The WIN METHOD blog has been used for over 1 1/2 years now by knowledgeable baseball fans. It is fully understood by young and old of all genders, except by those who are unwilling or unable to understand. The WIN METHOD is a two part process for discovering and selecting the best players. In this blog entree, we will discuss only the evaluation of a player after each year and over his career.
Stat users evaluate players based on their individually attained stats and then claim who is best based on that criteria. That may be fine if baseball was played only for what each individual can attain for himself and the heck with his team. But baseball is played for the team to succeed and the success of any team is based on what all the players contribute to help the team to the most success.
When using the WIN METHOD, you must evaluate players as equally as possible. You cannot take a starting everyday player and try to compare him to a bench player of another team. Only the stat frauds would do that, and they have. It is best, when at all possible to try to compare players at their position. First baseman to first baseman, catcher to catcher, outfielder to outfielder, starting pitcher to starting pitcher, closer to closer, etc.
It is most difficult, even for the WIN METHOD to compare players from the many different eras over baseball history. It is best to compare players from players of the same era. Then to realize that the best players who helped their team to the most success were just that, the best players in each era. Right now we will just touch on the present era, something we are all readily comfortable with.
As has been discussed in previous blog entries, we all know just how misleading individual stats can be. The WIN METHOD uses stats only to visit player traits. Home runs hitters have power, stolen base leaders have speed, etc. The WIN METHOD uses the players ability to help his team win and succeed. This can be achieved by a bunt, a sacrifice fly, moving a runner, a game saving defensive play, turning a double play, and other intangibles. Wins and success of the team, are the reason the game of baseball is played. Wins and team success is the only way players should be evaluated each year and over their career. When a player helps his team succeed with lesser stats than the stat frauds individual achiever, the first thing you hear is the stat guys team mates stink or look who the team success player played with. Stat frauds are good at demeaning team mates of the individual guy and demeaning the winners if the winner has lesser stats. Let them play in the mud and splatter themselves.
In this era, the players who help lead their team to the playoffs, pennants, and World Series the most, are the best players in the game. No, the 25th player on a playoff team is not better than the top player on a losing team, but he is for darn sure better than the 25th player on any of the losing teams. There is absolutely no reason to evaluate players on anything but for why the game is played. But stat frauds need fodder for their fantasy leagues, so they use individual stats. In the mean time, the WIN METHOD players walk off with a World Series ring or two on their fingers, and in some cases a fist full of rings.
WIN METHOD fans, don't ever let anyone tell you the champion or the winner is not best. Laud and praise the champion while always recognizing the feats of the individual. It takes great talent to gather and attain great individual numbers, but always remember, the goal of a baseball game or season is for the team to win, not any individual. The WIN METHOD recognizes the best because they win. The best always win, no ifs, ands, or buts, no excuses. WIN METHOD fans leave that to the stat frauds.
1 – 200 of 298 Newer› Newest»Wow! you did it again WIN METHOD. What can't people understand? Or is it as you say, they don't want to or unable to understand. Love ya.
I've been to the talk forums. Some posters their regale in each others ignorance.
Stat frauds will always use misleading stats and cheat themselves and try to pull the wool over the eyes of some fans. The WIN METHOD fan always knows the difference between winners and losers.
Still the best and always teaching. Great work.
The season is getting closer.
The WIN METHOD continues to outdistance the competition.
Nice blog entree. Very easy to understand. Winning does make you the best.
Winning is what the game is played for. Individuals play for themselves, team players play for the team success. That's all there is to it.
I knew the WIN METHOD was for me when my son came home from school and asked why the players on the winning team weren't the best.
Good job Warren, keep your son away from the stat frauds.
The Johnny Damon situation is very interesting. I hope WIN METHOD is right. He always has been.
I see WIN METHOD got another stat guy to say he would rather lose and go 4-4 than win with a .200 OBP player.
At least the stat guys are good for laughs. About 6 weeks to the first spring training game.
Baseball season can't come soon enough for me.
The Yankees signed Randy Winn for the OF backup spot. Looks like they are marching time until they bring up one of their own.
It sure looks like the Yankees are staying in their budget. I wonder what would happen if something really special comes along.
I would think if they got a chance at someone WIN METHOD, they would go for it.
Jeets, Johnson, Tex, Rodriquez, Posada, Granderson, Cano, Swisher, Gardner.
Very nice lineup.
