Friday, May 22, 2009

WIN METHOD refresher and newcomers

With the YANKEE train rolling (choo choo) I thought this would be good time to review the WIN METHOD philosophy and set the record straight regarding the postings of a few WIN METHOD detractors, stat frauds, and fans who do not comprehend the game (business)of baseball. First and foremost, the WIN METHOD believes that the object of baseball and the goal of each team is to win games, go to the playoffs, win pennants, and win World Series. The teams who accomplish these goals the most are the best teams in baseball. The players on these teams who help their team reach these goals the most are the best players in baseball based on their each individual role on their team. Thus, it is fair to compare starting pitchers, ace,2,3,4,5, of other teams ace,2,3,4,5. Fair to compare starting everyday position players to other teams starting everyday position players. Closers to closers, utility players to utility players. It is very unfair to compare a utility player on a WS team to a starting position player on another tea. Something the WIN METHOD detractors, stat frauds, and fans who do not know baseball try to do. The WIN METHOD acknowledges and credits every player on any team who helps his team to the playoffs and beyond each season. With the players, who over their career, help their team to the most and highest successes, to be the best players in baseball during their era. Do not compare players in the 1920's to players in the 1950's to players in the 1980's to players in the 2000's.
Lets look at the career of the what seems to be the present day whipping boy, Alex Rodriquez, aka Arod, aka Afraud. Alex has helped teams to playoffs over his career, but never a pennant, and never a World Series. Alex is one of the best individual talents in MLB. But he plays for himself and not the team success. The stat frauds use to and may still do, use a convoluted misleading stat call 'replacement value'. It places a value on a player moving from one team to another and just how many more wins or less wins he would mean for his new team. Stat fraud wise, Alex has had one of the highest values in the corrupt stat fraud fantasy game world. But here are some facts from when Alex left Seattle, went to the Texas Rangers, and then went to the YANKEES. There is no question Alex is not solely responsible for these following results, but the results are so glaring and the complete opposite to the stat fraud 'replacement value' for Alex. To concrete the point here re Alex, the facts are used in before and after three year periods, to illustrate the facts are just not one year flukes. Remember fans, these are documented facts of team results with and without Alex. 1998,1999,2000, Alexs last 3 years with Seattle, the team won an average of 82 games per year. When Alex left Seattle, they immediately for the next 3 years, 2001,2002,2003, won an average of 101 games each year. That is an astounding 19 games per year more wins with no Alex on the team. Now we will look at the Texas Rangers seasons before, with, and after Alex. 1998,1999,2000 without Alex, Texas won an average of 85 games per year. In 2001,2002,2003, with Alex, the Rangers won an average of 72 games per year. The won 13 less games each year with Alex. Then in 2004,2005,2006, Texas again without Alex won an average of 83 games each year. That is up 11 games per year without Alex. Then the end all, the YANKEES in 2001,2002,2003, without Alex, won an average of 100 games per year. With Alex in 2004,2005,2006, the YANKEES won an average of 98 games per year, no question a modest drop, but as Alex stays with the YANKEES they win only 94 games in 2007, and win only 89 games in 2008, a continued drop. Is it all Aless fault, absolutely not, but he is unquestionably the single biggest factor in the failure of each team to perform at the level they performed at without him. To add another point of which I have first hand knowledge of, when Alex became a free agent and left Seattle, he could have gone to any team, played for any playoff, pennant, and WS contender, but he played for himself, he wanted to be the highest paid player in baseball, took money (which was his right and decision). He took money before a chance to win pennants and World Series.
To touch on another subject. We let anyone post their thoughts here at WIN METHOD, as long as they are civil and not vulgar. We don't mind calling an idiot an idiot. Unlike the poorly operated baseball forums, we don't need an email address, any personal facts, and we do not ban anyone for expressing their views. You can't say that about the baseball forums. You get more YANKEE information here faster than anywhere. Tex signing, CC signing, Afraud return to lineup on May 8th., etc. You the fans understand that winning is why baseball is played, and to be the best you must win. You are not the best because some half witted stat fraud wants to tell you so, because of his misleading, convoluted, individual stats. You fans have made this blog the rising star of baseball talk. I will not accept any of the many offers to commercialize this blog and waste your time with popups and advertisements. Keep posting and enjoy.


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Steve said...

