States needs to be physically fit and mentally aware to address every challenge, especially those that might come from foreign governments.

Throughout the campaign Biden has engaged in numerous malapropisms, slurred words, mispronouncing words and misidentifying people (he called his wife his sister, after all) to raise serious concerns. Yes, George W. Bush and other presidents have, on occasion, stumbled over the English language, but this seems different. The website has a list of 22 incidents and the list is not exhaustive.

There is nothing about this that should arouse partisanship. Past presidents have had health issues they and their staffs tried to hide from the public. Most notable was John F. Kennedy’s back problems and his Addison’s disease and the drugs to control his pain prescribed by his physician and withheld from the public.

However one voted in the recent election, none should wish any president ill. But if Biden does suffer from mental impairment and struggles as he does to articulate even the most basic thoughts, including an inability to put together sentences that make sense, even when reading a Teleprompter, this is – or should be — cause for concern.

The major media, which have constantly lambasted President Trump for actions real and imagined must not apply a different standard to Mr. Biden, but likely will if recent softball questions asked of him are any indication. The greatest power of the media is the power to ignore and suppress information.

There are those who believe that Biden is only a placeholder for vice president-elect Kamala Harris, whom it is speculated many on the left would prefer as president. Refusing to be transparent about the president-elect’s mental and physical health can only lend credence to that theory.

Saul Irving said...

Cal Thomas, great commentary.

Grosner said...

Cal, I find the "Biden is demented" conspiracy much more palatable than then "Democrats stole the presidency" conspiracy so I'll take it. A) it reflects acceptance that Biden will be our next President and b) it suggests that American's preferred someone with mental impairment over Donald Trump by 8 million votes. That's kind of funny when you think about it.

Augie Defonce said...

Cal Thomas, what a great read. Thanks. Biden is a sick man and the radical left wing socialist democrats who are using him are sicker.

Dakarai Folami said...

Grosner, where there is smoke there is fire. Democrats are true garbage hell bent on destroying America. Cheating and lying is what they do.

muchomachoman said...

Grosner, no popular vote does not determine who wins presidential election. Liberal lefty cheats created enough fake fraudulent and illegal ballots in Atlanta, Philly, Detroit, and Milwaukee to change the election result from the rightful winner Donald J Trump.

Stanley Chin said...

99% of democrat liberal left wing politicians are trying to destroy America and turn it into another failed socialist experiment.

Grosner said...

muchomachoman, Democrats won Philadelphia by 492K votes in 2012, 475K votes in 2016, and 471K votes in 2020. So democrats have always been creating fake votes, never get caught, and are getting worse at it, but still won? Please explain.

Tom Wilson said...

It sure looks like a lot of democrat politicians are in bed with the Chinese government who created the Chinese virus that is killing people from all over the world. That includes Biden, who is in bed with anyone who wants to destroy America, and his lowlife son.

Eddie OConnor said...

Grosner, yep, the dems have always cheated. That is how they work, slowly taking bites of the apple until it's all gone. It goes back to Tammany Hall and the 1780's. The dems were born by corruption and coercion.

jimbo said...

Yankees lose 7 minor leaguers in rule 5 draft today.

The Yankees had three players selected from their organization in the major league phase of the draft: right-hander Garrett Whitlock, infielder Kyle Holder and right-hander Trevor Stephan.

Whitlock was taken by the Red Sox, Holder by the Phillies and Stephan by the Indians. The Yankees did not make any selections in the Major League phase.

In the triple-A phase four players were picked from the Yankees. The Rangers selected right-hander Matt Wivinis, the Red Sox selected right-hander Kaleb Ort, the Angels selected catcher Gustavo Campero and the Padres selected outfielder Ben Ruta.

In the triple-A phase, the Yankees selected left-hander Matt Krook from the Rays and right-hander Reggie McClain from the Phillies.

AJ Ramen said...

jimbo, seems like no big loss for Yankees.

YankeeBob said...

Looks as if LeMahieu will accept a four or five year deal.

Linda Pardo said...

Come on Supreme Court, get it right and save America for now.

Teena/ex-Bronx said...

