Friday, September 18, 2009


One of the WIN METHODS first player selections and arguably possibly the greatest was Derek Jeter. Derek Jeter is the consumate ball player, a true leader, a clutch performer, a consistent performer, a man of character, charisma, reliability, and dependability.
Recently Derek Jeter surpassed Lou Gehrigs all time hit total as a player wearing a YANKEE uniform. Lou had held the title for the past seventy-two years.
There are a couple of other facts regarding Jeter which illustrate his overwhelming greatness and his being the best baseball player in the world over the past fifteen plus years. One, Derek Jeter has won more baseball games than other MLB player. This is an amazing fete considering some of the names of players one could throw around over the past fifteen years. Two, Derek Jeters popup rate to the infield is the lowest in all of MLB by an unbelievably wide margin. Jeter pops out to the infield approximately one time for every one hundred at bats. An astonishing fete that no one else comes close to.
Throw in this fact, Jeter has helped lead his team to the playoffs every year but one of his career. He has won six American League pennants and four World Series. Jeters defense at shortstop is second to no one in baseball and he, over his career, has made plays in crucial situations that no other player could ever dream of.
Congratulation, Derek Jeter, for what you have accomplished and will still accomplish in the future.


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Erica Nuyens said...

Super tribute to one of the greatest players in baseball. Love you WIN METHOD.

Chuck Adams said...

Come to think of it, I don't ever remember Jeter popping up. Nice post WIN METHOD.

Pat Piper said...

Lets hope Jeets can lead us to the promised land, one more time.

Sharon/NC said...

Jeter is God.

johnsondc said...

Great piece on Jeter. and so right on.

Tom Loughlin said...

Very true, everyone needs to get their head on straight and play Derek Jeter winning baseball. Choo choo.

Frank R said...

Would love to see AJ come up with a really good game and dominate. Beating the King would be great.

YankeeMike said...

This is a good game for the Yankees to get into a playoff mood. Facing a top rated pitcher, on the road. Great game to win. choo choo

Harold Jenkins said...

This blog has grown astronomically since I first started posting here. It's no wonder, great blogs from a knowledgeable baseball man. Plus a high quantity and degree of reader comments. Like mine LOL

Alex P said...

I'm watching the game on Direct TV and what is the first thing mentioned by the Yankee announcers. Derek Jeter has only popped up to the infield one time this entire season. Those guys must read WIN METHODs blog. It is the best way to learn and get baseball smart.

WIN METHOD said...

A very sad loss last night as Mo blows a save and loses the game at the same time.
You must walk away with the positives. AJ looks playoff ready with a dominating in control seven inning effort of one run ball. Hughes after breaking his scoreless streak (a good thing) a few games ago, comes in and dominates the eighth inning. Then the final positive, Mo breaks his dominant scoreless streak and finally blows a game and that streak also. Time for Mo to restart and dominate the playoffs. Everything is turning out fine.

sid greenberg/nyc said...

You are always positive and upbeat WIN METHOD. That is one of the great things about this blog. You keep an even keel and you know baseball, its ups, its downs, and what motivates players and the team.

Ted L said...

CC dominates, the bats score too many runs and we romp to home field advantage. With the last two prep efforts from AJ and CC it looks good for the playoffs.

William Mensom said...

What's up with Chamberlain. Efforts like today don't cut it and are totally unacceptable.

Jimmy Thames said...

If Joba pitches like yesterday, I hope we only need three starters.

Dick Groch said...

Dick Groch scouted and was responsible for signing Derek Jeter, not you, sorry.

bigbadwolf said...

With the loss last night. Pettitte looking decent, the bats impotent, things are looking very rosy for the playoffs.

WIN METHOD said...

Sorry Dick, you are making a fool of yourself. The only reason Jeter was signed by the YANKEES was Mr.S. demanded he be first pick signed being a WIN METHOD selection. Ther is no doubt, many scouts were lookin at Jeter, however several teams passed on him and he was signed only because Mr.S. told the selectors to and only because he was a WIN METHOD selection.

Steve said...

The naysayers are desperate WIN METHOD. Pay them no heed. Probably just another stat fraud jerk.

Vince D said...

We need to beat the Angels and show them who is boss. Gaudin would shock them with a big game. choo choo

Occom's Razor said...

So, Steinbrenner was so thrilled with the pick of Jeter that he went out and signed Tony Fernandez to play shortstop in 1995?