I was just responding to a poster and your new blog entry came up. Fantastic stuff, with no BS. It brings back the memory of Mike Francesa hanging up on me when I made a fool of him on his talk radio,tv show. Beautiful post WIN METHOD.

Dennis G said...

This is why ikeep coming here. The ratioale and common sense of thisblog is brilliant considering those who live by stats think the individual stats of a few single players is far mor valuable the the team winning.

Willie J said...

Thank you WIN METHOD, I have been told about those Afraud numbers, but to seen them in print is simply amazing.

Erica Nuyens said...

I wonder if the stat frauds who think the YANKEE win streak is do solely to the return of Afraud, also think his BA as an individual stat of .175 means anything, or is it only the WINS that matter.

Phil J. said...

"Is it all Alex's fault, absolutely not, but he is unquestionably the single biggest factor in the failure of each team to perform at the level they performed at without him."

I do question this. Pitching, pitching, and more pitching. Look at the staffs the Mariners and Rangers had with Rodriguez and after him. It's at least as important a factor, and in my view more.

Frank R said...

I'm with you WIN METHOD. Lets keep the train moving with a 10th tonight. Choo choo.

Tony V. said...

The strong performance of the bullpen has been a big ingredient in this run. Definitely worth noting. True analysts would never say it was just one guy. They consider the factors that actually lead to wins.

Nick Howard said...

Choo choo AJ. When a run of wins reaches this level, no starter wants to be the one who loses The competition usually pushes each starter. Until the team comes up against some guy who can't do anything wrong one day and he beats the Yankees. In the mean time. Choo choo,

Tony J said...

All those years does tell a big story about Arod. And yes other factors do come into play. But all those years are much less of a coincidence than his showing up and the Yankees getting hot. Great info again.

Mike Jorgenson said...

The streak had to end sometime. Just keep playing good baseball and the wins will come. Lets start the train again. Choo choo.

Mike S said...

I was arguing with my stat fraud buddy about the point of Afraud and his replacement value. he conceded that stats can be misleading and not always accurate. I gave him this blogsite and told him to follow the WIN METHOD, because it is always correct and never misleads because it is based on wins and winning. And how the WIN METHOD shows Afraud hurts teams far more than one could imagine.

bigbadwolf said...

To take WIN METHODs thought one step further. Have any of you ever looked at the members list in the baseball talk forums. Hundreds and hundreds of members who sign up, post once or twice and then are so turned off by the ignorant moderators and inane conversation at those sites, they never come back. Here is your refuge, speak your piece, and learn real baseball.

Perry Gould said...

Tony V,,,yes, all factors decide a game, hardly ever 1 player. there is far more chance that 1 player can be the cause of a loss before he is the cause for the win.

Rob Parker said...

What about players who are starters for a season or two and then become platoon guys or utilitymen? What about pitchers who enjoy an ace or #2 type season for a couple of years and then fall off? (It could be injury or just declining performance.)

These comparisons assume a player remains at the same level throughout his career. Unless you're Mariano Rivera, that's pretty unusual. It gets harder over time to find "apples to apples."

Robert Lynch said...

Don't be to surprised to see Pettitte come up with a real good game today. He wasn't that sharp last start and these things seem to ebb and flow. Big win for Andy today. Choo choo.

johnsondc said...

No Rob..We do not cause convoluted scenarios like the stat frauds do. Each year you compare each individual player to other players based on his role on his team. If a guy is a staring position player for 6 years. Losses his job, and becomes a utility player for 6 years, you compare him to is peers at the same role. It is only hard for stat frauds to understand. Mainly because they try to mislead and contrive stats.

johnny said...

I hope your right Robert, we just need to keep winning. Choo choo.

Jeanne said...

Thiscould be the swing game of the set, because CC should win tomorrow.

Vincent Gandozzi said...

I hate 4 oclock games. Choo choo.

Teena, Bronx said...

Beautiful day here in the Bronx. Choo choo.

Paul Dixon said...

Lets roll Andy. Choo choo.

Giambino said...

A fantastic WIN METHOD team win. Great game to watch and win. Choo choo, the train is moving again.

Ben Kleinhorst said...

Choo choo. A big win in the clutch. In the interview after the game did anyone notice Afraud didn't say I one time. I t was all we and we and we. A new leaf?

Corey said...

Lidge gets lit up, we win yet another WIN METHOD game. Start another streak. CC = Choo Choo tomorrow.

bigbadwolf said...