Against a right hand pitcher that would give you 7 left hand batters and 2 right hand batters with Jeter and Arod the righties. Perty devastating lineup I would think. Speed, power, defense. WOW!
But we may be weakest against a left handed pitcher. Granderson, Tex, and Cano are 3 lefty bats that stay in the lineup. Jeter and Arod are the 2 sure righties. Winn can replsce Gardner, Posada DH for Johnson, that's 4 righty bats, Dervelli catches and Swisher is the switdh hitter who bats righty, given us 6 righty bats. I can take that.
Barring injuries, the club should have a real solid year.
I'll take another World Series.
Hey WIN METHOD, where is Andy Warren going to start out this year?
Hi sid, it looks like either Charleston or Tampa. This kid is going to be good. Real WIN METHOD.
I would think he should be a yer or two away from the bigs.
It's February, just one short month to spring training games.
Lets get the season started already. There just isn't any sports worth following without baseball.
Sunday is a perfect night to take the other half out to dinner and maybe a movie. So many people watch the supper bowel that the restaurants are empty. Just tell your partner it's an early Valentines Day celebration since next Sunday everything will be so jam packed. Brownie points people. Sorry about the non baseball spiel. Go Yankees. 28 in 10.
Nice Giambino, very nice. Love ya, WIN METHOD.
Your so sweet Giambino.
Now you done did it Giambino.
What is this, the dating game. 28 in 10.
I think we are all just getting bored without baseball.
Cabin fever. 28 in 10.
Hope we get off to a good start and never look back. 28 in 10.
I think we will Sam. The new acquisitions from last year have had a year to settle in and I think Granderson is going to have his best year ever on this team of WIN METHOD greats.
I predict Granderson will hit 30+ home runs for the Yankees.
And Johnson another 20?
You are 100% confused if you think people that use stats only care about individual players. If you use stats, you are able to break a player down to reveal his talent and ability on the field, you said so yourself. You need talent on your team if you wanna win. You want all your players to have guts, strive, ability and the will to be a better ballplayer. Of course, not all of these key concepts can be determined with stats, but that isn't what stats are for are they? If you use stats, all you wanna do is use that player to help your team get better. Perhaps you have talked to some incredibly stupid, bias fans over the years, but lets not assume everyone that uses stats as an insight is just like those fans.
All everyone wants to do is win. They want the team they follow to pick up the key player/prospect, etc. Really, my point is that if a player is going to help your team win games and play above the opposition, he is probably going to have above average stats no matter how you look at it.
If a player plays below the level of the opposition and is far less likely to help your team, he is probably going to have below average stats. Stats just help teams decide who the better deal is in the FA market, or what the better trade etc. Nothing more; nothing less.
Just my attempt at a truce between you and all the misunderstood "Stat Frauds".
Less than a month until spring training games. Lets go Yankees. 28 in 10.
We got another anonymous stat poster.
You claim "you need talent on your team if you wanna win." Without question, but this is where you are 100% confused, not the WIN METHOD fans. We want players who produce WHEN it counts the most for the team, not for their individual stats. That is exactly why a leeser stat player can be far superior to a higher individual stat player.
Your next claim, "Really, my point is that if a player is going to help your team win games and play above the opposition, he is probably going to have above average stats no matter how you look at it." That is absolutely false and is a point only bellowed by the stat frauds who do not truly know baseball.
We do not misunderstand stat frauds, we would just rather win with a team of players no matter what each players individual stats may be, than lose with the highest individual stat players.
Anon...I agree with one part of your post. I use stats as an insight, but never to judge a players ability to help a team win. Only the actual act of winning can do that. Please bear in mind that baseball is for the team to win, not any individual player. That is exactly why teams with players who have less individual stats can defeat teams with high individual stat players. One of the most important creeds of the WIN METHOD is WHEN a player performs, not how much or many he performs. There is a great difference between the two. One leads to wins, the other leads to individual stats.
Not everyone wants to win. That is why some players who become free agents don not try to go to contenders. Players stay with teams for different reasons. 1.Home cooking. 2.Don't want to face the challenge of the big time games. 3.Don't have the stomach to be challenged. 4.Money. Plus other reasons. If a player wants to win the World Series or at least have a good chance to get there, he will sign with a contender or stay home for the reasons above.
Haha, if there is a player that only likes to perform well when it is a clutch situation, then he doesn't really wanna win does he?
A player must perform as well as he can, ALL the time.