Dick Groch was responsible for convincing Yankee brass to take a chance with Jeter. There are countless published accounts of this in both Jeter and Groch's own words.

So either Derek Jeter and Dick Groch are lying, and New York newspapers are publishing these lies. Or you are lying.

WIN METHOD said...

Fake poster...No one is lying. Probably every player is scouted by someone at one time or another. That is the job of the scout. Scouts pass their recommendations on to their superiors who analyze, discuss and decide on their possibilities. Some choices they make, are very likely to be gobbled up by other teams, which then forces the team to make secondary picks in the draft. The WIN METHOD has no input or even cares on whom scouts find worthy to whatever degree to hold. The WIN METHOD is entirely separate of any scouting and if you have read the WIN METHOD from the beginning, it will show you how a player is selected by the WIN METHOD. The WIN METHOD selection is then given to Mr. Steinbrenner and rated 1,2,3, etc.
Mr.Steinbrenner then orders his agent to draft the WIN METHOD player (if said player is still available) at selection time. Jeter was the WIN METHOD number one pick and therefor was selected first. The drafters had no option and were under Mr.Steinbrenners orders, as they have been for every WIN METHOD draft selection. I have little to no doubt that every WIN METHOD selection has been scouted and rated to some degree by countless scouts. In conclusion, no one has lied nor is lying. It's just that you are a fool grasping desperately at straws. Get a life, fraud.

johnsondc said...

Stat frauds and the skells of the world do not like to use their real names when they post their ignorance here. They spew unsubstantiated, false claims and expect intelligent people to take them serious. Occom or whomever you are, go back to you talk forum and post your garbage.

Ben Pake said...

WIN METHOD, we all know you are honest and fair, and you know almost everything about baseball, but why do you let those fools post here.

sid greenberg/nyc said...

Anyone who knows baseball knows that George ran the Yankees, inside and out, backwards and forwards in those years. I can just see him falling in love with the WIN METHOD when it was proposed to him with years and years of documentation and him knowing WIN METHOD since he bought the team. George is no ones fool and he knew a winner when he saw it.

WIN METHOD said...

Getting back to the baseball season. YANKEE fans, do not worry about our present failures. The playoff spot has been clinched, now is the time to prepare for the playoffs. Wins and losses are no big deal right now. Now is the time to prepare the mind and soul which is the essence of the WIN METHOD. It will be very interesting what Arod brings to the table. If he plays for the team, we will be OK. If he reverts to playing for himself, we will have to work around him.

Erica Nuyens said...

You are great WIN METHOD, love you.

bigbadwolf said...

Stop sucking up Erica, WIN METHOD has a big enough head as it is. But well deserved.

Sharon/NC said...

A win tonight would be great. choo choo

johnsondc said...

You got your win Sharon. A very nice WIN METHOD victory with a fill in pitcher starting. On to the playoffs.

Corey S said...

All hail the brilliant WIN METHOD.

WIN METHOD said...

Recently perusing several baseball talk sites, I am always amazed how many stat frauds believe losing is better than winning or that a low ERA is better than winning or whatever sta du jour they are using is better than winning. Remember fans, there is absolutely no substitute for winning at determining the best teams and best players.

Don Hicks said...

No question about that WIN METHOD. There is no way on this Gods earth that you can be the best without winning. Those losers are probably the same people who voted for obuma.

Howie H said...

Rockem AJ choo choo

WIN METHOD said...

Another fantastic well played WIN METHOD win for the YANKEES. Take the series from the Angels (the first time in over five years), earn a .500 road trip, and set the tone for a possible post reunion. AJ did very well to earn the win and a patchwork bullpen goes unscored upon.

Stan Musinski said...

It was a good game to watch. And yet another win without Arod. This team is solid.

Ted L said...

Yes a great game. Now rest and recoup. On to the playoffs.

Cindy Jones said...

What a nice season. Everything seems to be coming together nicely. Would love to win another World Series. George deserves another.

Anonymous said...

We have the bosux coming up over the weekend, a series that means nothing to us and one the bosux need desperately. choo choo

WIN METHOD said...

Tex and Jeter should be one two in the MVP. But alas, the fools who do not know baseball will give it to someone who could not help their team to the playoffs. But then the award name should be changed to best individual season. Baseball is a team game with the success of the team being the goal, not the success of any individual.

Tony Scirica said...

Don't forget in stat fraud world, the losers are the winners and the winners are the losers.