This is what the WIN METHOD is all about. When the hits are obtained, not how many. Hits at the right time WIN games. It is all about Wehn and never how many. Choo choo.

Erica Nuyens said...

I watched the whole game, never missed a pitch, and never gave up. Loved the ending. Choo choo.

Harold Jenkins said...

Yes Ben, Arods humility was refreshing for a change. Cano and Melky where the ones who got pied.

Peter Bauer said...

A win tomorrow and we take another series. Andy made one real bad pitch, but overall he pitched a decent game. Choo choo.

Rob Parker said...

johnsondc, I'd like to know if anyone associated with this blog ever actually does any actual comparison or homework. I've never seen anything beyond the basic truism "wins are best." Where's the insight?

johnsondc said...

Rob, I guess you just don't get it or do not have the ability to understand. WINS and winning is our comparison. The reason the games are played for is our comparison. Not your phoney baloney misleading fantasy stats. Winning determines who is best.

Ed Ferguson said...

I'm up and making breakfast, heading to church early, and them sitting down to watch the Yankees hopefully take another series. What a come back yesterday. Only Jeter could solve Happ, but we got to their closer and walked off with a win. Choo choo.

Rob Parker said...

What I'm asking for is your all-time Win Method rankings, johnsondc. Oh, but that would be work. Sorry.

Benny Pake said...

Great blog WIN METHOD. If everyone would learn that baseball is played for the team to win, they would enjoy the game much more,

johnsondc said...

Rob, To compare players of different era, one would have to be a fool. Comparing players of the same era however is fair and just. You do the homework, the best players of the present era are the players who have helped their team to the most playoffs, pennants, and WD Championships. Back in the earlier years of baseball one would have to realize that their was only one winning team in each division each year, Therefore much consideration must be given to players whose team may have finished second. The rules of baseball have changed, the evaluation process changes with the rules. This blog has been down this route before with many posters like you. Do your homework, read the entire blog from start to finish and you will learn baseball for why baseball is played.

Sharon/NC said... have the patience of a Saint. It is very easy to understand that the best players help their team to the most playoffs, pennants, and WS. Yes, that is why baseball is played and determines who is best.
Rob, get to know baseball, drop the individual stats and fantasy games, and root for your players to help your team WIN.

Vincent Gandozzi said...

We can close out this homestand with a bang with a win today. Then it's seven on the road. 4-3 is adequate, anything more is gravy. Choo choo.

RLA said...

A win would mean defeating the reigning world champions 2 of 3. That would be very nice. choo choo.

Mike S said...

Two ace lefties today. A big win for the WIN METHOD would be great.

johnsondc said...

Joba will not miss his start in Texas.

Rob Parker said...

That's what I thought. You can't be bothered to back up the hot air with any actual thought. The intellectual laziness is apparent.

johnsondc said...

You disgrace yourself Rob. I explained exactly how to find the information you asked for. I am not your goffer. If you do not have the intellectual capability to discover which players have helped lead their team to the most playoffs, pennants, and WS during their career, that is your problem. Not anyones here, but your problem.

Walter O said...

Tough beat. Tried but couldn't pull the walkoff today. tomorrows another day and another streak.

bonnie m said...

I hate losing by one run.

Sandho Icavor said...

It will be interesting to see if Hughes can come back with another good game tomorrow.

Ed Ferguson said...

OK, lets get this trip started with a Memorial Day win.
Remember our servicemen and women.

Victor Bruno said...

We need to keep winning series. that is all it takes to make the playoffs.

Stan Musinski said...

Start the roadie with a win guys.

Wilson Bender said...

I rechecked the factual information provided regarding Arods career with the three different teams he played for. I never knew he had such a bad effect on all three teams. Then I read back blog entries and was amazed that the Tex and CC signings were posted here before and new organization. It does say a lot for the blogger and his information. You got a convert in me.

Yankeemike said...

What a game by Hughes. Tow in a row. Could it be he has come of age. Romp.

Jim Alderson said...

Great Memorial Day game. Off to the grill.

TJ said...

Beautiful job by Hughes. Hope he doesn't revert to his past history, but Arod did go 5 for 5, a big game in yet another Yankee rout.

Dave Weber said...

Wang is going to really have to show something to get back into the rotation. Hughes is truly starting to show something. And he is still very young. Could be good for a long time.

johnny said...

one for the road, six more to go.

Pat Mirris said...