The murdering governor of NY, Andrew Cuomo is shutting down all restaurants for indoor dining starting Monday 12/14 just in time for the Christmas season. I thank God every day for my family getting out of NYC forever a few months back. A city and state run by utter scum and the ignorant voters who support them.

Zhaire said...

Two peas in a pod, like father like son, the bottom of the barrel, Joe and Hunter Biden. Liars, crooks, and thieves for personal gain. Disdain for the American people.

Walt Belamy said...

The supreme court has stated they will not take the case of Texas vs the four states cheating in the election in violation of the US Constitution.

America is over. The end is near. Watch what will happen over the next decade. Misery, despair, unemployment, inflation, violence, possible internal war. Be armed and ready. The curtain will drop.

Izy Hernandez said...

It is a sad time in America. Sick demented radicals rule. Watch out.

Grosner said...

Yes, Walt, the supreme court has dismissed the complete nonsense put forth by the Trump legal team and upheld the will of the people. Now I guess we are at risk to repeat the utter despair we saw under the 8 years of Obama when we saw tremendous job gains (fact), years of increases domestic energy production (fact), a 148%!! increase (fact) in the stock market, and a decrease of in violent crime (fact). Grab your guns, we don't want a repeat of that!

Quay Ho said...

My condolences on what is happening to America.

Charlie Springer said...

Grosner, Baaaaaaaa, you are a good little left wing radical sheep. obama did more harm to America than any other president in history and he has led an attempt to overthrow the 2016 election and orchestrated the stealing of the 2020 election. We are not at risk, we are doomed.

Grosner said...

I have evidence to support what I stated above (you can look up market,crime, energy production and job gains yourself--really happened!). The evidence that the 2020 election was stolen does not exist and Trump supporters just believe this on faith alone. A bit sheeplike (and frightening for our democracy) if you ask me.

Doug Parker said...

For the liberals facts don't matter, cheating matters.

Sammybigdog said...

Grosner, media fake facts? Or don't you follow the lies they broadcast daily? Look what is actually happening, see reality. Wake up, you are being duped.

the past four years have been phenomenal for America.

Saul Irving said...

Facts can be confusing when you are told such and such is a fact and it really isn't. The left makes up many "facts" and sells them to those easily fooled. Het, Trump was a Russian asset and investigated for three years by corrupt investigators. Trump was going to start a war if elected in 2016, but he didn't. But in fact there are countless liberals in the pocket of foreign adversaries.

sid greenberg,nyc said...

Obama sent 168 billion dollars to his terrorist buddies in Iran via plane filled with cash to
support terrorism world wide. But lets look the other way, or better yet close you eyes and do nothing.

Gordon Chang said...

Grosner, 2 posts

Post 1.

As a political leader, Obama has been a disaster for his party and the American people. Since his inauguration in 2009, roughly 1,100 elected Democrats nationwide have been ousted by Republicans. Democrats lost their majorities in the US House and Senate. They now hold just 18 of the 50 governorships, and only 31 of the nation’s 99 state legislative chambers. After eight years under Obama, the GOP is stronger than at any time since the 1920s, and the outgoing president’s party is in tatte

In almost every respect, Obama leaves behind a trail of failure and disappointment. Consider just some of his works:

The economy... Obama took office during a painful recession and (with Congress’s help) made it even worse. Historically, the deeper a recession, the more robust the recovery that follows, but the economy’s rebound under Obama was the worst in seven decades. Annual GDP growth since the recession ended has averaged a feeble 2.1 percent, by far the puniest economic performance of any president since World War II. Obama spent more public funds on “stimulus” than all previous stimulus programs combined, with wretched, counterproductive results. On his watch, millions of additional Americans fell below the poverty line. The number of food stamp recipients soared. The national debt doubled to an incredible $20 trillion. According to the Pew Research Center, the share of young adults (18- to 34-year-olds) living in their parents’ homes is the highest it has been since the Great Depression.

In 2008, when Obama was first elected president, 63 percent of Americans considered themselves middle class. Seven years later, only 51 percent still felt the same way. Obama argues energetically that his economic policies have delivered prosperity and employment. Countless people disagree — including many who aren’t Republican. “Millions and millions and millions and millions of people look at that pretty picture of America he painted,” said Bill Clinton after Obama extolled the recovery in his last State of the Union speech, “and they cannot find themselves in it to save their lives.”