William Mensom said...

Unless an award is soley based only on what a player does for his own personal stats, no player should get any award unless his team makes the playoffs.

bigbadwolf said...

Is the MVP based on what you accomplish for yourself or for a players deeds in helping his team win????????

Howie H said...

Some voters see it one way, the right way, winning, and some voters see it another way, what you do for yourself, losers.

Paul H said...

Howie is right. It depends on whether or not you are a winner or loser. No matter what, I would rather go to the playoffs with my team than to go home with some meaningless award.

Erica Nuyens said...

There is only one right answer. Whatever WIN METHOD says is right. Love ya.

YankeeMike said...

Didn't Afraud get the mvp for helping bury his team in last place. They can give it to anyone. In essence, the award is meaningless.

Ben Pake said...

Lets forget the meaningless, lets concentrate on the playoffs and winning another World Series. choo choo

Sharon/NC said...

Winning is not everything, it is the only thing. choo choo

Ted V said...

Would love to see Joba shut down the bosux for a few innings tonight.

johnny said...

yankees are the best choo choo choo chooo chooo choo

Hank Besinet said...

If the Yankees beat the bosux tonight, it could send negative sound waves through the bosux nation.

Tim H said...

Big game Joba. Show your stuff.

Dennis G said...

What a super game. Jpba in control and looking like the if needed fourth starter for the playoffs. We manhandle the sux and Lester. Perfect choo choos.

Carl Wooster said...

Put the sux away today CC.

Erica Johnston said...

We have just taken 3 of 4 games from our top two competitors and haven't used are ace CC. Wow. Choo choo.

Steve said...

Righ Erica, this team is really rolling along. Girardi has done a masterful job with this WIN METHOD created team. Choo choo.

Tom Loughlin said...

CC has a chance to win 20. choo choo

WIN METHOD said...

CC dominates, Hughes dominates, Mo dominates, YANKEES win 3-0. Take another series and crush the bosux. choo choo.

William Mensom said...

The Yankees win, the Yankees win. What a game. Our staff is in mid October form and getting better.

bigbadwolf said...

What a season. Thanks for all the positive comments WIN METHOD. choo choo

Sam McMurray said...

Pettitte needs to put an end to the bosux this afternoon. choo choo

Teena/Bronx said...

The rain is moving thru here really fast and the game should be played this afternoon. It is raining now, but I think we will be OK. choo choo

John Hobbs said...

CC was magnificent. He has thrown 300 less pitches so far this year than last year. That's an extra 3 games of arm strength and wins.

WIN METHOD said...

Welcome to the many new posters here at the greatest baseball blog site in the world. Thank you to all the long time posters also who have made this site what it is.

Frank R said...

I for one would think many of us return and return because the blog is positive and encouraging. Sort of the glass is always half full compare to half empty. The insight provided is marvelous and the best in baseball.

Alex P said...

I agree great blog. Lets keep the train rolling Andy. choo choo.

Erica Nuyens said...

You make it the best site in baseball WIN METHOD. Love ya. choo choo.

Linda Pardo said...

You called it again Teens. choo choo.

WIN METHOD said...

The NEW YORK YANKEES led by the old guard, Pettitte with the win on six solid innings, Rivera getting the save, and Jeter leading the way with two more hits sweep the bosox and earn the AL East championship.
Now a week to prepare and then on to the second season playoff battle.

Steve said...

We are the champions. But the goal is to win it all.

sid greenberg/nyc said...

Super game from Andy. Superior relief from Bruney and Coke. And Mo finishes it off again.

Alex P said...

Lets celebrate, everyone have your refreshment of choice. I love this blog.

Ben Pake said...

100 WIN METHOD wins and counting. Play out the season, and then the magic number is 11. Yes we will. choo choo choo choo choo choo choo.

Carl Wooster said...

Great game fans, great game. Let the good times and the train keep rolling. Get out of the way.

Erica Nuyens said...

Love ya WIN METHOD. Thank you for all you have done, are doing, and will do to make this team teh best in baseball.

johnsondc said...

Great to see so many posts celebrating the Yankees. Keep them coming and the train moving. Choo choo.

William Mensom said...

Stay healthy guys, get rested and ready, the second season will be ours.

Hank Besinet said...

It's just not the winning, it's the attitude of winning. It looks like the players expect to win every game.

bigbadwolf said...

Congrats WIN METHOD.

Frank R said...