Joba should be strong since he only threw a few pitches in his last abbreiated outing.

Carlos Gonzales said...

You are right TJ. A big game for Arod in a rout. Hopefully he keep his mouth shut and just be part of the team.

Jeanne said...

Throw strikes Joba. And get a win.

johnny said...

we can't get over the hump, but it is only may.

Bill Weber said...

AJ and the Yankees have to win tonight. We can't fall back to losing series after series.

Warren Hammond said...

If any fan wants to know why baseball is played, what creates winning, how to judge the best teams and the best players, you only need to follow the WIN METHOD. It buries anything else I have seen, come across, or heard about. Best site, bar none.

Benny Pake said...

Tied for first and won a series on the road. 3 of 4 in Cleveland, yes.

bigbadwolf said...

Wang closed game out with two shutout innings last night. Everything is looking brighter. Jeter is simply amazing, year after year of superb offense and defense. Very likely the best player in the game over his career.

Frank R said...

By darn, if the team from boston loses to the Twins today, the Yankees would be in first place. If not, we can wait another few days. But it only counts when the season is over.

Sid Lovitiz said...

After reading this blog, I now know why the stat people scream and cry when I mention the WIN METHOD to them. I can see just how utterly useless the stat guys are compared to the WIN METHOD.

johnsondc said...

Welcome Sid, thank you for the great comments. Tell your friends and spread the word of the greatest most knowledgeable baseball site.

Dennis S said...

I am predicting the Yankees in first place alone after Mondays games.

Paul Dixon said...

I see Posada will be back with the Yankees tonight. I wonder if he will be used as the DH.

George Dietz said...

Pettitte and Lee should be a good matchup of quality lefties. Take the first game to get the series off on the right foot.

Ben Kleinhorst said...

For can be sure that everything stated here is factual. Glad to have you here.

Tom Loughlin said...

I've get tickets to all the games this weekend in Cleveland. I am a lifelong Yankee fan now living in Cleveland. Go Yanks.

Erica Nuyens said...

I've been away. Great blog entry WIN METHOD. Love ya.

Ben Kleinhorst said...

Yankees go old school to take over first place in the AL ast with a 3-1 win over Cleveland last night. Jeter gets the only RBI of the game knocked in with a hit. Posada comes back hitting and caught Pettitte who put 10 men on base in 5+ innings, only one of which scored. Three solid scoreless innings of relief from a very under rated bullpen. then the final inning and save from the great one, Mariano Rivera. An old time recipe that is by far one of the best in the cook book.

Steve said...

The Yankee haters are going to be crying all year. You can hear the whining now. "The Yanks bought the pennant". "Steinbrenners money". Whaaaa, whaaaa, whaaa. They are almost as bad as the stat frauds.

Mort White said...

I almost forgot what it feels like to be in first place. Great blog people.

Curtis Fitzgerald said...

Did anyone notice how poorly afraud looked at third base last night. Man, is he a weak defensive player. Can't come in on a ball, popups are an adventure, and not much range either left or right. that's OK, we still won and WINS are all that count.

Ricky Dawkins said...

Reading and pondering your most recent blog, I feel Arod in no way determines the direction of this team. Whether he plays or doesn't play has little meaning to the teams overall success.

TJ said...

Curtis.. I was thinking the same thing. Fortunately Jeter covers him to his left and on popups.

James Phillips said...

Now if only Jeter could cover to his own left...but seriously, I'll be interested to see how Rodriguez looks in the field over the rest of the season. That could be the area where his hip impedes him most. So far he is definitely covering less ground and making fewer plays. Even so, Ransom clearly wasn't the answer, and I don't think Peña would be either if he was an everyday player.

TJ said... are right, Ransom and Pena overall are not a better value than Arod. But if Arod went down, I could see Pena filling in without hurting the team. Less offensively but far better defensively.
Jeter even average going to his left, still leaves him as the best shortstop in the game.

Stan Musinski said...

The bosux lose again to the Bluejays. Life is great. No joy in beantown this weekend. Just whining bosux fans.

Erica Johnston said...

Rock and roll tonight guys. Don't let anything slip by. I's all about the WINS.

Sharon/NC said...

Positive vibes tonight.

Giambino said...

Well, the road trip is a success, even with two games to go. This team is really looking solid. WINS is the name of the game, and the WIN METHOD is all about winning.

Walter O said...

