Here we are WIN METHOD fans. Despite a season long rash of debilitating injuries to an overwhelming amount of players, our New York YANKEES have won 103 games, won the American League East Championship and have qualified as one of five best teams in the American League.
The YANKEES will host the Minnesota Twins scheduled for Friday, October 4th, at Yankee Stadium in the first game of a best of five series. The team that wins any of the series in the post season playoffs will be the team whose players produce when it matters most in each game. Only the best teams with the best players will win and move on to the next series. All the teams and players who made the playoffs are the best in baseball. All the other players in baseball are done and are going home to watch the playoffs on television. Many of the highest paid players in baseball are going home. They are going home because they are not the best and are only paid because of their high meaningless individual stats.
Speaking of high paid losers going home and not making the playoffs. How wonderful did it turn out for the YANKEES by not signing either of the 300 million dollar losers, Manny Machado and Bryce Harper. If the YANKEES had signed either, the YANKEES would not have made the playoffs and their chances in the future would have been seriously compromised. Even though it can be done it is hard playing around players who contaminate your team.....remember the afraud years.
Lets hope the YANKEES get it all together, body and soul, and produce the most when it counts and go as far into the playoffs as their talents can take them. No matter how the playoffs turn out, it has been a great season, with next season, and future seasons looking very promising and bright as the YANKEE newcomers bloom and grow. So here we are, LETS GO YANKEES.