We are playing some fine baseball, day in and day out. Choo choo.

george wilson said...

Lets celebrate this whole week and prepare for the next challenge.

Pete Starks said...

We finish on the road. KC tonight with Gaudin getting the start. Choo choo.

johnsondc said...

With all the useless stats the stat frauds throw around, you can see why this country is going to hell in a hand basket being led by a skell. Will these fools ever learn that only winning can make you the best.

Steve said...

Right on johnsondc, both politically and and in sports. Lets win again tonight, no mercy, steam roll them, choo choo,

johnny said...

hooray Yankees

Walt Hammond said...

Another win. choo choo with the second string.

Lou Lis said...

Keep on going guys. Lets take another series and get into the tight winning frame of mind. choo choo

Sam McMurray said...

Dominate AJ. choo choo

Stan Musinski said...

Another walk off win and another series. We just have to lose a game before the playoffs. WOW!

Dennis Green said...

Yes, great comeback win again. I agree we need to lose a game or two now.

Sharon/NC said...

AJ was solid last night. The playoff rotation is looking solid too.

johnsondc said...

AJ was solid again. Looks to be in playoff form as does CC. Andy will grind it out and hang tough no matter what. Joba goes tonight and hopefully will build on last effort. choo choo

Tim H said...

Twixt and between. We need to have a loss, but I want our pitchers to do well.

Erica Johnston said...

A very acceptable loss. Kill three more games and then we start from scratch. the train will roll again. Choo choo.

Henry Gnomes said...

We need everyone to stay healthy and be sharp for Verlander next week. Wonder what pitchers will not make the cut next week.

Tom Loughlin said...

Win four more series and everything is ours.

Harold Jenkins said...

One of the four does not mean a thing. The first one. Win the three post season series and everything will be ours.

Dennis G said...

The train, in my opinion, will steam roll the opponent in the first round. I say three in a row. choo choo

Capt. Len Dowd said...

Steady as she goes mates. One series at a time. Pitch well, hit well, defend well. choo choo and ahoy.

johnny said...

choo choo choo choo go yankees

WIN METHOD said...

If you were paid to, you couldn't write a better script for a meaningless game at the end of the season when your destiny has already been established. Meaningless loss by the best pitcher in baseball, bloating his meaningless ERA, same for several members of the relief corps. A perfect drubbing. Oh yes, God is good.

Erica Nuyens said...

Always positive and always right WIN METHOD. Love ya.

johnsondc said...

Lose them WHEN they don't count and WIN them WHEN they do count. Uncompromising logic from the genius of the WIN METHOD.

Hank Besinet said...

A 7 or 8 game win streak now, even with the last 2 games of the season included, would carry us well into the 2nd round and more than likely into the world series.

bigbadwolf said...

The season couldn't end any better for the Yankees. A lost series, and now for the train to roll to the WS.

Sharon.NC said...

I can't wait for the playoffs to start. They will be so exciting. Particularly after not being in them last year for the first time in a long time.

Steve said...

I'm with you Sharon. I just Arod helps us and doesn't leave that major hole in the lineup like he usually does.

Hank Besinet said...

It looks like we are ready for the post season. lets see if Arod can perform in the clutch as he performed today in a meaningless game. If he can, we are in great shape.

Tim H said...

If the Tigers win the playoff game vs. the Twins and the Yankees select the shorter days series, the Yankees would only have to face Verlander one time. A lot of ifs.

William Mensom said...

Hopefully nothing will make a difference. If the Yankees play like they have been this year and coming off a losing series, winning three straight series should be no big deal.

bigbadwolf said...

Congratulations go out to the WIN METHOD evaluation tool for again reaching the playoffs and being the greatest player evaluation tool in baseball.

Stan Musinski said...

Super job again WIN METHOD. Congrats

johnsondc said...

WIN METHOD rules, everyone else are fools.

sid greenberg/nyc said...

There is only one best, and that is WIN METHOD. with more successes and championships than anyone else. Salute WIN METHOD>

Dennis G said...

Great job WIN METHOD. Show us the way.

Tom Loughlin said...

Thank you WIN METHOD

Kevin Daniels said...

Keep the train rolling WIN METHOD. You are the engineer. choo choo

Herb W said...

Congratulations WIN METHOD. Good work. On to the playoffs Start the train rolling CC. Choo Choo.

YankeeMike said...

Thanks WIN METHOD. choo choo CC. Go Yankees. Show us the way Captain Derek.