The bosux fans are drowning in the Charles river. The rightful kings are retaking the crown.

johnsondc said...

Take a deep breath WIN METHOD fans and always remember the teachings of WIN METHOD.. "when a team is on a big win streak, the team is not that good, and when a team is on a big losing streak, the team is not that bad".
It is a long season and much will happen. But things do look good.

H Lopez said...

you are right johnsondc. slow and easy does it. just keep winning and the season will take care of itself.

Vincent Gandozzi said...

Hitting, pitching, defense all in unison right now. A lot of pieces are coming together in a positive way.

Dean Bilosi said...

This staff is quickly becoming the deepest and best in baseball. Kudos to Girardi and his handling of and situations.

glen said...

Let the game begin.

Billy Hoffman said...

Tough loss. But there were positives. Hughes was acceptable. Wang looks like he is back. Tex another big game. Defense ties record for error less games. Negatives, Arod contributes nothing and likely costs game with poor position on Peralta grounder to third. If he is closer to line like he should be, Peraltas grounder is a DP.

Ricky Dawkins said...

I was thinking the same thing about Arods positioning. when ball was hit, I thought it would be a DP. When the replay was showed, I couldn't believe how far off the line Arod was. Oh wee, a win tomorrow and we can have a 5-2 road trip.

bigbadwolf said...

It may not have been totally Arods fault. The bench could have moved him.

Yankeemike said...

Melky is slated to be back in lineup tomorrow. Joba needs to throw strikes and stop fooling around.

Nick Howard said...

We need this game to take another series although a split on the road is not awful. Strike Joba, strikes.

Rob Parker said...

We need to keep the pressure on the rest of the division. Once they realize we are back and for real, the rest will take care of itself.

Ed Ferguson said...

What a game from Joba. Another series won, a great road trip, first place, error less game streak, everything looking good. Joba was super.

Anonymous said...

This team has really come around thanks to WIN METHOD. Great game, lets have a great home stand.

Harry Baumont said...

The way Joba pitched last night is good reason for him to be a starter. Nice effort, in command all the way. and a super defensive diving catch on a bunt for a DP.

Laura Koeler said...

Jeter got his 2600th hit last night. He should get his 3000th during the 2011 season. What a great baseball talent, with character and integrity.

Erica Johnston said...

Laura, Jeter in reality being the best baseball player in the world for the past 15 years, is very likely the most under rated player in baseball.

johnsondc said...

====== N O T I C E ======
WIN METHOD fans, Google has notified us that this blog has just been viewed for the one millionth time. This buries all the major phoney baloney talk forums combined. Thank you fans, keep reading and learning baseball at its best and the way the game is played without the BS.

Erica Nuyens said...

Wow! What a great tribute to WIN METHOD and the fans of this blog. One million hits. Congratulations and may the Yankees give you a win tonight to celebrate. Love ya.

Ed Ferguson said...

Great game. One bad inning by AJ. Tex gets mad and sends shortstop into left field. AJ retaliates. Great site and great work WIN METHOD.

Victor Bruno said...

The best part of the WIN METHOD is if you win at a higher rate than your competition, you win your division, no matter what any other stat can tell you. Great win. Andy tonight. Lets keep it going.

Teens,Bronx said...

Possible rain, showers, thunderstorms, delaying game tonight. Need to take it right to the Rangers.

Rob Parker said...

Victor, what part of the method has anything to do with this self-evident observation?

Rob Parker (the first one on this thread; odd that there should be another different one)

johnsondc said...

Rob...I would intelligently surmise that Victor was stating that wins are the only thing that matters. And if you win at the highest rate you go to the playoffs, NO MATTER what any other stat or stat fraud would tell you.

Teena, Bronx said...

The game will be played tonight, start may? be delayed slightly, with off and on light rain most of the night. Maybe some a little heavier. Going to the Friday night game.

Sam Bucci said...

Bear down Andy. Lets keep it going.

Rob Parker said...

The way it comes across, though, is like saying "The Pope is Catholic" or "Water is wet." In other words: Duh!

bigbadwolf said...

Wang will start tomorrow against Texas. CC is being held until Friday against the Rays, and Hughes will work out of the bullpen for now.

Anonymous said...

Afraud looks to be back to the same old choke Afraud. I have never seen one batter come to hit with the bases loaded so many times over this past week and fail so miserably so often.

Harold Jenkins said...