This ONLY when it counts thought of your is as wrong as wrong can be. Is it not possible that every play is WHEN and WHERE it counts? Can you not "win" a game within the first inning if your team plays well?
Of course you can. Consistency is key.
It takes players to build a team. Players with talent at that.
Your misuse of the word team is quite corrupt. Every single player must play well in order for a team to win. It isn't the team in ll that fails.
If Jeter was on the Nationals, how could he carry them, huh? Oh I see, because the Nats would still be the worst team in the MLB, clearly Jeter would no longer be worth anything. Thank for explaining a whole bunch of nothing.
Also, the ONLY insight stats hold is a players ability to perform.
You can't morph common sense guys.
There is no use in me saying anything more. You won't give up on this game no matter how much I make you realize your wrong.
Another meaningless stat fraud comes by to insult Yankee fans and WIN METHOD fans who know baseball and what it takes to win. A fraud who is incapable of using his name. A fraud who thinks players who help bury their team, but have great individual stats are the best players. Only winning can make anyone the best oh great anonymous fraud sir. Now you can morph into one of your fantasy games, which takes all the common sense in the world. LOL
Down goes another fraud. Great work guys. Love ya WIN METHOD.
Your offensive reaction to my post speaks for itself.
T agree anonymous...we do not have much tolerance for people who do not know baseball. Especially when they suggest players with high individual stats who help their team lose are better than players with lesser individual stats who help their team win. If you cannot tell the significance between winning and losing, you leave a lot to be desired.
Hey, at least anonymous broke the monotony with his nonsense.
I guess even the stat frauds are getting itchy for baseball. But they do have their make believe drafts to fill their make believe teams.
Okay, since none of you can actually come up with an intelligent comeback pertaining to my post but would rather make numerous attempts at putting me down...(which is a strong sign of weakness not to mention immaturity)...just answer this question...
How is it that only some good plays count while others don't? Can not every play count if performed well? Can not every play turn into a game winning play? Doesn't it take multiple players to win a game? And can you really discredit a player if he is on a crappy team?
You see...if I weren't right, a good honest person would explain this to me. As I tried to explain to y'all. Now, you all consider me to be wrong, yet, y'all blatantly Pretend to be victorious in this little debate without actually proving me wrong.
Debating is a game of respect and productivity for your case. You have broken all of these rules and continue to live in this fantasy land where you are always right. make assertions and claims which are erroneous inside and out. You attack and demean while you claim to be attacked and demeaned. One problem, we live, comprehend and understand the WIN METHOD, while you on the other hand don't know squat about it. To answer your very stupid questions...1.Some good plays occur at very meaningful points in a game, while some occur at very meaningless points in a game. 2.Every play counts, be it performed well or not well. 3.Positively every play CANNOT turn into a game winning play. 4.Without doubt it takes multiple players to win a game, and this fact is a tenet of the WIN METHOD that credits ALL players on a team. 5.Crappy players make for crappy teams.
There is nothing to debate, that is why you get no respect. Intelligent fans cannot respect anyone who thinks losing can make a player the best. Only winning can do that.
So easy to understand, except for the stat frauds who have their head buried in the sand.
WIN METHOD, maybe you should draw anonymous a picture with crayons. Love ya.
WIN METHOD, I came here expressing my opinion. Not to attack anybody, therefore, I haven't and won't attack anybody. You blatantly acted as if I was not entitled to my opinion even though I am always open to new opinions if I see them as correct. Calling the majority of baseball fans "Stat Frauds" is rude and definitely not a way to share your opinion. If you wanna explain something, explain maturely.
The rudest person to me on this comment page was johnsondc without a doubt. He had nothing intelligent to say against my case but he was sure that he wanted to play a 12 year old name calling, put down game.
If you aren't open to my opinion, then you clearly don't want anymore vouchers.
In this post, I mean absolutely no offense to anybody but it seems as if everyone has done nothing but attempted to put me down in this entire conversation.
William Menson, clearly the most mature debater on this page, tried to help me understand further. I respect that and appreciate his attempt and how it was the ONLY attempt I have seen that didn't try to put me down or call me stupid in any way.
WM - I started reading the blog from beginning to end a couple days ago, though I have not finished, I am not sure I want to anymore. I never claimed to know anything about the WIN METHOD. If you were open to other opinions at all, you would have read and understood that. I've done nothing but spoken against other statements and asked questions in search of answers.