Bennie Pake said...

Throw strike and dominate CC. choo choo, out of the way the train is moving.

johnny said...

go yankees chooo chooo choooc chooo

Fred Slube said...

Show us the way Derek. Hard CC. Get the train moving guys. choo choo.

Stan Musinski said...

The captain leads his team to game one of the playoffs. Ten more to go. CC did very well and the pen was perfect again. The train has started to roll. choo choo.

Will Hester said...

What a gorgeous game. Jeter continually proves he is the best player in the game. Now for AJ to throw strikes and hard Friday and the train moves on choo choo

Ted L. said...

Maybe the Twins will recover with the days rest, but I think the Yankees are just to much for them.
To add, I think you called the post season roster for the first round perfect WIN METHOD. You were the only person I know who said we would carry three catchers.

Henry Hays said...

Very nice game. Of course Derek sets the tone and leads by example. Wins, that's what the game is all about.

Gary Gunn said...

Girardi has been using his pitchers like a master chess champion. Joba should develop very well for next year. Bigger and stronger.

Ted Knight said...

Superb game to watch. Solid pitching and hitting. choo choo

Cindy J said...

Yeah, the game one win was solid. Completed with solid fundamental baseball. Lets keep it going and the train rolling.

Sharon.NC said...

Hard and on target AJ. Blow them away and keep the train moving. No stops. Choo choo.

Teena/Bronx said...

I'm going to tonight game. Six for six this season. choo choo Need for the weather to hold out. choo choo

Eddie O'Connor said...

Dominate AJ, dominate. Embarrass the fools who do not believe in you. Choo choo.

Linda Pardo said...

Keep your streak going Teena. Enjoy the game. choo choo.

Pat Piper said...

Lead us o' Captain. Show us the way. Lead us o' Captain. Help make our day.

choo choo

johnsondc said...

Arod may not need surgery over the winter. A final decision will be made after testing after the playoffs.

Dennis G said...

Less than an hour to game time. I can't wait. I'm so stoked.

Andrew J said...

Lets get ready to rumble. Go Yankees. It's all about the win. Nothing else matters.

bigbadwolf said...

Was that not a great game. Holy cow, choo choo.

Sharon.NC said...

Teena does it again, another win.

Chuck Adams said...

Excellent game from Arod. He has come of age, finally. Walk off from Tex.

William Mensom said...

Super game to watch. I have no nails left. The train is running on the express track. Choo choo.

sid greenberg/nyc said...

I love it. WIN METHOD is 100% right. It is all about winning and wins. Nothing, nothing is better than winning.

Ted Knight said...

Playoff walkoff win number 1. Choo choo.

Chuck Adams said...

What a game. Win or lose it would have been a great game. Two teams fighting tooth and nail and the umpires.

Tom Loughlin said...

I'm glad there are days off after these games. I need them.

Erica Johnston said...

It's the next day and I still get chills from last nights games. AJ did his job. And Jeter, Tex, and Arod did theirs. Love it.

Teena/Bronx said...

I just woke up. That was the best game I've ever been to. The excitement built from start to finish with ups and downs until the final up. Seven for seven. choo choo

Mike Blount said...

Great game people. Great effort by both teams. I'm glad we came out on top. choo choo

Tony V said...

I too, need a day off after last night. Great game had me sitting at the edge of my chair and nail biting. Anyways, choo choo.

Anonymous said...

Lets finish it off tomorrow. No stops for the train. Big game from Andy. Andys junk may make the Twins stumble after all the heat they've seen.

Walter Hammond said...

WIN METHOD rules, everyone are fools.

johnny said...

chooo choo chooo chooo yankees

Carl L said...

lets finish the first round job tonight. mow then down andy. dhoo dhoo

Lou Lis said...

A little late, but thanks WIN METHOD for all you have done and are doing. Keep the train moving guys. choo choo.

Anonymous said...

If Pettitte can follow in the footsteps of CC and AJ we will triumph tonight. The relief corps had its porr outing and we still won. Runaway train in motion, choo choo.

johnsondc said...

Don't be afraid to use your name here. It goes no further than this site. You made solid comments.

Herb W said...

Go Andy, you are the veteran presence of the starters. Show them what you've got.

Ted Knight said...


bigbadwolf said...

Put a fork in the bosux, they're done.

Paul H said...