And here I thought I was the only one thinking that way. afraud is the last Yankee I want up in the clutch.

Giambino said...

Let me be another to congratulate WIN METHOD. His baseball knowledge and wisdom is second to none. Over a million hits on this site is a phenomenal achievement. Great site from a great person.

bigbadwolf said...

We take two of three from Texas for second week in row. Melky comes up big again. WHEN, not how many. Melky has solidly been WHEN.

Dennis S said...

Nice win to keep the momentum going.
Should be excellent four game set against the Rays. WINS.

johnsondc said...

To update all you WIN METHOD fans, WIN METHOD is on the road and talking with countless college players. He probably will not post until the college WS is over.

Ed Ferguson said...

No doubt WIN METHOD will find the next Yankee WIN METHOD player. A champion with character and integrity such as Derek Jeter, Jorge Posada, and Mo Rivera.

Teena, Bronx said...

It's raining right now, there is a good chance game tonight will be played, and I'll be there. will keep you updated.

Erica Nuyens said...

Aren't you 3 for 3 Teena? Keep the streak going.

Steve said...

You should see a good one Teena. Keep your streak going.

Teena, Bronx said...

Continuous rain, light to moderate. Game may be backed up, but I'll be there.

Teena, Bronx said...

Game has been canceled. Oh shucks, what a downer.

Teena, Bronx said...

It is clearing slowing here in the Bronx. There will be baseball today.

Glen Williams said...

One heck of a pitiful loss. to many starters having a horrid inning costing the game. and Mo was a disappointment, but I guess he is entitled once and awhile.

Stan Musinski said...

Yesterday, ninth inning, four runs down, everyone contributes, or hits a solid shot for an out but Afraud. dribbler to third. How do you spell CHOKER. A win today guys.

Mike S said...

Lets rock and roll today .

Nick Howard said...

I like the fact that the Yankees didn't reschedule the Friday game this weekend and reset their pitching rotation instead. Hope it works out.

johnsondc said...

A superior WIN METHOD win today. Rubber game tomorrow.

Warren Hammond said...

yes johnsondc...a brilliant win, good pitching, a break for an extra out, and the game was won. That is waht the WIN METHOD is all about, WINS.

Paul Dixon said...

Andy tonight, another win and another series can be ours. Then on to boston. No big innings tonight Andy. Keep it simple, throw strikes.

Vincent Gandozzi said...

Yes, if we can take tonights game and then 2 of 3 in Boston, that will send a message, if the message hasn't already been sent.

Nancy Skinner said...

I have realy gottento like this site. I wasn't so sure in the beginning. But it has won me over. Sure beats the talk forums.

johnsondc said...

Yes Nancy, this site buries talk forums. Very few nitwit wanabe knowitalls here. Just great winning baseball and Yankee fans.

Gene P said...

Shat I enjoyed most from yesterdays game, was Rivera coming right back from the previous day fiasco, with a perfect inning to close out the game.

Fred Slube said...

I was just perusing this blog. I can't believe Arod had such a detrimental effect on all his teams for all those years. Very eye opening when his failures are put in perspective.

Steve said...

Nice game but for the dreaded three run inning. Afraud seems to be back to his old form. Another three innings of shutout ball from the relief corps.

Nick Howard said...

Dead on right Steve. With just enough big boomers from four different guys. Two of three from the bosux would be super.

Sharon/NC said...

Great win last night, beating a WS team. Now on to Boston. Lets keep it going.

johnny said...

2 of 3 2 of 3 2 of 3 in Boston

Barney Simms said...

Two or three is fine, three of three is finer. WINS is what it is all about.

tommy boyd said...


Ben Kleinhorst said...

A sweep would be sweet. I'll live with two of three. Or live to fight another day with only one.

Steve said...

AJ has something to prove tonight after blowing that six run lead last time out in Boston. Look for a Yankee win in game one of the series tonight.

Tom Payton said...

Is it necessary to deal in such extremes here? Two examples:

1. The Madonna-whore thing with Jeter and Rodriguez. The truth lies in between for both. Jeter isn't holy and Rodriguez isn't what many here make him out to be either.

2. Why is it necessary to take shots at other sites? If this one is really that much better, you don't have to put the other guys down.

johnsondc said...

