Today we will review several WIN METHOD tenets and cover several topics.
First off, YANKEE fans, let us congratulate our team on this weekends performance in sweeping four games from the bosux. Keep in mind however this WIN METHOD tenet. No team is as good as they seem when on a winning streak, and no team is as bad as they seem when they are on a losing streak.
Secondly, with my years of baseball knowledge, I can very confidently say the YANKEES will make the playoffs.
Third, always remember this all important tenet of the WIN METHOD. The single most important tool in evaluating a player is WHEN that player performs. Never how much or how many he attains for himself, but WHEN he delivers to help in creating a win for the team. Get rid of the stat fraud individual stats and see which teams are led to the playoffs by the best players in the game.
Fourth, WIN METHOD fans and followers are the most knowledgeable, wisest fans in all of baseball. Thank you all for contributing so much to this blog, keeping the train moving and your choo choos.
Finally the most important issue. After all his seasons in baseball, it finally appears our friend Afaud has come of age. He has done more to help the team win this year than during any season for any team he has played for. Maybe his hip injury and his time away at the beginning of the season has helped make a difference. But recently, Arod has become part of the team, finally realizing others produce WHEN it counts, not just him, and all members of the team help in achieving the goal of team success. He has shown joy when others than himself have produced. His corruption of Cano and Melky has ceased since Jeter has taken them under his wing.
Always remember WIN METHOD fans, it is the team that wins, no individual player. Individuals can succeed for themselves statistically, but if the team does not win, the individual stats are meaningless except for use by stat frauds and fantasy leagues.