I couldn't let this go any longer. As you all know by now, Yu Darvish has decided to play major league baseball and will be posted in Japan any day now. Yu Darvish is WIN METHOD and would make a fantastic addition to the YANKEES. This could be the piece that can carry the YANKEES to the 2012 World Series Championship. The YANKEES will make a very substantial offer to win the rights to be able to negotiate with Darvish. Yu Darvish if he had his choice, wants to play for the YANKEES, and he wants to WIN. Those beautiful words 'wants to WIN', not play for himself, but for the team to WIN. It is now up to the YANKEE ownership to open up the purse strings and earn the rights to Darvish. After that it will be easy. Unfortunately, the YANKEES can not control what some other team is willing to spend for the rights to Darvish. If it was a straight up decision by Darvish, he would become a YANKEE. If all goes well, Darvish could be a gigantic Christmas present to YANKEE fans from the Steinbrenners.
If we do not get the rights to Darvish, there is one more option which I am unable to discuss at this time. Hopefully we will not have to use any backup plans.
I should be home for the Christmas season in the few days. I would like to wish all you WIN METHOD fans out there, the greatest and most knowledgeable fans in the world, a very MERRY CHRISTMAS and a happy and healthy New Year.
Our goal for 2012 is crystal clear, another World Series Championship.
From all the information I am getting, the YANKEE pitching in 2012 will be the best in years. We have minds concentrating on winning and the youngsters will be blooming and growing. 28 in 12.