1. - Perhaps I didn't word it right but what I meant was that every play has the potential to be a meaningful play, therefore, the more a player produces a good play, the better the player is for your team POTENTIALLY.
2. - Explain more, please.
3. 4. - Again, every play CAN turn into a game winning play. It just takes more good plays to back it up. However, the higher amount of good plays that back that play up, does not INCREASE nor DECREASE the amount of value, ability and strive that was put into that first good play. The only increased amount of value is the value that pertains to the team and the game that is being played. The player is just as good a player with or without plays that back him up.
5. - Crappy players make a crappy team is correct but that still doesn't pertain to all the players on a team. Again, if Jeter were on the Nats, what is keeping him from being worthless? It sure does make the overall value poor but that is the overall value which has nothing to do with the value of an individual player.
That's funny, Erica, care to grow up? I am done with this subject. Have a good one everybody.
Dear anonymous, maybe if you had read the entire WIN METHOD blog before posting, likely all of your questions would have been answered. What you keep failing to understand is it never a matter of how much or how many an individual player produces, but WHEN an individual player produces. WHEN identifies the winners because they produce at crucial points in games while the individual tat guy may or may not produce at crucial points. Producing at points that are superfluous to the game, are meaningless. To conclude, Derek Jeter on any other team is a fantasy game debating point. We here only revel in the real baseball world, where circumstances are what they are, and not could've, would've, should've.
Anon...if you reread my post to you, it will state pretty much what everyone here believes. When a player performs is far more important than how much or how many he performs. To perform at the highest level of play with millions of eyes watching is far harder than performing in the boondocks with hardly anyone watching much less caring. that is the great fallacy of individual statistics. they do not mean much in comparison to helping your team to wins.
Teams win games with all players on the team contributing to the wins. The teams that reach the playoffs, win pennants, and win World Series the most are the best teams in baseball, and the players who help these teams win the most are the best players in baseball. No individual stat defines a players ability to help his team win, except for wins for pitchers. a win for a pitcher is a win for the team, the single most important thing a player can do for his team.
A good way to look at stats vs. wins. Stats define an individual and what he means to himself and the fantasy world. Wins defines what a player means to his team and the real baseball world.
Perfectly stated Steve.
I must sau it anonymous, but johnsondc is right.
The WIN METHOD process is foolproof for anyone other than stat frauds. I t always recognizes the winners as being best.
That is something the stat frauds refuse to believe. It screws with their stat minds.
Three weeks from tomorrow for the first Yankee spring training game. Baseball is almost back.
No game today, we have a blizzard. Oh, never mind, the season hasn't started yet.
Cute Teena. A little humor is nice.
I live here to. Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow.
I see we embarrassed another stat fraud. See ya, don't let the door hit you on the way out.
anonymous wasn't too bad, just didn't know baseball or what he was talking about.
It will be interesting to see how WIN METHODs pitcher he told us about comes along.
Knowing WIN METHODs past record, he will surely become a major league starter.
Lets go Yankees, 28 in 10.
There is no question that winning is the single most important thing in any sport. Why people would want to elevate participants to the highest level when they lose time after time, is beyond common sense.
You are preaching to the choir here Danny.
It's a beautiful day here in New Bern. Got about five inches of snow, the heavy wet sticky kind. Everything is coated a brilliant white. A perfect way to bring winter to a close and move on to spring training and we YANKEE fans quest for 28 in 10.
I'm with you WIN METHOD. Love ya.
Two and half weeks to our first spring training game. Then off to the races and 28 in 10. Wins and winning is all that counts, anything else we leave to the losers.
Go Yankees.
Pitchers and catchers report this week. Let the fun begin.
I am looking for a giant year from Granderson and Gardner.
I agree. Gardner has the left field position to lose. If he helps the team win, he stays in left and solidifies a very formidable outfield defense.
It will be interesting to see how Gardner responds without Melkys presence.
It's either one of no pressure or no challenge. I would think knowing left field is his and only what he doesn't do could lose it for him should spur his competitive juices.
Without losing anyone like Jeter,Tex, or CC, I think the year will be mind boggling.
Hope you are right Teens. This could be one of those special years, where everything seems to fall into place.
An outstanding blog with the proper perspective on the game. More, more.
Welcome Jimmy, you have joined the ranks of the brightest and the best in baseball.
Brightest and best, thank you. I'll let my wife know.