Tom...You are welcome to your opinion, as are all posters here. The overwhelming consensus here is that Jeter lays over Arod, and since this is a WIN METHOD site, that is been proven without a doubt. There is no middle ground, Jeter has been the best player in baseball for the past 15 years, while Arod has earned his Afraud reputation, by what has been clearly and irrefutably documented illustrating his crippling of teams he plays for.
As to other sites, many posters, and I am one of them are not allowed to post in forums because we make fools of the moderators and other posters at those sites by professing winning is what determines the best players and teams. Many at the talk forums live for meaningless stats so they play their fantasy games and live in a fog, while never really learning true baseball and winning.

Steve said...

Tom, for me it is simple, you either believe that winning defines the best or not. personally, i laugh at anyone who tries to tell me that the winning players on the winning team are not the best. then why in hell do they play 162 games to qualify for the playoffs, then have to be the only team to win 11 games to win the world series.

Giambino said...

The talk forums usually consist largely of young immature posters who know very little of baseball history or what it takes for a team to win. They are unable to debate when challenged, particularly when confronted with documented facts. As with stats, they try to contrive, manipulate, and bend reality to fit their misguided views.

bigbadwolf said...

Hey Tom.....Google has notified us that this blog has broken one million views. WIN METHOD must be doing something right and is attraction countless people who are coming to realize that the BS stat frauds are misleading them while WIn METHOD proves that winning and wins is the name of the game. Plus, when you are able to post two star signings days before anyone else, WIN METHOD knows his stuff.

Teena/Bronx said...

Lets get ready to rumble. LETS GO YANKEES >< LETS GO YANKEES

Walter O said...

As WIN METHOD believes, a loss in a game you can't win is the best loss. Ugh. try again another day.

Eddie O'Connor said...

Wang should be very interesting tonight. a wang win would be a major boost for the Yankee prognosis.

Danny Hall said...

You've gotta believe. Two of three is still possible. WINS

Mike Jorgenson said...

At the present rate the Yankees are losing to Boston, they will have to play .700 ball against everyone else to win the division. Wake up guys.

bonnie m said...

If Wang can come up big, that alone may define the Yankee season and the demist of the dirty sox.

johnsondc said...

Last nights 6-5 loss to the bosux was what WIN METHOD would deem a dreadful would've, could've loss. Today we start the road to recovery.

Bill Watson said...

Yes johnsondc, last night was a bosux WIN METHOD win. Great for them, horrid for us.

Erica Nuyens said...

If there is anything I have learned from WIN METHOD, it is this streak of losing to Boston should really be getting under the players skin. This will give them incentive and show them that they are in a pennant race, and can't take anything for granted. A character building losing streak, to say the least.

Curtis Fitzgerald said...

CC needs to earn his keep tonight.

Frank Genovese said...

"We let anyone post their thoughts here at WIN METHOD, as long as they are civil and not vulgar."

Bosux: vulgar. Not classy.

johnsondc said...

Frank...WIN METHOD himself, many many years ago created and commenced using "bosux". Many fans here use it, as do I. I can not speak for all posters here, and I see some use bosux, some use other phrases describing the fine Boston Red Sox baseball team. I love the very accurate and descriptive phrase bosux and will use it for the rest of my life, as I feel WIN METHOD will also, unless he comes up with something even better. If you feel disparaged and or annoyed by the phrase bosux, then I am very pleased, and to bad.

Sam Bucci said...

Come on guys, lets rock the sox tonight.

Giambino said...

Considering what SOME of the bosux fans chant at decrepit fenway, bosux is a very descriptive and accurate term. If it offends any bosux fans, good. Great job WIN METHOD.

Sharon/NC said...

In a few minutes, a new chapter in Yankee/bosux history will start. A chapter that will bring much sadness and tears to bosux fans.

Frank Genovese said...

Not disparaged (as a Yankee fan) or annoyed. Just disappointed. Thought Yankee fans had more class. And it's not very clever or original either.

bigbadwolf said...

Frank..Glad you are saddened. Yes it is very clever and original.

bigbadwolf said...

Sad series against the bosux. They out WIN METHODed us.

Ed Ferguson said...

Poor Frank...Fans of all teams taunt and tease one and another. What is a no no are the fans who cry about it. Whiners and cry babies demean their own team and I find them to be a disgrace and unacceptable.

Lets get back to winning baseball and win this set against the muts.

Vincent Gandozzi said...

I guess after the bosux debacle it is now time to regroup and mount another charge. Aiming to the next war in August.