If we get by the Twins, we will at least know who we will be playing for the pennant. The Angels are a real good team and will give us everything we can handle. Either way, the AL wins the WS.

Steve said...

An hour to game time. Choo choo, choo choo, get the train moving. Go Yankees.

YankeeMike said...

Andy brilliant, bullpen brilliant, Jeter in the right place for a game turning play brilliant. Another great game.

William Mensom said...

One series down, two to go. Great pitching from everyone, timely hitting and great defense. The captain is supreme.

sid greenberg/nyc said...

Wow, do these great games ever stop coming. Is Jeter something else or what. Why is he the one always involved in the big play and is always in the right place at the right time. Jeter has to be the single greatest intangible in baseball history.

Stan Musinski said...

Another big time win. The train is rolling full speed. choo choo.

Chuck Adams said...

A very nice win. The pitching has been great from start to finish. The next series should be a doozy. choo choo

Giambino said...

I agree, Jeter has that innate ability defensively that I have never seen in any other player. To be in position time after time, year after year, on the biggest brightest stage and to perform beyond expectations and help lead and carry his team to victory is astounding.

johnsondc said...

Very nice and astute post Giambino. You are right on.

Ted Knight said...

Nice game. Alot of WIN METHOD here. Get ready for the next series.

Cindy J said...

Great work WIN METHOD. Keep the train rolling. You are the best.

Dennis G said...

Two more series to go. That's one in a row for the time being.

Pete H said...

All these days off are kiling me. We need to get the train moving again.

Jerry Curcio said...

I agree Pete. The WS will be played in November. But it's better than football.

bigbadwolf said...

It looks like the Yankees will go with three starters for the Angel series. That means CC pitches game for on three days rest. A rain out could give hi the fourth day of rest.
Right now 1.CC/Friday 2.AJ/Saturday Sunday travel 3.Andy/Monday 4.CC/Tuesday Wednesday off 5.AJ/Thursday Friday travel 6.Andy/Saturday 7.CC/Sunday. Of course games 5,6,7 only in needed. SSSWWWWEEEEEPPPPP

Walter Hammond said...

Thanks for the heads up. This is the place to come for the best info the fastest. Great blog guys.

Herb W said...

I'm on board. Get the train moving again. choo choo.

Tony P said...

Good pitching and timely hitting will make us the winner. Three starters and the best relief corps in baseball should win the day.

Eddie O'Connor said...

Two more day until game time. Lets go YANKEES.

Carl L said...

At least there is a playoff game tomorrow in the other league.

Simon Moss said...

Tomorrow we start the train rolling again, weather permitting. choo choo

Al Baker said...

It's such a pleasure reading posts by people who really know baseball and are true fans who do not degrade their team. Great blog folks. I will start posting here.

Chuck Adams said...

Lets try for a sweep and shutup the naysayers.

Sharon/NC said...

Just 12 hours to game time. How;s the weather in NY Teena.

Teena/Bronx said...

It is very chilly and showery right now. In my opinion the game will be played tonight with temps in the upper 30's and maybe a slight chance of a shower. Tomorrows game however, may be the one in question the most. I do not think they will be able to play tomorrow night as another storm is heading in.

johnsondc said...

Great stuff, thank you Teena.

Tim H said...

I have high hopes the train is a runaway express and a sweep is on the horizon. choo choo.

Giambino said...

The engine is getting started. choo choo. Go Yankees.

Stan Musinski said...

Throw hard, throw strikes CC. Give them nothing and the win will be ours. Lets get the train rolling. choo choo.

johnny said...

choo chooo chooo choo go yankes c chooo choo cho

Walter Hammond said...

Three hours and counting until the train leaves. Strikes CC. choo choo.

Frank R said...

Get off on the right foot. Win game one,

Victor Bruno said...

LETS GO YANKEES. choo choo

Cindy J said...

Lead us o' again Captain Jeter. Show us the way, show us the light, do what is right, and our team will hold sway tonight. choo choo

Phil Logan said...

Good stuff Cindy. Full speed ahead. Hit and pitch. Choo choo.

Steve said...

All aboard for teh train to the pennant. Go Yankees. choo choo.

Cindy J said...

Our Captain shows the way and starts the train to full speed ahead. choo choo.

YankeeMike said...

CC dominates, the YANKEES win. choo choo

Fred Slube said...

One down three to go. This is a non stop express. choo choo

bigbadwolf said...

Beautiful game CC and Jeter take charge. Lets keep rolling.

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