Two weeks from today is first Yankee spring training game. Time is drawing closer. Baseball and 28 in 10.
We are the champions. big year in 2010 as we get 28 in 10.
28 in 10
Looking back, it seems Johnny Damon really screwed himself, big time.
Johnny listened to Boras and got burned. No one is irreplaceable.
28 in 10
Good luck Johnny, but you blew your chance for another ring.
The battery has arrived. 28 in 10.
Let the fun begin and may the best man win.
Genial dispatch and this fill someone in on helped me alot in my college assignement. Thank you seeking your information.
What in Gods name was the previous post about?
Who knows, I let it go through anyways. Maybe it is some stat fraud secret code. Just to let everyone know, I will be heading to Tampa for a period of time shortly. And yes, to all, 28 in 10.
Keep us up to date WIN METHOD. You have the inside info no one else has.
Nine days till the first spring training game. Baseball and the Yankees rule. 28 in 10.
It looks the Yankees are bringing in Chan Ho Park. The competition for pitching roster spots could be fierce.
Let the fun begin.
Be good WIN METHOD. Love ya.
Consistently the best baseball blog on the internet. Kudos
Looking forward to another winning season. Because winning make you the best.
I am predicting a 40+ home run season for Granderson and his helping the team to great success.
Granderson will quickly make Yankee fans forget the loss of Matsui and Damon.
And we still have the best player in baseball in Derek Jeter. He should carry us for a few more years.
Long live Jeter. Go Yankees. 28 in 10.
28 in 10. Win and we are the best.
Looks like everyone is coming along fine in early camp.
Ah, but Vinny, won't it be when Curtis hits those 40+ homers that counts? Careful, someone might take you for a stat fraud.
This years Yankee team is going to blow away baseball fans.
I agree George. With Captain Jeter showing and leading the way to the promised land, things look good.
It is just plain nice starting the year as World champions again.
Stat fraud alert, stat fraud alert. It looks like a couple of stat frauds have crawled back onto a couple of previous threads. They have been shot down.
(Yawn). If you say so, wolfie. Everything here is seen through the same distorted prism anyway, and no opposing argument is truly entertained.
We love opposing arguments, no matter how utter stupid they may be. that is why WIN METHOD allows them to be published, heard, and then soundly trounced by the believers of the WIN METHOD, the greatest player evaluation tool in baseball history.
Drats, I missed out on the opposing view. Nothing lost, nothing gained.
First spring training game tomorrow. All is right with the world.
4 1/2 hours to game time. Go Yankeees. 28 in 10. The quest.
Everything is beautiful. 28 in 10.
Solid first spring training game.
True, but the best is, we lost when it didn't count. Love it, stat frauds.
Winning and producing WHEN it counts is the essence of the WIN METHOD.
So far so good. we are losing a lot of meaningless games.
I'm 81 years old and my son told me about this blog. I had always believed that winning is how a player should be judged. All I got was crap from other fans. I'm glad to see so many other fans that share my opinion.
Thank you for joining us Willie. I think most of us here would love to see you keep posting, spreading the gospel, and hearing your experiences.
Welcome back WIN METHOD. Love ya. And Willie, whatever WIN METHOD says is fact.
And let no one ever forget that baseball is played for team success, not for the success of any individual. Players must be evaluated and recognized for their part in the success of the team. Any player in todays baseball world, if he is good enough, can play for almost any team he chooses. Their is absolutely no excuse or anyone saying, 'but look at the team he played for'. No matter how any sport is put together, divisions, conferences, leagues, North, East, West, or South, some team will always win and be the best and some team will always finish last and be the worst. Individual stats are for fools.
Music to my ears, Steve.
So far so good for spring training. everyone stay healthy.
The spring training beat goes on, and it's wonderful.
Three and a half weeks to opening night and we start playing WHEN it counts.
Yes, WHEN, never how much or how many. WHEN determines the best, how much how many are for the stat frauds.
28 in 10 people. focus, 28 in 10.
Joba and Hughes may be pitching themselves into the bullpen so far this spring.
An abundance of riches. Nice problem to have.
Slow and steady guys. Just get ready for WHEN it counts. 28 in 10.
I think we have the best and deepest pitching staff in the game. The season will prove me right. 28 in 10.
Rain outs don't help in spring training. Hate to lose those days of preparation. 28 in 10.
Drats, another rain out today. Extra split squad games on the horizon.
Good brief and this post helped me alot in my college assignement. Thank you on your information.