Sam Bucci said...

Is it true that the Yankees drafted a pitcher from where WIN METHOD lives.

Yankeemike said...

Hopefully playing teams from the far inferior national league wlll get the Yankee ship back afloat. The Yankees have done very well against the nl over the years.

Warren Hammond said...

These past three games have really teed me off. Stop the crap and start kicking butt.

Andrew J. said...

Warren.. I gsee you were not happy with the games against the bosux. Neither was I. Joe needs to get his house in order and win.

TJ said...

Let the rebound sweep begin.

Carlos Gonzales said...

Unbelievable, Afraud fails yet again, and the Yankees get a gift.

bill walker said...

What a break. Joba gave up two runs in the third, and no one hit the ball. God help me, you'vwe got to throw strikes.

Gene P said...

A win is a win is a win. Go for two today.

Glen Williams said...

Pettitte should be a fresh air after seeing Joba miss the plate so many times last night.

johnny said...

let the game begin

Erica Nuyens said...

Help WIN METHOD, we need your wisdom to get through this.

H Lopez said...

The sox may start putting some distance between them and us, if we don't get our act straight.

Nick Howard said...

A loss today means losing two series in a row. Not good. We need to get back to playing good baseball.

Teena, Bronx said...

OK, I'm going to Sunday mass and will say a prayer. Lets go Yankees.

Teena, Bronx said...

I guess my prayer worked. bye bye Santana. everyone contributes but Afaud. Oh yeah, it's 11-0, Afraud should get up a couple of more times. Perfect time to pad his meaningless stats.

bigbadwolf said...

Way to many wasted runs today. Isn't it amazing how players can deliver when the games has been decided, but struggle when the game is on the line. It is exactly as WIN METHOD says, greatness is determined by WHEN you deliver, not by how much you deliver, exact for WINS.

Pete Sims said...

bbw: do you think is it possible for a lineup to collectively take its foot off the gas pedal? If so, at what point would you have them do it?

bigbadwolf said...

Pete, it is not a question of asking someone to give up an at bat. The difference in at bats is the different situations. An at bat in the 7th inning in an 11-0 blowout is pressure free and relatively meaningless to the outcome of the game. The same 7th inning in a very close game could help determine the game. Point being, it is a lot easier for some players to perform leading 11-0 than in a tight meaningful situation.

Steve said...

bigbadwolf.....also, you can say a close game between two playoff contenders has much more meaning and pressure than a close game between two also rans. That is one of the reasons WIN METHOD values winning so much.

Curtis Fitzgerald said...

A day of rest. Then on to another series or two to win this week.

sandy loring said...

lets take advantage of another nl team and win another series.

Dennis G said...

We need another win streak, one to hit double figures.

Mort White said...

Dennis...I'll go for that streak.

Hank Beisenet said...

A win is a win is a win. That's 2.

Harry Winston said...

It has been mentioned before, but it really does seem that our starters seem to have one bad inning each start, and it usually is a 3 run inning.

Mike S said...

Big game for Wang today. It would be nice if he can regain his skills and be dominant like he was. Lets go for three in a row.

johnsondc said...

For any newcomes. Winning is the single most important thing in baseball, and why the game is played. Measuring anyone by anything other than WINS is fools gold.

Steve said...

Right on johnsondc. The game is all about wins and winning. nothing else matters. Let the stat frauds play their fantasy games.

Harry the Hoosier said...

johnsondc, what might you have to say about the career of Don Mattingly, a very fine Yankee who unfortunately got to the playoffs only once?

Sid Lovitz said...

Tough loss, down to thwe last out. Recover today.

johnsondc said...

Hoosier,,, Donny 'baseball' was a very good player, just not the best first baseman during his era. If he didn't get hurt and have to end his career, he may very well have helped his team achieve more.

Harry the Hoosier said...

Here's a what if. Let's say the declining Mattingly hung on for the 1996 season. The Yankees would then most likely not have made the Tino Martinez deal. If they had still won the '96 Series with Donnie, thanks to the other fresh talent that Gene Michael identified, would the ring have "validated" his career under the Win Method?

Also, are Keith Hernandez and John Olerud greater because they won two rings apiece? (Keith has a good case anyway.) Are the likes of Franklin Stubbs and Steve Balboni greater because they have a ring each in that era?

Mattingly in many ways is the Ernie Banks of his era. Judging him by wins alone is selling him short.

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