Health care... The Affordable Care Act should never have been enacted. Survey after survey confirmed that it lacked majority support, and only through hard-knuckled, party-line maneuvering was the wrenching health-care overhaul rammed through Congress. But Obama was certain the measure would win public support, because of three promises he made over and over: that the law would extend health insurance to the 47 million uninsured, that it would significantly reduce health insurance costs, and that Americans who had health plans or doctors they liked could keep them.

But Obamacare has been a fiasco. At least 27 million Americans are still without health insurance, and many of those who are newly insured have simply been added to the Medicaid rolls. Far from reducing costs, Obamacare sent premiums and deductibles skyrocketing. Insurance companies, having suffered billions of dollars in losses on the Obamacare exchanges, have pulled out from many of them, leaving consumers in much of the country with few or no options. And the administration, it transpired, knew all along that millions of Americans would lose their medical plans once the law took effect. The deception was so egregious that in December 2013, PolitiFact dubbed “If you like your health plan, you can keep it” as its “Lie of the Year.”

Gordon Chang said...

Post 2

Foreign policy... The 44th president came to office vowing not to repeat the foreign-policy mistakes of his predecessor. His own were exponentially worse.

In his rush to pull US troops out of Iraq and Afghanistan, he created a power vacuum into which terror networks expanded and the Taliban revived. Islamic State’s jihadist savagery not only plunged a stabilized Iraq back into shuddering violence, but also inspired scores of lethal terrorist attacks in the West. For months, Obama and his lieutenants insisted that Syrian dictator Bashar Assad could be induced to “reform,” and pointedly refused to intervene as an uprising against him metastasized into genocidal slaughter. At last Obama vowed to take action if Assad crossed a “red line” by deploying chemical weapons — but when those weapons were used, Obama blinked. The death toll in Syria climbed into the hundreds of thousands, triggering a flood of refugees greater than any the world had seen since the 1940s.

Determined to conciliate America’s adversaries, the president indulged dictatorial regimes in Iran, Russia, and Cuba. They in turn exploited his passivity with multiple treacheries — seizing Crimea and destroying Aleppo (Russia), abducting American hostages for ransom and illicitly testing long-range missiles (Iran), and cracking down mercilessly on democratic dissidents (Cuba).

For eight years the nation has been led by a president intent on lowering America’s global profile, not projecting military power, and “leading from behind.” The consequences have been stark: a Middle East awash in blood and bombs, US troops re-embroiled in Iraq and Afghanistan, aggressive dictators ascendant, human rights and democracy in retreat, rivers of refugees destabilizing nations across three continents, the rise of neo-fascism in Europe, and the erosion of US credibility to its lowest level since the Carter years.

National unity... As a candidate for president, Obama promised to soothe America’s bitter and divisive politics, and to replace red state/blue state animosity with cooperation and bipartisanship. But the healer-in-chief millions of Americans voted for never showed up.

According to Gallup, Obama became the most polarizing president in modern history. Like all presidents, he faced partisan opposition, but Obama worsened things by regularly taking the low road and disparaging his critics’ motives. In his own words, his political strategy was one of ruthless escalation: “If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun.” During his 2012 reelection campaign, Politico reported that “Obama and his top campaign aides have engaged far more frequently in character attacks and personal insults than the Romney campaign.” And when a Republican-led Congress wouldn’t enact legislation he sought, Obama turned to his “pen and phone” strategy of governing by diktat that polarized politics even more.

To his credit, Obama acknowledges that he didn’t live up to his promise to reduce the angry rancor of Washington politics. Had he made an effort to do so, perhaps the campaign to succeed him would not have been so mean. And perhaps 60 percent of voters would not feel that their country, after two terms of Obama’s administration, is “on the wrong track.”

Obama’s accession in 2008 as the nation’s first elected black president was an achievement that even Republicans and conservatives could cheer. It marked a moment of hope and transformation; it genuinely did change America for the better.

It was also the high point of Obama’s presidency. What followed, alas, was eight long years of disenchantment and incompetence. Our world today is more dangerous, our country more divided, our national mood more toxic. In a few days, Donald Trump will become the 45th president of the United States. Behold the legacy of the 44th.

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