Hope you ace your assignment. You get the truth here, not fantasy.
22 days until we play real baseball and we get 28 in 10.
Avery pleasant knowledgeable blog to come to. Keep it going.
Yes, there will be a game today.
18 innings today with a split squad split. 28 in 10.
Spring training has been very productive so far, lets keep up the good work, fitness, and development. 28 in 10.
Another solid outing today. CC is starting to stretch out his innings and stamina. Looks like he'll be ready to roll when it counts.
Heady stuff here.
I love the Yankees.
You are a great fan johnny.
I am johnnys dad. I would like to thank WIN METHOD and all the posters here who have so kind to my son. God bless all of you.
Yes, this is a great site. Much uplifting positive thoughts and ideas. Except when a stat fraud comes by. 28 in 10.
Just to keep on point, winning determines the best. If you don't win, you are not the best. 28 in 10.
The spring training meaningless losses keep mounting. Isn't it wonderful.
And all spring training ever proves is, that it's always when that matters. 28 in 10.
Watch for the sharp spring training improve those last few games. rock and rumble. 28 in 10.
As the Yankees started their game tonight in Tamps, the temperature in NY was warmer than in Tampa.
Split squad games today. Infielders start in day game. Outfielders start in night game.
I see a proliferation of new baseball talk sites and blogs coming on line. Probably as a result of the over whelming success of the WIN METHOD blog. The new ones are just more of the same old same old garbage. This is the place for any and all Yankee fans who really understand baseball.
I second that bigbadwolf. It has been a very solid spring so far for the Yankees. No injuries. Everyone is pacing themselves and coming into form splendidly.
If the Yankees get off to a good start in April, they could make a rout of the AL east.
Two weeks to opening day. Time for everyone to get really serious and in top condition.
Another rain out. Just what we don't need. Drats. We will overcome.
28 in 10. That is all that matters.
Right on Curtis. It's all for real starting April 4th. 28 in 10
Almost time to get serious guys. 28 in 10 is the goal.
Another meaningless loss, but Burnett and Hughes are looking real good and stretching out very nicely. 28 in 10.
They had 12 K's between them and yes they are getting ready for WHEN it counts.
This WIN METHOD stuff is great. The game and why it is played, no fluff, no BS.
Right on Greg. Just real baseball for intelligent knowledgeable baseball fans. 28 in 10
Haven't been here for awhile, great to see how well things are going. Go Yankees.
28 in 10. Lets do it.
Everything is looking really good. No injuries, no whining, no crying. 28 in 10
11 days until it counts. 28 in 10.
For the first time this spring the YANKEES put their starting lineup on the field together in a game, and using one of their starters for an extended quality start, plus their ace reliever out of the bullpen. And what do you get, another day older and another win. It looks like its time to get serious.
Dead on WIN METHOD. Ten days before its real and counts. Time to get serious.
WIN METHODS WIN METHOD, is on the spot. You are the man WIN METHOD. Love ya.
Phil Hughes named as Yankees 5th starter today.
Good for Phil. If he performs well, we could win in a runaway.
All we have to do is win one more game than the opposition in the East.
Oh my God! The blog site looks gorgeous. I love it. But the content is what is still the best.
Nice revamp WIN METHOD. Looks good.
Ten days to the opener. Nice background change. 28 in 10.
The background is beautiful. Great job with a great blog. 28 in 10
WOW, what a change. Yes, change can be good, if it's the right change. 28 in 10. I like it.
It looks like the Yankees may be putting their starting team on the field tonight, for the second time this spring. Lord help the Phillies. 28 in 10.
Nicely done remodel of blog..with that Yankees staff looked great last night. Rivera pitched an inning again. 28 in 10
Good job with the site WIN METHOD.
A very solid from a quartet of pitchers today getting ready for the season to start.
This looks like it's going to be a really fun season. We are back and going on a run. Start the engines, the train is going to roll again. Next stop 28 in 10.
Yes, get the train rolling. choo choo!
One week before we start kicking some AL butt. Choo choo for 28 in 10. all aboard.
The Yankees pounded the Tigers in a rain shortened game. The Yankees used their regular season lineup for only the second time this spring. Choo choo.
The Florida spring rains have surely put a strain on many a teams plans to be ready for opening day. We are all in the same boat. 28 in 10.
Everyone gets their final tuneups this week. We open up in six days.
28 in 10
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